در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Cost-effective envelope optimisation for social housing in Brazil's moderate climates zones
Value impacts of energy efficiency retrofits on commercial office buildings in Toronto, Canada
Shading devices optimization to enhance thermal comfort and energy performance of a residential building in Morocco
Optimizing the thermal performance of building envelopes for energy saving in underground office buildings in various climates of China
Energy-efficient HVAC management using cooperative, self-trained, control agents: A real-life German building case study
Life cycle energy of high-rise office buildings in Hong Kong
Consumer behaviour in the residential heating sector in Austria: Findings from a bottom-up modelling approach
Tools and procedures to support decision making for cost-effective energy and carbon emissions optimization in building renovation
Energy performance and environmental and economic assessment of the platform frame system with compressed straw
A model for the improvement of thermal bridges quantitative assessment by infrared thermography
Assessing the airtightness performance of container houses in relation to its effect on energy efficiency
Wind response control of tall buildings with a tuned mass damper
A socio-mathematical approach to exploring conflicts between energy retrofit and perceived heritage character
Performance, prediction, optimization, and user behavior of night ventilation

Improved response-spectrum analysis of base-isolated buildings: A substructure-based response spectrum method
The role of place on healthcare quality improvement: A qualitative case study of a teaching hospital
The Results of a Targeted Open Trial of the Fun FRIENDS Combined with a Concurrent Parent-Based Intervention
New consumer-dependent energy management system to reduce cost and carbon impact in smart buildings
Mapping failures in energy and environmental performance of buildings
Management of acoustic risks for buildings near airports
Improving the energy sustainability of a Swiss village through building renovation and renewable energy integration
Improvement of impact sound insulation: A constitutive model for floating floors
Aesthetic perception of photovoltaic integration within new proposals for ecological architecture
Real-time high-rise building monitoring system using global navigation satellite system technology
Computational and experimental performance analysis of a novel method for heating of domestic hot water with a ground source heat pump system
Simulation on the impacts of the street tree pattern on built summer thermal comfort in cold region of China
Regularity and optimisation practice in steel structural frames in real design cases
Evaluation of the seismic retrofitting of an unreinforced masonry building using numerical modeling and ambient vibration measurements
Land formalization and local leadership in Moshi, Tanzania
Advanced planning model of formwork layout for productivity improvement in high-rise building construction
Conservation level of residential buildings: Methodology evolution
The Value of Ozone Air Quality Improvements to Renters: Evidence From Apartment Building Transactions in Los Angeles County
On building ensembles of stacked denoising auto-encoding classifiers and their further improvement
Building-group-level performance evaluations of net zero energy buildings with non-collaborative controls
Cost-effectiveness of active and passive design strategies for existing building retrofits in tropical climate: Case study of a zero energy building
Environmental assessment of an integrated adaptive system for the improvement of indoor visual comfort of existing buildings
Uncertainty-based life-cycle analysis of near-zero energy buildings for performance improvements
Spatial-aware source estimation in building downwash environments
Improving energy model calibration of multi-unit residential buildings through component air infiltration testing

Experimental study on thermal performance improvement of building envelopes by integrating with phase change material in an intermittently heated room
Performance and risk to light-framed wood residential buildings subjected to tornadoes
New domain for promoting energy efficiency: Energy Flexible Building Cluster
Extraction and height estimation of artificial vertical structures based on the wrapped interferometric phase difference within their layovers
Improvements of the operational rating system for existing residential buildings
The Energy Saving and Indoor Comfort Improvements with Latent Thermal Energy Storage in Building Retrofits in Canada
Optic-energy performance improvement of exterior paints for buildings
Thermal and hygrometric properties of traditional calcarenite stones in the area of Palermo
Experimental studies on the microstructural, physical and chemical characteristics of building derived materials to assess their suitability in ground improvement
Analysis of embodied carbon in the building life cycle considering the temporal perspectives of emissions: A case study in China
National greenhouse gas inventory capacity: An assessment of Asian developing countries
Development of marginal abatement cost curves for the building sector in Armenia and Georgia
Impact of a Pilot Draught Sealing Program on Public Housing Air Permeability
New simulation platform for the rehabilitation of residential buildings in Madrid
The impact of renovation measures on building environmental performance: An emergy approach
Improvement of thermal comfort and energy efficiency in historical and monumental buildings by means of localized heating based on non-invasive electric radiant panels
Methodological framework for assessment of energy behavior of historic towns in Mediterranean climate
Impacts of energy retrofits on hygrothermal behavior of Finnish multi-family buildings
Evaluating the effectiveness of improved workmanship quality on the airtightness of Dutch detached houses
Measuring the impact of dynamic life cycle performance feedback on conceptual building design
A management perspective on energy efficient renovations in Swedish multi-family buildings
An indoor environment monitoring system using low-cost sensor network
Historical buildings retrofit: the city hall of the city of Motta di Livenza (TV)
Effect of paint composition, nano-metal types and substrate on the improvement of biological resistance on paint finished building material
Optimal coordination of air conditioning system and personal fans for building energy efficiency improvement
Innovative concept of an educational physical simulation tool for teaching energy consumption in buildings for enhancing public engagement
Experimental Study on Thermal Performance Improvement of Building Envelopes Integrated with Phase Change Materials in an Air-conditioned Room
Renovation of existing glass facade in order to implement energy efficiency and media facade
Optimized facade design - Energy efficiency, comfort and daylight in early design phase
Issues to be Improved on the Thermal Performance Standards for Sustainable Buildings Consolidation: An Overview of Brazil
Study of construction convergence technology for performance improvement in functional building materials
Improvement of the summer cooling induced by an earth-to-air heat exchanger integrated in a residential building under hot and arid climate
Ambitions at work: Professional practices and the energy performance of non-residential buildings in Norway
Reconditioning and Reconstruction: A Second Wind for Serbian Kindergartens ☆