Measuring empowerment: Developing and validating the Resident Empowerment through Tourism Scale (RETS)
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
CEO–TMT exchange, TMT personality composition, and decision quality: The mediating role of TMT psychological empowerment ☆
Transparency and empowerment in an investment environment
The interactive effect of leader–member exchange and electronic communication on employee psychological empowerment and work outcomes
Identifying factors that influence the learner empowerment of international students
Empowerment and resident attitudes toward tourism: Strengthening the theoretical foundation through a Weberian lens
The effect of customer empowerment on adherence to expert advice ☆
Stitching toward empowerment: A case study of Tabiro Ladies’ Club
A cluster-DEE-based strategy to empower protein design
Relocating empowerment as a management concept for Asia
Issues on Bali Tourism Development and Community Empowerment to Support Sustainable Tourism Development
Women Empowerment through Creative Industry: A Case Study
The Empowerment Route to Well-being: An Analysis of Farmer Field Schools in East Africa
NGOs and the Political Empowerment of Poor People in Rural Bangladesh: Cultivating the Habits of Democracy?
Impact of consumer empowerment on online trust: An examination across genders
Measurement of Women’s Empowerment in Rural Bangladesh
The moderating effect of collectivistic orientation in psychological empowerment and job satisfaction relationship
Power over empowerment: Encountering development accounting in a Sri Lankan fishing village
Empowerment in hospitality organizations: Customer orientation and organizational support
Government programs can improve local labor markets: Evidence from State Enterprise Zones, Federal Empowerment Zones and Federal Enterprise Community
Trust and psychological empowerment in the Russian work context
Assessing fishers' empowerment in inland openwater fisheries in Bangladesh
Analyzing empowerment: An ongoing process of building state–civil society relations – The case of Walnut Way in Milwaukee
University-based services for asylum seekers on Guam: Empowerment, culture learning and community
Female Empowerment: Impact of a Commitment Savings Product in the Philippines
Self-managing selling teams and team performance: The complementary roles of empowerment and control
NGOs as intelligence agencies: The empowerment of transnational advocacy networks and the media by commercial remote sensing in the case of the Iranian nuclear program
Empowerment Zones, neighborhood change and owner-occupied housing
Leader–member exchange and empowerment: Direct and interactive effects on job satisfaction, turnover intentions, and performance
The Impact of Lending to Women on Household Vulnerability and Women’s Empowerment: Evidence from India
Fragile empowerment: The dynamic cultural economy of British drum and bass music
The effect of comprehensive performance measurement systems on role clarity, psychological empowerment and managerial performance
?Do Women’s Land Rights Promote Empowerment and Child Health in Nepal
Influences on employee preferences for empowerment practices by the “ideal manager” in China
Psychological empowerment and its relationship to trust in immediate managers
(Re)politicizing empowerment: Lessons from the South African wine industry
The impact of developmental experience, empowerment, and organizational support on catering service staff performance
The impact of knowledge and empowerment on working smart and working hard: The moderating role of experience
Leader–member exchange in a Chinese context: Antecedents, the mediating role of psychological empowerment and outcomes
Empowerment and institutions: Managing fisheries in Uganda
Accountability for Empowerment: Dilemmas Facing Non-Governmental Organizations
Reproducing Difference? Schooling, Jobs, and Empowerment in Uttar Pradesh, India
Trading Off Environmental Sustainability for Empowerment and Income: Woodlot Devolution in Northern Ethiopia
Start at the end: empowerment evaluation product planning
Psychological empowerment of non-supervisory employees working in full-service restaurants
The consequences and limits of empowerment in financial services
When common sense becomes uncommon: participation and empowerment in Russian companies with Western participation
The role of organizational service climate in generating control and empowerment among workers and customers
?The growing role of informal controls: does organization learning empower or subjugate workers
What does it mean to empower informationally the local government!—designing an information system for a district level development administration
Local empowerment through economic restructuring in Brazil: the case of the greater ABC region
Civil Society Collaboration with Business: Bringing Empowerment Back in
Conflicts Over Credit: Re-Evaluating the Empowerment Potential of Loans to Women in Rural Bangladesh
Paradox of Empowerment: Reflections on a Case Study from Northern Ghana
Empowerment, expectations, and the psychological contract—managing the dilemmas and gaining the advantages
?Re-thinking empowerment:: Why is it so hard to achieve
Doing effective evaluations: a case study of family empowerment due to welfare reform