Putting into practice error management theory: Unlearning and learning to manage action errors in construction
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Mechanistic approach for construction quality management of compacted geomaterials
Scientific association knowledge improvement activities in Construction Technology Management field
Critical management practices influencing on-site waste minimization in construction projects
Evaluating the impacts of high-temperature outdoor working environments on construction labor productivity in China: A case study of rebar workers
Safety, Space and Structure Quality Requirements in Construction Scheduling ☆
Planning safe distances between workers on construction sites
From construction site to design: The different accident prevention levels in the building industry
Aligning building information model tools and construction management methods
Application of data warehouse and Decision Support System in construction management
Construction safety factors assessment through Frequency Adjusted Importance Index

Towards integrating construction risk management and stakeholder management: A systematic literature review and future research agendas
Waste-efficient materials procurement for construction projects: A structural equation modelling of critical success factors
Safety leading indicators for construction sites: A machine learning approach
A tri-objective ant colony optimization based model for planning safe construction site layout
Integrating transportation systems management and operations into the project life cycle from planning to construction: A synthesis of best practices
Prioritizing barriers to adopt circular economy in construction and demolition waste management
Concrete recycling life cycle flows and performance from construction and demolition waste in Hanoi
Effect of stakeholder collaborative management on off-site construction cost performance
Buffer space hedging and coordination in prefabricated construction supply chain management
The Influence of Organizational External Factors on Construction Risk Management among Nigerian Construction Companies
A system dynamics-based environmental benefit assessment model of construction waste reduction management at the design and construction stages
Development of Hybrid Quality Management System for Construction Equipment Part Industry
Management of reverse logistics supply chains in construction projects
Application of game model for stakeholder management in construction of ecological corridors: A case study on Yangtze River Basin in China
Application of Critical Chain Management in Construction Projects Schedules in a Multi-Project Environment: A Case Study
Role of Visualization Technologies in Safety Planning and Management at Construction Jobsites
Effectiveness of sewage sludge ash combined with waste pozzolanic minerals in developing sustainable construction material: An alternative approach for waste management
Criteria on the Value of Expert's Opinions for Analyzing Complex Structures in Construction and Real Estate Management
Impact of integration management on construction project management performance
Waste generated in high-rise buildings construction: A current situation in Thailand
Developing a Self-assessment Model of Risk Management Maturity for Client Organizations of Public Construction Projects: Indonesian Context
Sustainability by Information and Communication Technology: A paradigm shift for construction projects in Iran
Inefficiencies in Norwegian Small-scale Construction, or the Problem of too Long Trucks?
Major Participants in the Construction Industry and Their Approaches to Risks: A Theoretical Framework
An enterprise architecture framework for electronic requirements information management
Health and safety management practices of contractors in South East Asia: A multi country study of Cambodia, Vietnam, and Malaysia
Collaborative model: Managing design changes with reusable project experiences through project learning and effective communication
Cloud-based safety information and communication system in infrastructure construction
Perceived Consequences of Counterfeit, Fraudulent and Sub-standard Construction Materials
Barriers and countermeasures for managing construction and demolition waste: A case of Shenzhen in China
Optimising material procurement for construction waste minimization: An exploration of success factors
Transformation of water resource management: a case study of the South-to-North Water Diversion project
Investigating ethnic minorities' perceptions of safety climate in the construction industry
Critical incident reporting systems: A necessary multilevel understanding
Retrieving similar cases for construction project risk management using Natural Language Processing techniques
A review of stakeholder management performance attributes in construction projects
Improving construction management of port infrastructures using an advanced computer-based system
Potentials of Blockchain Technology for Construction Management
Barriers to Improving the Environmental Performance of Construction Waste Management in Remote Communities
The availability of wearable-device-based physical data for the measurement of construction workers' psychological status on site: From the perspective of safety management
Biomimetic reinvention of the construction industry: energy management and sustainability
Investigation of Document Management Systems in Small Size Construction Companies in Jordan
Net Working Capital Management Strategies in the Construction Enterprises Listed on the NewConnect Market
Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling Plants Revisited: Management Issues
Influence of Total Quality Management on Performance of Vietnamese Construction Firms
Supply Chain Management Strategy for Recycled Materials to Support Sustainable Construction
Identifying potential opportunities of building information modeling for construction and demolition waste management and minimization
The Paradigm of the Integration of Different Types of Management Information Systems in Investment and Construction Company Implementing the Project Approach
What Authentication Technology Should Be Chosen for Construction Manpower Management?
Integration of Construction Mobile Technologies into Construction Management Curriculum: A Case Study
Behavioral determinants towards enhancing construction waste management: A Bayesian Network analysis
Flexible Approach for Construction Process Management Under Risk and Uncertainty
Conflict Management Style of Team Leaders in Multi-Cultural Work Environment in the Construction Industry
Environmental and economic assessment of pavement construction and management practices for enhancing pavement sustainability
Dynamic simulation analysis of a construction and demolition waste management model under penalty and subsidy mechanisms
Management of spent shea waste: An instrumental characterization and valorization in clay bricks construction
Comparative environmental evaluation of construction waste management through different waste sorting systems in Hong Kong
Standardization efforts: The relationship between knowledge dimensions, search processes and innovation outcomes
Queue performance measures in construction simulation models containing subjective uncertainty
Identification and Analyze of Influence Level on Waste Construction Management of Performance ☆
A labor consumption measurement system based on real-time tracking technology for dam construction site
Hybrid multiple objective artificial bee colony with differential evolution for the time–cost–quality tradeoff problem