Optimal online operation of residential μCHP systems using linear programming
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Linking long-term capacity management for manufacturing and service operations
Placement and operation strategy of FACTS devices using optimal continuous power flow
A new operation strategy for CCHP systems with hybrid chillers
Key factors methodology—A novel support to the decision making process of the building energy manager in defining optimal operation strategies
Strategic choice of flexible production technology using game theory approach
Life cycle assessment of a solar combined cooling heating and power system in different operation strategies
The effects of supplier-to-buyer identification on operational performance—An empirical investigation of inter-organizational identification in automotive relationships
Practical operation strategies for pumped hydroelectric energy storage (PHES) utilising electricity price arbitrage
Through the service operations strategy looking glass: Influence of industrial sector, ownership, and service offerings on B2B e-marketplace failures
The evolutionary complexity of complex adaptive supply networks: A simulation and case study
Optimization of capacity and operation for CCHP system by genetic algorithm
Micro-combined cooling, heating and power systems hybrid electric-thermal load following operation
Prolonging network lifetime with multi-domain cooperation strategies in wireless sensor networks
Analysis of a combined cooling, heating, and power system model under different operating strategies with input and model data uncertainty
Development of an optimal operation strategy in a sequential batch reactor (SBR) through mixed-integer particle swarm dynamic optimization (PSO)
The differential impact of product complexity, inventory level, and configuration capacity on unit and order fill rate performance
A study of operation strategy of cooling module with dynamic fuel cell system model for transportation application
Analysis and optimization of CCHP systems based on energy, economical, and environmental considerations
How the transaction cost and resource-based theories of the firm inform outsourcing evaluation
Linking operations objectives to actions: A plug and play approach
The efficient use of enterprise information for strategic advantage: A data envelopment analysis
The product-relationship-matrix as framework for strategic supply chain design based on operations theory
Micro-hybrid electric vehicle application of valve-regulated lead–acid batteries in absorbent glass mat technology: Testing a partial-state-of-charge operation strategy
Taking operations strategy into practice: Developing a process for defining priorities and performance measures
A contingent view of e-collaboration and performance in manufacturing
Sheet metal forming global control system based on artificial vision system and force–acoustic sensors
ISO 9000 practices and financial performance: A technology coherence perspective
How to organise operations: Focusing or splitting?
Mapping the structural properties of production process and product mix
Optimization of ice making period for ice storage system with flake ice maker
Global operations strategy: Coordinating manufacturing networks
An analysis of decentralized collection and processing of end-of-life products
Process innovativeness in technology services organizations: Roles of differentiation strategy, operational autonomy and risk-taking propensity
The evolution of a management philosophy: The theory of constraints
Why do Internet commerce firms incorporate logistics service providers in their distribution channels?: The role of transaction costs and network strength
Information systems outsourcing: Replicating an existing framework in a different cultural context
Spiral cutting operation strategy for machining of sculptured surfaces by conformal map approach
Absorptive capacity: Enhancing the assimilation of time-based manufacturing practices
Understanding service experience in non-profit performing arts: Implications for operations and service management
The antecedents of supply chain agility of a firm: Scale development and model testing
Analysis of coalition formation and cooperation strategies in mobile ad hoc networks
Supplier–supplier relationships in the buyer–supplier triad: Building theories from eight case studies
Operational, economic and mission elements in not-for-profit organizations: the case of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra
The decision-making on an in-house logistic division’s operation strategies
Aligning ERP implementation with competitive priorities of manufacturing firms: An exploratory study
The labor–machine dyad and its influence on mix flexibility
An exploratory study of the nature of cumulative capabilities
Plant roles and decision autonomy in multinational plant networks
Industrial service profiling: Matching service offerings and processes
Applying the multi-objective approach for operation strategy of cogeneration systems under environmental constraints
Factors influencing the utilization of Internet purchasing in small organizations
Civilian–military co-operation strategies in developing new technologies
Operation strategy of residential centralized photovoltaic system in remote areas
E-services: operating strategy—a case study and a method for analyzing operational benefits
The integration of manufacturing and marketing/sales decisions: impact on organizational performance
The impact of strategic operations management decisions on community hospital performance
Sources of volume flexibility and their impact on performance
Unveiling the structure of supply networks: case studies in Honda, Acura, and DaimlerChrysler
Demand chain management: an integrative approach in automotive retailing
Benefits and barriers of telework: perception differences of human resources managers according to company's operations strategy
Factors impacting AMT implementation: an integrative and controlled study
Understanding managerial preferences in selecting equipment
Service design and operations strategy formulation in multicultural markets
Integrating product mix and technology adoption decisions: a portfolio approach for evaluating advanced technologies in the automobile industry
Arcs of integration: an international study of supply chain strategies