Sustained-release tacrolimus stabilizes decline of Forced Expiratory Volume in one second through decreasing fluctuation of its trough blood level
Sustained-release tacrolimus stabilizes decline of Forced Expiratory Volume in one second through decreasing fluctuation of its trough blood level
Greater specificity of activity memories in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis: Implications for exercise-based treatment
Prevalence of functional (psychogenic) parkinsonism in two Swiss movement disorders clinics and review of the literature
Differential binding of antibodies in PANDAS patients to cholinergic interneurons in the striatum
Multimorbidity patterns and associations with functional limitations among an aging population in prison
A Comparison of the Quick-SOFA and Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome Criteria for the Diagnosis of Sepsis and Prediction of Mortality
Nursing Care of Women Veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars
Intrinsic, task-evoked and absolute gamma synchrony during cognitive processing in first onset schizophrenia
Intestinal microbiota, metabolome and gender dimorphism in autism spectrum disorders
A feasibility study on violence prevention in outpatients with schizophrenia
Impaired detection and differentiation of briefly presented facial emotions in adults with high-functioning autism and asperger syndrome
Language function in childhood idiopathic epilepsy syndromes
Feedforward motor control in developmental dyslexia and developmental coordination disorder: Does comorbidity matter?
The role of imaging in the diagnosis of bronchiectasis: The key is in the distribution
Resident Education Curriculum in Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology: The Short Curriculum 2.0
Comparison of Percentile Weight Gain of Growth-Friendly Constructs in Early-Onset Scoliosis
Scapholunate interosseous ligament dysfunction as a source of elbow pain syndromes: Possible mechanisms and implications for hand surgeons and therapists
Protein profiling in serum after traumatic brain injury in rats reveals potential injury markers
Prenatal chromosomal microarray analysis in fetuses with congenital heart disease: a prospective cohort study
Alexithymia, not fibromyalgia, predicts the attribution of pain to anger-related facial expressions
Biopsy Proven Fibrosis in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: An Analysis of Risk Factors
Aortic stenosis and aortic regurgitation express different titin isoforms: Differences and relationships with functional and geometric characteristics
Fat accumulates preferentially in the right rather than the left liver lobe in non-diabetic subjects
Asymmetries in initiation of aiming movements in schizophrenia
Risky Behaviors of Mothers with Infants on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Turkey
Measuring feeding difficulties in toddlers with Down syndrome
Attentional rather than sensory differences characterize auditory processing in Williams syndrome
Attention to novelty versus repetition: Contrasting habituation profiles in Autism and Williams syndrome
Biomechanical Description of Phonation in Children Affected by Williams Syndrome
Historical evolution of ideas on eclampsia/preeclampsia: A proposed optimistic view of preeclampsia
Thyroid hormone regulation of intestinal epithelial stem cell biology
Polycystic ovary syndrome: analysis of the global research architecture using density equalizing mapping
Three-dimensional airways volumetric analysis before and after fast and early mandibular osteodistraction
Searching for new pharmacological targets for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease in Down syndrome
Using personal construct methodology to explore relationships with adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Explanatory model of illness of the patients with schizophrenia and the role of educational intervention
Hemostatic issues in pregnancy-induced liver disease
Relationship between health literacy and body mass index among Arab women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Prediction of outcome of bright light treatment in patients with seasonal affective disorder: Discarding the early response, confirming a higher atypical balance, and uncovering a higher body mass index at baseline as predictors of endpoint outcome
Anatomic Sites and Associated Clinical Factors for Deep Dyspareunia
Preliminary examination of metabolic syndrome response to motivational interviewing for weight loss as compared to an attentional control and usual care in primary care for individuals with and without binge-eating disorder
Surgical Techniques for Repair of Peripheral Pulmonary Artery Stenosis
Thinking inside the box: Spatial frames of reference for drawing in Williams syndrome and typical development
Addressing social skills deficits in adults with Williams syndrome
Dissociating intuitive physics from intuitive psychology: Evidence from Williams syndrome
Williams syndrome-specific neuroanatomical profile and its associations with behavioral features
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: What Pediatric Providers Need to Know
Archival ReportA Common Polymorphism in a Williams Syndrome Gene Predicts Amygdala Reactivity and Extraversion in Healthy Adults
Abnormal brain activation during threatening face processing in schizophrenia: A meta-analysis of functional neuroimaging studies
Nonverbal components of Theory of Mind in typical and atypical development
Disease and pharmacologic risk factors for first and subsequent episodes of equine laminitis: A cohort study of free-text electronic medical records
Gene Therapeutic Reversal of Peripheral Olfactory Impairment in Bardet-Biedl Syndrome
Lower urinary tract symptoms in children and adolescents with Williams-Beuren syndrome
The social nature of overimitation: Insights from Autism and Williams syndrome
Exploring spatial working memory performance in individuals with Williams syndrome: The effect of presentation format and configuration
Relations between social-perceptual ability in multi- and unisensory contexts, autonomic reactivity, and social functioning in individuals with Williams syndrome
Autonomic response to approachability characteristics, approach behavior, and social functioning in Williams syndrome
Geometric and featural systems, separable and combined: Evidence from reorientation in people with Williams syndrome ☆
Music lessons are associated with increased verbal memory in individuals with Williams syndrome
Williams syndrome: A surprising deficit in oromotor praxis in a population with proficient language production
Adaptive functioning in Williams syndrome and its relation to demographic variables and family environment
French Williams syndrome's ability to produce judgments of grammaticality
Modality effect on contextual integration in people with Williams syndrome
Who reports it best? A comparison between parent-report, self-report, and the real life social behaviors of adults with Williams syndrome
Characterizing associations and dissociations between anxiety, social, and cognitive phenotypes of Williams syndrome
Toward a deeper characterization of the social phenotype of Williams syndrome: The association between personality and social drive
Perceiving and acting in depth in Williams syndrome and typical development
Aging and sleep in Williams syndrome: Accelerated sleep deterioration and decelerated slow wave sleep decrement
Sleep problems and language development in toddlers with Williams syndrome
Differences in social vulnerability among individuals with autism spectrum disorder, Williams syndrome, and Down syndrome
Facilitating complex shape drawing in Williams syndrome and typical development