A tourist kit ‘made in Italy’: An ‘intelligent’ system for implementing new generation destination cards
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Map-Enhanced Visual Taxiway Extraction for Autonomous Taxiing of UAVs∗
On accurate determination of PVT properties in crude oil systems: Committee machine intelligent system modeling approach
Towards better environmental software for spatio-temporal ecological models: Lessons from developing an intelligent system supporting phytoplankton prediction in lakes ☆
Automated intelligent system for sound signalling device quality assurance
Intelligent Systems for the Prognosis of Energy Consumption in Manufacturing and Assembly ☆
A domain-specific visual language for modeling metacognition in intelligent systems
A Perspective on Knowledge Based and Intelligent Systems Implementation in Industrie 4.0 ☆
Alcohol consumption detection through behavioural analysis using intelligent systems
A hybrid intelligent system for medical data classification
Hybrid intelligent system for air quality forecasting using phase adjustment
Decision support and intelligent systems in the textile and apparel supply chain: An academic review of research articles
Development of an intelligent system based on ANFIS for predicting wheat grain yield on the basis of energy inputs
An intelligent system for egg quality classification based on visible-infrared transmittance spectroscopy
Assessing and optimization of pipeline system performance using intelligent systems
A hybrid intelligent system for diagnosing microalbuminuria in type 2 diabetes patients without having to measure urinary albumin
Model of Production Environment Controlled With Intelligent Systems ☆
Ovarian cancer diagnosis using a hybrid intelligent system with simple yet convincing rules
A new hybrid intelligent system for accurate detection of Parkinson's disease
Design and validation of a metamodel for metacognition support in artificial intelligent systems
Intelligent Systems Research in the Construction Industry
A hybrid fuzzy-ontology based intelligent system to determine level of severity and treatment recommendation for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Application of a dual foundation approach for construction of an intelligent system
Information aggregation in intelligent systems: An application oriented approach
Hybrid intelligent systems for predicting software reliability
A multi-stage learning framework for intelligent system
A hybrid intelligent system for PID controller using in a steel rolling process
Development and application of intelligent system modeling and simulation platform
SmartGantt – An intelligent system for real time rescheduling based on relational reinforcement learning
Passive House model for quantitative and qualitative analyses and its intelligent system
Industrial implementation of intelligent system techniques for nuclear power plant condition monitoring
Hybrid intelligent system for cardiac arrhythmia classification with Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbors and neural networks combined with a fuzzy system
Intelligent System for Human Computer Interface Using Hand Gesture Recognition
Design and Implementation of Web Usage Mining Intelligent System in the Field of e-commerce
A new intelligent system for senior executives to maintain remote control of their company
An intelligent system for monitoring and diagnosis of the CO2 capture process
Intelligent system based on wavelet decomposition and neural network for predicting of fan speed for energy saving in HVAC system
Intelligent system for prediction and control: Application in plasma spray process
Evolutionary construction and adaptation of intelligent systems
An intelligent system using adaptive wavelet entropy for automatic analog modulation identification
A forecasting solution to the oil spill problem based on a hybrid intelligent system
The development of an intelligent system for customized clothing making
Implementation of intelligent systems, enabling integration of SMEs to high-value supply chain networks
Computing based on the physics of nano devices—A beyond-CMOS approach to human-like intelligent systems
Tele-maintenance «intelligent» system for technical plants result management
Intelligent system for identification and replacement of faulty sensor measurements in Thermal Power Plants (IPPAMAS: Part 1)
Exploring design space for an integrated intelligent system
Marketing Intelligent Systems for consumer behaviour modelling by a descriptive induction approach based on Genetic Fuzzy Systems
Agent-based intelligent system development for decision support in chemical process industry
JAPIEST: An integral intelligent system for the diagnosis and control of tomatoes diseases and pests in hydroponic greenhouses
A foundation of rough sets theoretical and computational hybrid intelligent system for survival analysis
DADICC: Intelligent system for anomaly detection in a combined cycle gas turbine plant
Researching and developing a real-time infrastructure for intelligent systems — Evolution of an integrated approach
Modeling intrusion detection system using hybrid intelligent systems
The theory and experiments of designing cooperative intelligent systems
AgentStra: an Internet-based multi-agent intelligent system for strategic decision-making
On-line algorithms for computing mean and variance of interval data, and their use in intelligent systems
An ontology-based intelligent system for recruitment
On agents and grids: Creating the fabric for a new generation of distributed intelligent systems
Application of intelligent systems for specification of automotive equipments using LEDs
An investigation into an intelligent system for predicting bead geometry in GMA welding process
An intelligent system for customer targeting: a data mining approach
Integration of intelligent systems in development of smart adaptive systems
Applying case-based reasoning and multi-agent intelligent system to context-aware comparative shopping
Approximation space for intelligent system design patterns
Organizational building blocks for design of distributed intelligent system
A study on an intelligent system to predict the tensile stress in welding using solar energy concentration
An intelligent system for forest fire risk prediction and fire fighting management in Galicia
The construction of an internet-based intelligent system for internal control evaluation
Neuro-fuzzy synergism to the intelligent system for edge detection and enhancement
Building an intelligent system using modern Internet technologies
An intelligent system for tuning magnetic field of a cathode ray tube deflection yoke
Knowledge base management systems-tools for creating verified intelligent systems
An intelligent system for multivariate statistical process monitoring and diagnosis
Intelligent system for extraction of product data from CADD models