Affective and cognitive theory of mind abilities in youth with borderline personality disorder or major depressive disorder
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Aspects of Theory of Mind that attenuate the relationship between persecutory delusions and social functioning in schizophrenia spectrum disorders
Relations between theory of mind and executive function in middle childhood: A short-term longitudinal study
Effective connectivity gateways to the Theory of Mind network in processing communicative intention
Disassociation of cognitive and affective aspects of theory of mind in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Psychometric properties of three measures assessing advanced theory of mind: Evidence from people with schizophrenia
The relationship between joint attention and theory of mind in neurotypical adults
Exploring different explanations for performance on a theory of mind task in Williams syndrome and autism using eye movements
Specialized mechanisms for theory of mind: Are mental representations special because they are mental or because they are representations?
Theory of mind impairments in patients with first-episode schizophrenia and their unaffected siblings
Mindreading in the dark: Dark personality features and theory of mind
A longitudinal assessment of the relation between executive function and theory of mind at 3, 4, and 5 years
Theory of mind, perceived intentions and reciprocal behaviour: Evidence from individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
The origins of children’s metamemory: The role of theory of mind
An investigation of attributional style, theory of mind and executive functioning in acute paranoia and remission
“I love the cute caterpillar!” autistic children's production of internal state language across contexts and relations to Joint Attention and theory of mind
Improving low-income preschoolers’ theory of mind: A training study
Internal state language in the storybook narratives of children with and without autism spectrum disorder: Investigating relations to theory of mind abilities
Thinking about seeing: Perceptual sources of knowledge are encoded in the theory of mind brain regions of sighted and blind adults
How do preschoolers’ sharing behaviors relate to their theory of mind understanding?
Collaborative mother–toddler communication and theory of mind development at age 4
Is the Theory of Mind deficit observed in visual paradigms in schizophrenia explained by an impaired attention toward gaze orientation?
An exploratory study of the relationship between neurological soft signs and theory of mind deficits in schizophrenia
A meta-analytic review of theory of mind difficulties in behavioural-variant frontotemporal dementia
Is thinking about the future related to theory of mind and executive function? Not in preschoolers
A temporally sustained implicit theory of mind deficit in autism spectrum disorders
How could Theory of Mind contribute to the differentiation of social adjustment profiles of children with externalizing behavior disorders and children with intellectual disabilities?
General intellectual functioning as a buffer against theory-of-mind deficits in individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex damage does not impair the development and use of common ground in social interaction: Implications for cognitive theory of mind
Distinct roles of the ‘Shared Pain’ and ‘Theory of Mind’ networks in processing others’ emotional suffering
How do alternative ways of responding influence 3- and 4-year-olds’ performance on tests of executive function and theory of mind?
Does sensitivity to criticism mediate the relationship between theory of mind and academic achievement?
Ambiguity detection in adolescents with Asperger syndrome: Is central coherence or theory of mind impaired?
Empathy, theory of mind, and individual differences in the appropriation bias among 4- and 5-year-olds
Maternal history of depression is associated with enhanced theory of mind in depressed and nondepressed adult women
What's in a voice? Prosody as a test case for the Theory of Mind account of autism
Superior ‘theory of mind’ in borderline personality disorder: An analysis of interaction behavior in a virtual trust game
Do deaf adults with limited language have advanced theory of mind?
Emotion processing and theory of mind in schizophrenia patients and their unaffected first-degree relatives
Social performance is more closely associated with theory of mind and autobiographical memory than with psychopathological symptoms in clinically stable patients with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders
Theory of Mind, Executive Functions, and Laterality: an evolutionary and neuropsychiatric perspective
Inference processing in adolescents with Asperger syndrome: Relationship with theory of mind abilities
Pragmatics, theory of mind and executive functions after a right-hemisphere lesion: Different patterns of deficits
Exploring the relationships among mirror neurons, theory of mind, and achievement goals: Towards a model of achievement goal contagion in educational settings
Mirroring and mu rhythm involvement in social cognition: Are there dissociable subcomponents of theory of mind?
Are dopaminergic pathways involved in theory of mind? A study in Parkinson's disease ☆
Theory of Mind “emotion”, developmental characteristics and social understanding in children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities
Subjuntivo y conciencia de la subjetividad en la adquisición infantil del lenguaje y la teoría de la mente
Impaired theory of mind in first-episode schizophrenia: comparison with community, university and depressed controls
Theory of mind “beliefs”, developmental characteristics and social understanding in children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities
The cost of thinking about false beliefs: Evidence from adults’ performance on a non-inferential theory of mind task
Schizophrenic patients treated with clozapine or olanzapine perform better on theory of mind tasks than those treated with risperidone or typical antipsychotic medications
A prospective study of the effects of anterior temporal lobectomy on emotion recognition and theory of mind
Theory-of-mind, cognitive development, and children's interpretation of anxiety-related physical symptoms
Error analyses reveal contrasting deficits in “theory of mind”: Neuropsychological evidence from a 3-option false belief task
Self-face recognition and theory of mind in patients with schizophrenia and first-degree relatives
Representational and executive selection resources in ‘theory of mind’: Evidence from compromised belief-desire reasoning in old age
Social functioning, theory of mind and neurocognition in outpatients with schizophrenia; mental state decoding may be a better predictor of social functioning than mental state reasoning
Theory-of-mind use in remitted schizophrenia patients: The role of inhibition and perspective-switching
Confronting the language barrier: Theory of mind in deaf children
The theory-of-mind network in support of action verb comprehension: Evidence from an fMRI study
Theory of mind in Koreans with schizophrenia: A meta-analysis
From self to social cognition: Theory of Mind mechanisms and their relation to Executive Functioning
Connecting the dots from infancy to childhood: A longitudinal study connecting gaze following, language, and explicit theory of mind
Higher-order theory of mind in the Tacit Communication Game
Conditional sentences create a blind spot in theory of mind during narrative comprehension ☆
The relationship between insight and theory of mind in schizophrenia
Nonspecificity and theory of mind: New evidence from a nonverbal false-sign task and children with autism spectrum disorders
The link between impaired theory of mind and executive function in children with cerebral palsy
Infant shy temperament predicts preschoolers Theory of Mind
Theory of mind and switching predict prospective memory performance in adolescents
Social cognition in ADHD: Irony understanding and recursive theory of mind
The role of oxytocin in mothers’ theory of mind and interactive behavior during the perinatal period