Comprehensive evaluation for construction performance in concurrent engineering environment
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Concurrent engineering performance: Incremental versus radical innovation
Incorporating probabilistic model of customers’ preferences in concurrent engineering
A Risk Mitigation Methodology for New Product and Process Design in Concurrent Engineering Projects
A decision support system for product design in concurrent engineering
A DFX and concurrent engineering model for the establishment of a new department in a university
Mediating effects of computer-aided design usage: From concurrent engineering to product development performance
Risk Quantification for New Product Design and Development in a Concurrent Engineering Environment
Modeling tradeoffs in three-dimensional concurrent engineering: a goal programming approach
Viewpoints in co-design: a field study in concurrent engineering
An Internet-enabled integrated system for co-design and concurrent engineering
Functional dimensioning and tolerancing software for concurrent engineering applications
A concurrent engineering-oriented design database representation model
Information model for the integration of inspection activity in a concurrent engineering framework
The changing relationship between production and inventory examined in a concurrent engineering context
Associative feature modeling for concurrent engineering integration
A self-assessment tool for implementing concurrent engineering through change management
The application of business process modelling to organisational analysis of concurrent engineering environments
Decomposition of interdependent task group for concurrent engineering☆ ☆
Implementation of concurrent engineering: a survey in Italy and Belgium
Change management in concurrent engineering from a parameter perspective
Towards more strategic product design for manufacture and assembly: priorities for concurrent engineering
Performance measurement of R&D projects in a multi-project, concurrent engineering environment
An object-oriented approach to the concurrent engineering of electronics assemblies
Readiness Assessment of the construction supply chain for concurrent engineering
The role of product safety and liability in concurrent engineering
Assessing the suitability of current briefing practices in construction within a concurrent engineering framework
Concurrent engineering and virtual reality for human resource planning
Experiences with a concurrent engineering self-assessment tool
Roughness and materials in concurrent engineering systems
A Concurrent-Engineering Approach Toward the Online Adaptive Control of Injection Molding Process
Towards the application of case based reasoning to decision-making in concurrent product development (concurrent engineering)
Co-Ordination Between Product and Process Definitions in a Concurrent Engineering Environment
CAIRO: a concurrent engineering meeting environment for virtual design teams
Implementation of concurrent engineering in the suppliers to the automotive industry
A viewpoint analysis reference model for Concurrent Engineering
Development of concurrent engineering system for design of composite structures
Re-engineering of the design process for concurrent engineering
A concurrent engineering approach to chemical process design
Enabling allied concurrent engineering through distributed engineering information management
A concurrent engineering approach to the development of a scroll compressor