FX market liquidity, funding constraints and capital flows
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Price dynamics and market liquidity: An intraday event study on Euronext
Does stock market liquidity explain real economic activity? New evidence from two large European stock markets
On the stock market liquidity and the business cycle: A multi country approach
Fractal markets: Liquidity and investors on different time horizons
A simple approximation of intraday spreads using daily data
The asset pricing effects of UK market liquidity shocks: Evidence from tick data
Market liquidity and bank-dominated corporate governance: Evidence from Japan
The interbank market risk premium, central bank interventions, and measures of market liquidity
The impact of ADR activity on stock market liquidity: Evidence from Latin America
Market liquidity, private information, and the cost of capital: Market microstructure studies on family firms in Japan ☆
Stock market liquidity and macro-liquidity shocks: Evidence from the 2007–2009 financial crisis
Reprint of: Market liquidity in the financial crisis: The role of liquidity commonality and flight-to-quality ☆
Consumer attitudes, stock market liquidity, and the macro economy: A Canadian perspective ☆☆☆
Liquidity and firm investment: Evidence for Latin America
Does monetary policy determine stock market liquidity? New evidence from the euro zone
Central bank reserves and interbank market liquidity in the euro area
Do mutual fund managers time market liquidity?
Wealth effects on the housing markets: Do market liquidity and market states matter?
Effect of ownership, governance, and transparency on liquidity – Chilean evidence
Market liquidity and institutional trading during the 2007–8 financial crisis
Liquidity dynamics across public and private markets
Markets liquidity risk under extremal dependence: Analysis with VaRs methods
Causality between market liquidity and depth for energy and grains
Large changes in stock prices: Market, liquidity, and momentum effect
The impact of joint participation on liquidity in equity and syndicated bank loan markets
The fragile capital structure of hedge funds and the limits to arbitrage
Corporate drivers of market liquidity on the Warsaw stock exchange
How important is liquidity risk for sovereign bond risk premia? Evidence from the London stock exchange
Market liquidity risk factor and financial market anomalies: Evidence from the Chinese stock market
Option market liquidity: Commonality and other characteristics
The strategic specialist and imperfect competition in a limit order market
The market reaction to cross-listings: Does the destination market matter?
Credit spreads on corporate bonds and the macroeconomy in Japan
Foreign institutional ownership and stock market liquidity: Evidence from Indonesia
Interbank market liquidity and central bank intervention
Common liquidity shocks and market collapse: Lessons from the market for perps
The economic benefits of FASB's recommended disclosures: Evidence from the pharmaceutical industry
Interaction of investor trades and market volatility: Evidence from the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Price differences between equity classes. Corporate control, foreign ownership or liquidity?
Does good corporate governance reduce information asymmetry around quarterly earnings announcements?
Limit orders and the intraday behavior of market liquidity: Evidence from the Toronto stock exchange
Regulatory changes and market liquidity in Chinese stock markets
Spanish Treasury bond market liquidity and volatility pre- and post-European Monetary Union
Auditor compensation, disclosure quality, and market liquidity: Evidence from the stock market
The market liquidity of DIAMONDS, Q's, and their underlying stocks
Shareholder activism is non-monotonic in market liquidity
Trading your neighbor’s ETFs: Competition or fragmentation?
A secondary market for the trading of spectrum: promoting market liquidity
Commonality in liquidity: transmission of liquidity shocks across investors and securities
The tax-loss selling hypothesis, market liquidity, and price pressure around the turn-of-the-year
Liquidity costs: Screen-based trading versus open outcry
Can splits create market liquidity? Theory and evidence