Outsourcing vs. in-house production: a comparison of supply chain contracts with effort dependent demand
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Outsourcing public relations pedagogy: Lessons from innovation, management futures, and stakeholder participation
Outsourcing inspiration: The performance effects of ideological messages from leaders and beneficiaries
Outsourcing and computers: Impact on urban skill level and rent
Outsourcing rural school transportation: A Brazilian handbook for practice at the municipal level
Technology and outsourcing: An explanation to the rising wage gap
A classification of logistic outsourcing levels and their impact on service performance: Evidence from the food processing industry
Skilled–unskilled wage inequality and offshore outsourcing with asymmetric adjustment costs
Equilibrium unemployment with outsourcing and wage solidarity under labour market imperfections
Outsourcing distribution and logistics services within the automotive supplier industry
Information technology outsourcing through a configurational lens
Does IT outsourcing deliver economic value to firms?
Impacts of internal and interorganizational information systems on the outsourcing of manufacturing
Outsourcing congruence with competitive priorities: Impact on supply chain and firm performance
Solving the integrated product mix-outsourcing problem using the Imperialist Competitive Algorithm
Outsourcing structures and information flow in a three-tier supply chain
Outsourcing reverse logistics of high-tech manufacturing firms by using a systematic decision-making approach: TFT-LCD sector in Taiwan
Time zones, shift working and international outsourcing
Outsourcing, competitive capabilities and performance: an empirical study in service firms
The dynamics of business service exchanges: Insights from logistics outsourcing
Implications of service processes outsourcing on firm value
Asset specificity's impact on outsourcing relationship performance: A disaggregated analysis by buyer–supplier asset specificity dimensions
The impact of outsourcing on information technology spending
Emotions in outsourcing. An empirical study in the hotel industry
Outsourcing the State? Public–Private Partnerships and Information Technologies in India
Labor market effects of international outsourcing: How measurement matters
Knowledge transfer processes in IT outsourcing relationships and their impact on shared knowledge and outsourcing performance
Outsourcing decision-making aspects considered by IT departments in Brazilian companies
Outsourcing and financial performance: A negative curvilinear effect
IT outsourcing and firm-level performance: A transaction cost perspective
Risks in offshore IT outsourcing: A service provider perspective
Power and dependence perspectives on outsourcing decisions
Production costs, scope economies, and multi-client outsourcing under quantity competition
Are outsourcing and non-aeronautical revenues important drivers in the efficiency of Spanish airports?
A feasibility evaluation on the outsourcing of quality testing and inspection
A comparative study of important risk factors involved in offshore and domestic outsourcing of software development projects: A two-panel Delphi study
Strategic Out-Tasking: Creating “win–win” outsourcing partnerships
Can deunionization lead to international outsourcing?
Making the locational choice: A case approach to the development of a theory of offshore outsourcing and internationalization
Foreign versus domestic outsourcing: Firm-level evidence on the role of technology
Risks and benefits of business process outsourcing: A study of transaction services in the German banking industry
Outsourcing the sales process: Hiring a mercenary sales force
Portfolio of controls in outsourcing relationships for global new product development
Outsourcing, supply chain upgrading and connectedness of a firm's competencies
Use of rules in decision-making in government outsourcing
30+ years of research and practice of outsourcing – Exploring the past and anticipating the future
Equilibrium unemployment with outsourcing under labour market imperfections
Supplier selection or collaboration? Determining factors of performance improvement when outsourcing manufacturing
Innovation and the geographical and organisational dimensions of outsourcing: Evidence from Italian firm-level data
A review of the IT outsourcing literature: Insights for practice
Improving logistics outsourcing through increasing buyer–provider interaction
Offshore outsourcing of services: An evolutionary perspective
Outsourcing support functions: Identifying and managing the good, the bad, and the ugly
Optimizing partners’ choice in IS/IT outsourcing projects: The strategic decision of fuzzy VIKOR
Governance decisions for the offshore outsourcing of new product development in technology intensive markets
The value impact of strategic intent on firms engaged in information systems outsourcing
Outsourcing of front-end business processes: Quality, information, and customer contact
Transformational offshore outsourcing: Empirical evidence from alliances in China
Effective strategies for internal outsourcing and offshoring of business services: An empirical investigation
A typology of offshoring and outsourcing in electronically transmitted services
Offshore outsourcing of professional services: A transaction cost economics perspective
Knowledge process outsourcing in financial services:: The vendor perspective
Accounting and the management of outsourcing: An empirical study in the hotel industry
The impact of international outsourcing on individual employment security: A micro-level analysis
Multi-period vehicle routing and crew scheduling with outsourcing options
Outsourcing for competitive advantage: An examination of seven legacy airlines
Vendors’ perspectives on trust and control in offshore information systems outsourcing
Monitoring process quality in off-shore outsourcing: A model and findings from multi-country survey