Building Information Modeling in Project Management: Necessities, Challenges and Outcomes ☆
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Building Information Modelling – 4D Modelling Technology on the Example of the Reconstruction Stairwell ☆
Development of a BIM-based Automated Construction System ☆
Aligning building information model tools and construction management methods
Accurate facade feature extraction method for buildings from three-dimensional point cloud data considering structural information
Building information modeling in combination with real time location systems and sensors for safety performance enhancement
Heating and power hub models for robust performance of smart building using information gap decision theory
The structure and knowledge flow of building information modeling based on patent citation network analysis
Interactions of Building Information Modeling, Lean and Sustainability on the Architectural, Engineering and Construction industry: A systematic review
Building information modeling as a risk transformer: An evolutionary insight into the project uncertainty
Integrating mobile Building Information Modelling and Augmented Reality systems: An experimental study
Logic for ensuring the data exchange integrity of building information models
Building-information-modeling enabled life cycle assessment, a case study on carbon footprint accounting for a residential building in China
Combining life cycle assessment and Building Information Modelling to account for carbon emission of building demolition waste: A case study
Interpretation of structural analytical models from the coordination view in building information models
Impacts of building geometry modeling methods on the simulation results of urban building energy models
Measuring ecological characteristics of environmental building performance: Suggestion of an information-network model and indices to quantify complexity, power, and sustainability of energetic organization
A metabolic network approach to building performance: Information building modeling and simulation of biological indicators
Building Information Modeling in the Architecture-engineering Construction Project in Surabaya
Fireground location understanding by semantic linking of visual objects and building information models
Spatiotemporal analysis and visualization of power consumption data integrated with building information models for energy savings
Building Information Modelling as an Opportunity and Risk for Stakeholders Involved in Construction Investment Process
Simulating the behavior of trade crews in construction using agents and building information modeling
Addressing individual perceptions: An application of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology to building information modelling
Modeling the performance of sustainable sanitation systems using building information modeling
Integrating web map service and building information modeling for location and transportation analysis in green building certification process
Building Information Modeling enabled Cascading Formwork Management Tool
Assessment of energy utilization and leakages in buildings with building information model energy
Identifying potential opportunities of building information modeling for construction and demolition waste management and minimization
Strategic sustainable development in the UK construction industry, through the framework for strategic sustainable development, using Building Information Modelling
Automated seismic design of non-structural elements with building information modelling
Method for visualizing energy use in building information models
Toward automatic generation of 3D steel structures for building information modelling
Assessment of the impact of information feedback of prepaid meter on energy consumption of city residential buildings using bottom-up load modeling approach
Understanding latent structures of clinical information logistics: A bottom-up approach for model building and validating the workflow composite score
The application of web of data technologies in building materials information modelling for construction waste analytics
A multimodal transport network model and efficient algorithms for building advanced traveler information systems
Potential of big visual data and building information modeling for construction performance analytics: An exploratory study
Data visualization and analysis of energy flow on a multi-zone building scale
A Message Passing Algorithm for Automatic Synthesis of Probabilistic Fault Detectors from Building Automation Ontologies
Potentials of Blockchain Technology for Construction Management
The Multicriteria Assessment of Multi-storey Office Building Energy Performance
An integrated platform for design and numerical analysis of shield tunnelling processes on different levels of detail
Architectural heritage knowledge modelling: An ontology-based framework for conservation process
Coordinating multi-site construction projects using federated clouds
Decision support for tower crane selection with building information models and genetic algorithms
A framework for fully integrated building information models in a federated environment
Construction solutions for energy efficient single-family house based on its life cycle multi-criteria analysis: a case study
Automated hazardous area identification using laborers' actual and optimal routes
Algorithms for automated generation of navigation models from building information models to support indoor map-matching
Building life cycle optimization tools for early design phases
What drives the adoption of building information modeling in design organizations? An empirical investigation of the antecedents affecting architects' behavioral intentions
An ontology-based analysis of the industry foundation class schema for building information model exchanges
Status quo and open challenges in vision-based sensing and tracking of temporary resources on infrastructure construction sites
Validations for ensuring the interoperability of data exchange of a building information model
An Innovative Approach to e-public Tendering Based on Model Checking ☆
A critical analysis of Building Information Modelling systems used in construction projects
Practices and effectiveness of building information modelling in construction projects in China
Geotechnical and safety protective equipment planning using range point cloud data and rule checking in building information modeling
Proactive behavior-based safety management for construction safety improvement
Workforce location tracking to model, visualize and analyze workspace requirements in building information models for construction safety planning
Hue-assisted automatic registration of color point clouds
An automated approach for an optimised least cost solution of reinforced concrete reservoirs using site parameters
Parallel vs. Sequential Cascading MEP Coordination Strategies: A Pharmaceutical Building Case Study
Vision-based material recognition for automated monitoring of construction progress and generating building information modeling from unordered site image collections
Cost-benefit analysis of Building Information Modeling implementation in building projects through demystification of time-effort distribution curves
Integrated approach for older adult friendly home staircase architectural design
Semantic material name matching system for building energy analysis
An object-oriented model to support healthcare facility information management

Deviation analysis method for the assessment of the quality of the as-is Building Information Models generated from point cloud data
A framework for an automated and integrated project scheduling and management system