An investigation of geothermal energy applications and assisted air-conditioning system for energy conservation analysis
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Concept for production of chemicals and power using geothermal energy
A renewable energy system in Frederikshavn using low-temperature geothermal energy for district heating
Thermodynamic analysis of the absorption refrigeration system with geothermal energy: an experimental study
Optimal production of power from mid-temperature geothermal sources: Scale and safety issues
Influences of ground saturation and thermal boundary condition on energy harvesting using geothermal piles
Research PaperProcess development and thermodynamic analysis of a novel power generation plant driven by geothermal energy with liquefied natural gas as its heat sink
Employing thermoelectric generator for power generation enhancement in a Kalina cycle driven by low-grade geothermal energy
Geothermal energy potential from analysis of aeromagnetic data of part of the Niger-delta basin, southern Nigeria
Energy and exergy investigation of a carbon dioxide direct-expansion geothermal heat pump
A systematic study of harnessing low-temperature geothermal energy from oil and gas reservoirs
Experimental investigation of quenching effect on mechanical, microstructural and flow characteristics of reservoir rocks: Thermal stimulation method for geothermal energy extraction
An innovative energy pile technology to expand the viability of geothermal bridge deck snow melting for different United States regions: Computational assisted feasibility analyses
Energetic and exergetic performance evaluations of a geothermal power plant based integrated system for hydrogen production
Evaluation of geothermal heating from abandoned oil wells
Modeling a new design for extracting energy from geopressured geothermal reservoirs
Decreased waterborne pathogenic bacteria in an urban aquifer related to intense shallow geothermal exploitation
Conceptual market potential framework of high temperature aquifer thermal energy storage - A case study in the Netherlands
Thermodynamic analysis of an improved CO2-based enhanced geothermal system integrated with a coal-fired power plant using boiler cold-end heat recovery
Research PaperNumerical investigation on heat extraction performance of a downhole heat exchanger geothermal system
Feasibility study and economical evaluations of geothermal heat pumps in Iran
Optimum design and simulation of a radial-inflow turbine for geothermal power generation
Synergy potential for oil and geothermal energy exploitation
Environmental and social aspects of geothermal energy in Italy
Feasibility study of a geothermal energy system for indoor swimming pool in Campi Flegrei area
Life cycle analysis of geothermal energy for power and transportation: A stochastic approach
Low-enthalpy geothermal energy as a source of energy and integrated freshwater production in inland areas: Technological and economic feasibility
Thermodynamic analysis and assessment of a novel integrated geothermal energy-based system for hydrogen production and storage
A methodology to calculate long-term shallow geothermal energy potential for an urban neighbourhood
Comparison between geothermal district heating and deep energy refurbishment of residential building districts
Parametric study and multi-criteria optimization of total exergetic and cost rates improvement potentials of a new geothermal based quadruple energy system
Working fluid parametric analysis for regenerative supercritical organic Rankine cycles for medium geothermal reservoir temperatures
A study on the energy performance of a ground source heat pump utilized in the refurbishment of an historical building: comparison of different design options
Thermoeconomic modeling and optimization of a hydrogen production system using geothermal energy
Calculations of environmental benefits from using geothermal energy must include the rebound effect
Thermal energy assessment of a small scale photovoltaic, hydrogen and geothermal stand-alone system for greenhouse heating
Salt intrusions providing a new geothermal exploration target for higher energy recovery at shallower depths
Reuse of abandoned oil and gas wells for geothermal energy production
Assessment and optimization of a new sextuple energy system incorporated with concentrated photovoltaic thermal - Geothermal using exergy, economic and environmental concepts
Techno-economic assessment of a solar-geothermal multigeneration system for buildings
Technical and economic assessment of geothermal soil heating systems in row covered protected crops: A case study from Greece
Characterization of the natural radioactivity of the first deep geothermal doublet in Flanders, Belgium
A techno-economic model for application of geothermal heat pump systems
Energy and environmental implications of using geothermal heat pumps in buildings: An example from north China
Environmental impact by hydrogeothermal energy generation in low-enthalpy regions
Supercritical CO2 Rankine Cycle System with Low-Temperature Geothermal Heat Pipe
An ecosystem services perspective for classifying and valuing the environmental impacts of geothermal power projects
CO2 Earth Storage: Enhanced Geothermal Energy and Water Recovery and Energy Storage
Geological and Geophysical Perspective of Supercritical Geothermal Energy in Subduction Zone, Northeast Japan
Geothermal contribution on southern Europe climate for energy efficiency of university buildings. Winter season
Numerical modeling of heat production using geothermal energy for a snow-melting system
Energetic and exergoeconomic assessment of a multi-generation energy system based on indirect use of geothermal energy
Analysis of a sequential production of electricity, ice and drying of agricultural products by cascading geothermal energy
Integrating geothermal into coal-fired power plant with carbon capture: A comparative study with solar energy
Development, analysis and performance assessment of a combined solar and geothermal energy-based integrated system for multigeneration
Energy saving potentials from the application of heat pipes on geothermal heat pump system
Postgraduate geothermal energy education worldwide and the New Zealand experience
Using Geothermal Energy for cooling - Parametric study

Thermodynamic and thermoeconomic analyses of a geothermal energy based integrated system for hydrogen production
A novel solar-geothermal district heating, cooling and domestic hot water system: Dynamic simulation and energy-economic analysis
Investigation of Thermophysical Properties of Nanofluids for Application in Geothermal Energy
A variable-capacity power system driven by geothermal energy: research methodology and preliminary experimental study
Enhancement of evaporative cooling system in a greenhouse using geothermal energy
Evaluation of soil thermal potential under Tunisian climate using a new conic basket geothermal heat exchanger: Energy and exergy analysis
Modeling geothermal energy efficiency from abandoned oil and gas wells to desalinate produced water
Tailor-made risk governance for induced seismicity of geothermal energy projects: An application to Switzerland
Spatial clustering for district heating integration in urban energy systems: Application to geothermal energy
Experiences with a gas driven, desiccant assisted air conditioning system with geothermal energy for an office building
Use rights markets for shallow geothermal energy management
How to boost shallow geothermal energy exploitation in the adriatic area: the LEGEND project experience
Towards the increased utilisation of geothermal energy in a district heating network through the use of a heat storage
Reducing operational costs of CO2 sequestration through geothermal energy integration
GIS-based modelling of shallow geothermal energy potential for CO2 emission mitigation in urban areas