Direct Active and Reactive Power Control of DFIG Based Wind Energy Conversion System
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Reactive Power Control of DFIG Wind Farm Using Online Supplementary Learning Controller Based on Approximate Dynamic Programming
Low voltage ride-through of DFIG and brushless DFIG: Similarities and differences
Optimized Control of DFIG-Based Wind Generation Using Sensitivity Analysis and Particle Swarm Optimization
Control of a wind energy conversion system equipped by a DFIG for active power generation and power quality improvement
DFIG-Based Wind Power Conversion With Grid Power Leveling for Reduced Gusts
Control of DFIG Wind Turbine With Direct-Current Vector Control Configuration
Direct Active and Reactive Power Regulation of DFIG Using Sliding-Mode Control Approach
Operation of Grid-Connected DFIG Under Unbalanced Grid Voltage Condition
Adaptive virtual inertia-based frequency regulation in wind power systems

Comparison analysis on damping mechanisms of power systems with induction generator based wind power generation
Frequency support using doubly fed induction and reluctance wind turbine generators
Robust sliding-mode control of wind energy conversion systems for optimal power extraction via nonlinear perturbation observers
Performance comparison of wind turbine based doubly fed induction generator system using fault tolerant fractional and integer order controllers
A new method based on state-estimation technique to enhance low-voltage ride-through capability of doubly-fed induction generator wind turbines
Direct power control for grid-connected doubly fed induction generator using disturbance observer based control
High efficiency control strategy in a wind energy conversion system with doubly fed induction generator
Improving participation of doubly fed induction generator in frequency regulation in an isolated power system
A review of design consideration for Doubly Fed Induction Generator based wind energy system
Accurate modeling of doubly fed induction generator based wind farms in load flow analysis
Fault-tolerant control of doubly-fed induction generators under voltage and current sensor faults
Impact of load models on the static and dynamic performances of grid-connected wind power plants: A comparative analysis
Wide area damping of electromechanical low frequency oscillations using phasor measurement data
Flat tie-line power scheduling control of grid-connected hybrid microgrids
Model Predictive Direct Power Control of Doubly Fed Induction Generator with Dead-Time Compensation
Dynamic reverse droop power sharing in microgrid based on neural networks
Improvement of Protection Coordination for a Distribution System Connected to a Microgrid using Unidirectional Fault Current Limiter

Grouped grey wolf optimizer for maximum power point tracking of doubly-fed induction generator based wind turbine
A novel approach to frequency support in a wind integrated power system
Power control for wind power generation and current harmonic filtering with doubly fed induction generator
Contribution of tidal power generation system for damping inter-area oscillation
An Analytical Approach to Probabilistic Dynamic Security Assessment of Power Systems Incorporating Wind Farms
Coordinated voltage control of wind-penetrated power systems via state feedback control
Distance-differential protection of transmission lines connected to wind farms
Low-frequency oscillations of wind power systems caused by doubly-fed induction generators
New switching technique for current control of grid converters for wind power systems
A Review of the Low-Voltage Ride-Through Capability of Wind Power Generators
Grid integration of photovoltaic and wind based hybrid distributed generation system with low harmonic injection and power quality improvement using biogeography-based optimization
Benefits and weak points of various control strategies in enhancing variable speed wind turbine transient performance
Active participation of variable speed wind turbine in inertial and primary frequency regulations
Decentralized reactive power control of distributed PV and wind power generation units using an optimized fuzzy-based method
Fixed-order loop shaping robust controller design for parametric models to damp inter-area oscillations
Study of a double fed induction generator using matrix converter: Case of wind energy conversion system
Controller design for doubly fed induction generator using particle swarm optimization technique
A SCR crowbar commutated with power converter for DFIG-based wind turbines

Transient stability augmentation of PV/DFIG/SG-based hybrid power system by parallel-resonance bridge fault current limiter
Analysis and compensation of voltage unbalance of a DFIG using predictive rotor current control
Control methodology for compensation of grid voltage unbalance using a series-converter scheme for the DFIG
A versatile method for computation of power pulsations in DFIG under grid imperfections
Nonlinear maximum power point tracking control and modal analysis of DFIG based wind turbine
Improved control strategies for a DFIG-based wind-power generation system with SGSC under unbalanced and distorted grid voltage conditions ☆
Design and real time implementation of type-2 fuzzy vector control for DFIG based wind generators
Small-signal stability analysis of DFIG based wind power system using teaching learning based optimization
Transient modeling and analysis of a DFIG based wind farm with supercapacitor energy storage
Modeling and Simulation of Solar PV and DFIG Based Wind Hybrid System ☆
Impact of VSC faults on dynamic performance and low voltage ride through of DFIG
Condition Monitoring and Fault Detection in Wind Turbine Based on DFIG by the Fuzzy Logic ☆
Wind farm node connected DFIG/back-to-back converter coupling transient model for grid integration studies
On-Off control based particle swarm optimization for maximum power point tracking of wind turbine equipped by DFIG connected to the grid with energy storage
An active power control strategy for a DFIG-based wind farm to depress the subsynchronous resonance of a power system
DFIG-based offshore wind power plant connected to a single VSC-HVDC operated at variable frequency: Energy yield assessment
Sliding mode direct power control of RSC for DFIGs driven by variable speed wind turbines
Voltage performance enhancement of DFIG-based wind farms integrated in large-scale power systems: Coordinated AVR and PSS
Fault Detection and Isolation in DFIG Driven by a Wind Turbine
Small signal stability enhancement of DFIG based wind power system using optimized controllers parameters
Harmonics and inter harmonics estimation of DFIG based standalone wind power system by parametric techniques

Observer backstepping control of DFIG-Generators for wind turbines variable-speed: FPGA-based implementation
Using MVMO for Optimal Tuning of Linear Quadratic Regulators for DFIG-WT
Back-to-back converter state-feedback control of DFIG (doubly-fed induction generator)-based wind turbines
Fault ride-through capability of a DFIG in isolated grids employing DVR and supercapacitor energy storage
A stator voltage switching strategy for efficient low speed operation of DFIG using fractional rated converters
Harmonic elimination of quasi-sine rotor injected DFIG-based wind power generation systems connected to electric power networks
A control scheme for improving the efficiency of DFIG at low wind speeds with fractional rated converters
SSR damping in wind farms using observed-state feedback control of DFIG converters
Second-order sliding mode control for DFIG-based wind turbines fault ride-through capability enhancement