Residential mobility during adolescence: Do even “upward” moves predict dropout risk?
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Factors associated with dropout among patients in opioid maintenance treatment (OMT) and predictors of re-entry. A national registry-based study
I want to quit education: A longitudinal study of stress and optimism as predictors of school dropout intention
Changes in implicit theories of ability in biology and dropout from STEM majors: A latent growth curve approach
The role of impulsivity in dropout from treatment for cigarette smoking
Systems Training for Emotional Predictability and Problem Solving (STEPPS): Program efficacy and personality features as predictors of drop-out — An Italian study
Who stays, who benefits? Predicting dropout and change in cognitive behaviour therapy for psychosis
How states can reduce the dropout rate for undocumented immigrant youth: The effects of in-state resident tuition policies
Learning difficulties, academic well-being and educational dropout: A person-centred approach
Drop-out from adolescent and young adult inpatient treatment for anorexia nervosa
A latent variable approach in simultaneous modeling of longitudinal and dropout data in schizophrenia trials
Drop-out and treatment outcome of outpatient cognitive–behavioral therapy for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa
Increased wait-list time predicts dropout from outpatient enhanced cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT-E) for eating disorders
Non-random dropout and the relative efficacy of escitalopram and nortriptyline in treating major depressive disorder
Patient factors predicting early dropout from psychiatric outpatient care for borderline personality disorder
Differences between early and late drop-outs from treatment for obsessive–compulsive disorder
What happens in session does not stay in session: Changes within exposures predict subsequent improvement and dropout
Attrition from self-directed interventions: Investigating the relationship between psychological predictors, intervention content and dropout from a body dissatisfaction intervention
Prevalence and correlates of school drop-out prior to initial treatment of nonaffective psychosis: Further evidence suggesting a need for supported education
Social capital and cultural distance as predictors of early school dropout: Implications for community action for Turkish internal migrants
A prospective study of cannabis use as a risk factor for non-adherence and treatment dropout in first-episode schizophrenia
Client and program factors associated with dropout from court mandated drug treatment
Student engagement and its relationship with early high school dropout
Last-observation-carried-forward (LOCF) and tests for difference in mean rates of change in controlled repeated measurements designs with dropouts
Who is at risk for dropout from group cognitive-behavior therapy for insomnia?
Leisure boredom and high school dropout in Cape Town, South Africa
Anxiety sensitivity: A unique predictor of dropout among inner-city heroin and crack/cocaine users in residential substance use treatment
Understanding dropout and prolonged engagement in adolescent competitive sport
Comparison of data analysis strategies for intent-to-treat analysis in pre-test–post-test designs with substantial dropout rates
The interactive effects of antisocial personality disorder and court-mandated status on substance abuse treatment dropout
Statistical analysis of longitudinal psychiatric data with dropouts
Pretreatment and during treatment risk factors for dropout among patients with substance use disorders
Distinguishing graduates from dropouts and dismissals: Who fails boot camp?
Reasons for dropout from drug abuse treatment: Symptoms, personality, and motivation
Does stage-of-change predict dropout in a culturally diverse sample of adolescents admitted to inpatient substance-abuse treatment? A test of the Transtheoretical Model
Mental health service use by patients with dysthymic disorder: treatment use and dropout in a 7 1/2-year naturalistic follow-up study
A preliminary study identifying risk factors in drop-out from a prison therapeutic community
Client-related predictors of early treatment drop-out in a substance abuse clinic exclusively employing individual therapy
Neighborhood distress and school dropout: the variable significance of community context
Missing school dropouts in surveys does not bias risk estimates
Individual characteristics, early adolescent peer affiliations, and school dropout: an examination of aggressive and popular group types
Dropout from 12-step self-help groups: Prevalence, predictors, and counteracting treatment influences
Subjective theories of exercise course instructors: causal attributions for dropout in health and leisure exercise programmes
The impact of adolescent employment on high school dropout: Differences by individual and labor-market characteristics ☆
Relationships between childhood abuse and neglect experience and HIV risk behaviors among methadone treatment drop-outs
Prolonged exposure in patients with chronic PTSD: predictors of treatment outcome and dropout
Dropout prediction in cognitive behavior therapy for panic disorder
Drug use, HIV-related risk behaviors and dropout status of new admissions and re-admissions to methadone treatment
A Prospective Longitudinal Study of High School Dropouts Examining Multiple Predictors Across Development
Couples' communication behaviors as predictors of dropout and treatment response in wife abuse treatment programs
Welfare reform and high school dropout patterns for children ☆
Prevention of School Dropout Through the Reduction of Disruptive Behaviors and School Failure in Elementary School
A Comparative Study of Cocaine-Treatment Completers and Dropouts ☆
Non-school correlates of dropout: An integrative review of the literature
School performance in adolescent Jamaican girls: associations with health, social and behavioural characteristics, and risk factors for dropout
Complaints that predict drop-out from a detoxification and counselling unit
The peer relations of dropouts: a comparative study of at-risk and not at-risk youths
A structural model of dropout behavior: a longitudinal analysis
High-school dropouts in a working-class South African community: selected characteristics and risk-taking behaviour
Initial motivations for alcohol treatment: Relations with patient characteristics, treatment involvement, and dropout ☆
Pretreatment dropout as a function of treatment delay and client variables