Environmental fixes and historical trajectories of marine resource use in Southeast Asia
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Collaborative approach for tourism conflict management: A Portuguese case study
Social alienation and environmental decline in a coral reef: Challenges to coastal management in the Mexican Caribbean
Assessing the significance of tourism and climate on residential water demand: Panel-data analysis and non-linear modelling of monthly water consumptions
Estimating benefits of investing in resilience of coastal infrastructure in small island developing states: An application to Barbados
The use of Geographical Information Systems for Tourism Marketing purposes in Aveiro region (Portugal)
A study on evaluation the marine carrying capacity in Guangxi Province, China
National Estimates of Values of Philippine Reefs' Ecosystem Services
Exploring coastal development scenarios for Zanzibar: A local microcosm-inspired Delphi survey
The post-socialist restitution of property as dispossession: Social dynamics and land development in Southern Albania
Elicitation of tourist accommodation demand for counter-seasonal responses: Evidence from the Slovenian Coast
A methodological framework for coastal development assessment: A case study of Fujian Province, China
Barriers towards hotel disaster preparedness: Case studies of post 2011 Tsunami, Japan
Biodiversity, coastal protection and resource endowment: Policy options for improving ocean health
A dynamic sustainable tourism evaluation using multiple benchmarks
From science to action: Exploring the potentials of Blue Economy for enhancing economic sustainability in Bangladesh
Retro-diagnosis methodology for land consumption analysis towards sustainable future scenarios: Application to a mediterranean coastal area
Efficiency in the design of coastal erosion adaptation strategies: An environmental-economic modelling approach
Factors related to municipal costs of waste collection service in Spain
Exploring multi-dimensional recreational quality of beach socio-ecological systems in the Canary Islands (Spain)
Rapid assessment of coastal underwater spots for their use as recreational scuba diving sites
Valuing coastal recreation and the visual intrusion from commercial activities in Arctic Norway
Coastal Tourism and Climate-Related Disasters in an Archipelago Country of Indonesia: Tourists Perspective
Characterization of the fish assemblage in different coastal habitats in an area heavily impacted by tourism

Ecological Restoration of a Coastal Wetland at a Mass Tourism Destination. Will the Recreational Value Increase or Decrease?
Analysis of Causes and Effects of Coastal Erosion and Environmental Degradation in Southern Coastal Belt of Sri Lanka Special Reference to Unawatuna Coastal Area
Using a spatial hedonic analysis to evaluate the effect of sea view on hotel prices
Gendered practices in urban ethnic tourism in Thailand
Is the protection of beach and dune vegetation compatible with tourism?
A framework for conflict analysis in spatial planning for tourism
Mass tourism and water efficiency in the hotel industry: A case study
Who cares about dirty beaches? Evaluating environmental awareness and action on coastal litter in Chile

Three stories under the same hut: Market preferences and forest governance drive the evolution of tourism construction materials
Coastal debris analysis in beaches of Chonburi Province, eastern of Thailand as implications for coastal conservation
Sustainable scuba diving tourism and resource use: Perspectives and experiences of operators in Mozambique and Italy
The economic contribution of a recreational fishery in a remote rural economy
The shore is wider than the beach: Ecological planning solutions to sea level rise for the Jersey Shore, USA
Fishing in a congested sea: What do marine protected areas imply for the future of the Maltese artisanal fleet?
Marine debris in beaches of the Southwestern Atlantic: An assessment of their abundance and mass at different spatial scales in northern coastal Argentina
Human-induced changes in the trophic functioning of sandy beaches
Ecosystem management tools to study natural habitats as wave damping structures and coastal protection mechanisms
Forward planning to maintain the attractiveness of coastal areas: Choosing between seawalls and managed retreat
Our Oceans and the Blue Economy: Opportunities and Challenges
Vegetation changes as an indicator of impact from tourist development in an arid transgressive coastal dune field
Influence of flushing and other characteristics of coastal lagoons using data from Ghana
An assessment of coastal land cover and off-road vehicle tracks adjacent to Ningaloo Marine Park, north-western Australia
Boat Captain Perspectives on adding non-consumptive value to charter experiences on the South Carolina coast
Differences in perception and reaction of tourist groups to beach marine debris that can influence a loss of tourism revenue in coastal areas
Human impacts quantification on the coastal landforms of Gran Canaria Island (Canary Islands)
Quality of tourist beaches of northern Chile: A first approach for ecosystem-based management
Economic impact of Mississippi and Alabama Gulf Coast tourism on the regional economy
Policy Strategies for the Mitigation of GHG Emissions caused by the Mass-Tourism Mobility in Coastal Areas
Dynamically linking economic models to ecological condition for coastal zone management: Application to sustainable tourism planning
Evidence of chronic anthropogenic nutrient within coastal lagoon reefs adjacent to urban and tourism centers, Kenya: A stable isotope approach
Campsite choice and the camping tourism experience: Investigating decisive campsite attributes using relevance-determinance analysis
Mapping the global value and distribution of coral reef tourism
Estimating the cumulative effects of the nature-based tourism in a coastal dolphin population from southern Kenya
Second homes and urban landscape patterns in Mediterranean coastal tourism destinations
Assessing the economic benefits of a tourist access road: A case study in regional coastal Australia
Evaluation of the scenic value of 100 beaches in Cuba: Implications for coastal tourism management
The economic revenues and the emergy costs of cruise tourism
The influence of weather on the recreational uses of coastal lagoons in Rhode Island, USA
Case study: Wellness, tourism and small business development in a UK coastal resort: Public engagement in practice
On the perceptions and conceptions of tourists with regard to global environmental changes and their consequences for coastal and marine environments: A case study of the northern São Paulo State coast, Brazil
Perceptions of availability of beach parking and access as predictors of coastal tourism
Developing self-guided scuba dive routes in the Algarve (Portugal) and analysing visitors' perceptions
Community Perception of Tourism Impacts and Their Participation in Tourism Planning: A Case Study of Ramsar, Iran
Sustainable financing for ocean and coastal management in Jamaica: The potential for revenues from tourist user fees
Privatizing tendencies: fishing communities and tourism in Korea
Trends in ocean and coastal tourism: the end of the last frontier?