Do instrumental goal pursuit mediate feelings of envy on Facebook and Happiness or subjective well-being?
کلیه مقالات این لیست دارای ترجمه آماده می باشند اما در صورتی که مقاله لاتین دیگری از سایر کتگوری های سایت مد نظر شماست که تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده است، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
It works both ways. Enhancing explicit self-esteem using the self-reference task
Individual differences in the effects of a positive psychology intervention: Applied psychology
Treatment of antisocial personality disorder: Development of a practice focused framework
Personality, equity sensitivity, and discretionary workplace behavior
Physiologic Response to Gender-Affirming Hormones Among Transgender Youth
Factors associated with happiness in the elderly persons living in the community
Barriers to self-compassion for female survivors of childhood maltreatment: The roles of fear of self-compassion and psychological inflexibility
A brief tale of the two faces of narcissism and the two facets of pride
Dark triad traits and romantic relationship attachment, accommodation, and control
Forgiveness and life satisfaction across different age groups in adults
Effect of logo-therapy, acceptance, commitment therapy, family psychoeducation on self-stigma, and depression on housewives living with HIV/AIDS
A diary study of appearance social comparisons and need frustration in young women
Looking beyond - socialization tactics: The role of human resource systems in the socialization process
Mind reading abilities in opiate-dependent patients: An exploratory study
Teaching Pathophysiology Using a Card Set: An Active Learning Strategy
The influence of academic discipline on empathy and psychopathic personality traits in undergraduate students
Prevalence of mental disorders among depressed coronary patients with and without Type D personality. Results of the multi-center SPIRR-CAD trial
Multiple Modalities for APA Instruction: Addressing Diverse Learning Styles
Investigating the mediating effect of Uber's sexual harassment case on its brand: Does it matter?
Knowledge acquisition through introspection in Human-Robot Cooperation
Dialectical Behavior Therapy Is Effective for the Treatment of Suicidal Behavior: A Meta-Analysis
Self-stigma among parents of children with autism spectrum disorder
Types of intelligence predict likelihood to get married and stay married: Large-scale empirical evidence for evolutionary theory
Interpersonal functioning in Hoarding Disorder: An examination of attachment styles and emotion regulation in response to interpersonal stress
How do attachment styles change from childhood through adolescence? Findings from an accelerated longitudinal Cohort study
More or less guanxi: Trust is 60% network context, 10% individual difference
The Impact of Supporting Family Caregivers Before Bereavement on Outcomes After Bereavement: Adequacy of End-of-Life Support and Achievement of Preferred Place of Death
Effects of environmental strategy, environmental uncertainty and top management's commitment on corporate environmental performance: The role of environmental management accounting
Acceptance and commitment therapy and family psycho education for clients with schizophrenia
Knowledge system commitment and knowledge sharing intention: The role of personal information management motivation
The effects of leadership change on team escalation of commitment
Mentoring in family businesses: Toward an understanding of commitment outcomes
Promoting mental health versus reducing mental illness in art therapy with patients with personality disorders: A quantitative study
Psychometric properties of the Hoarding Rating Scale-Interview
Psychometric assessment of the marijuana adolescent problem inventory
Examining latent classes of smartphone users: Relations with psychopathology and problematic smartphone use
Expressive flexibility: Enhancement and suppression abilities differentially predict life satisfaction and psychopathology symptoms
Production planning with order acceptance and demand uncertainty
A review of technology acceptance and adoption models and theories
Trait perfectionism and attitudes towards people with disabilities
Therapeutic group therapy improved self-efficacy of school age children
How social support influences university students' academic achievement and emotional exhaustion: The mediating role of self-esteem
Gamification artifacts and crowdsourcing participation: Examining the mediating role of intrinsic motivations
Applying institutional theories to managing megaprojects
Influence of valproate on language functions in children with epilepsy
A randomized trial of a motivational interviewing intervention to increase lifestyle physical activity and improve self-reported function in adults with arthritis
The Positive Psychology Outcome Measure (PPOM) for people with dementia: Psychometric properties and factor structure
Comparison of Self-Administered Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Tool vs. Researcher Administered Tool in the Emergency Department
Age differences in outcomes among patients in the âStimulant Abuser Groups to Engage in 12-Stepâ (STAGE-12) intervention

رفتار خودآزاری/خودکشی را میتوان با اعتیاد به اینترنت در میان نوجوانان پیشبینی کند: تحقیق آیندهنگر
Internet Addiction among Adolescents May Predict Self-Harm/Suicidal Behavior: A Prospective Study
Conceptualizing and operationalizing the social entrepreneurship construct
Pituitary gland shrinkage in bipolar disorder: The role of gender
Anxiety disorders and childhood maltreatment as predictors of outcome in bipolar disorder
Aversion to happiness and the experience of happiness: The moderating roles of personality
Contingent effects of close relationships with suppliers upon independent restaurant product development: A social capital perspective
The motivational pull of video game feedback, rules, and social interaction: Another self-determination theory approach
Conservatism as a situated identity: Implications for consumer behavior
Synthesizing building physics with social psychology: An interdisciplinary framework for context and occupant behavior in office buildings
Social Networks and Childhood. New Agents of Socialization
Knowledge of the Natural and Social Environment in ICT Consumer Childrenâ
Metacognitive monitoring of working memory performance and its relationship to academic achievement in Grade 4 children
Self-harm and its association with internet addiction and internet exposure to suicidal thought in adolescents
The Perceived Stress Reactivity Scale for adolescent athletes
A randomized controlled trial of a smoking cessation self-help intervention for dual users of tobacco cigarettes and E-cigarettes: Intervention development and research design
Online self-help forums on cannabis: A content assessment
The contribution of mindfulness to predicting burnout in the workplace
Direct and interactive effects of narcissism and power on overconfidence
Validation of the Malayalam version of the Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness (ISMI) scale
Do stress, health behavior, and sleep mediate the association between loneliness and adverse health conditions among older people?