The role of Personality Traits and Intelligence in Academic Achievement of Russian High School Students
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The stories of nursing student repeaters: A narrative inquiry study
Transition to Baccalaureate Nursing Practice: Preparing Practicing Nurses for Professional Advancement
Gamification for enhancing Web 2.0 based educational activities: The case of pre-service grade school teachers using educational Wiki pages
Student perception of initial transition into a nursing program: A mixed methods research study
Pre-entry qualifications as predictors of success in first year osteopathic education
Leadership by collaboration: Nursing's bold new vision for academic-practice partnerships
A primer on traumatic brain injury for nursing faculty
Analysis of the relation between computational thinking skills and various variables with the structural equation model
Does the level of emotional intelligence affect the degree of success in nursing studies?
A Mixed-Method Study of Undergraduate and First Year Librarian Positions in Academic Libraries in the United States
Neglect, educational success, and young people in out-of-home care: Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses
The role of relationships in collaborative partnership success: Lessons from the Alaska Fourth R project
Profiling research of the engineering academics who successfully promote education in Sustainable Human Development
Sharing the value and impact of outreach: Taking a multifaceted approach to outreach assessment
Positive Blood Cultures in Periprosthetic Joint Infection Decrease Rate of Treatment Success

Student support in accelerated nursing programs:Â Gender-based perspectives and impact on academic outcomes
Studentsâ practices and abilities for writing from sources in English at universities in China
Evaluation of strategies designed to enhance student engagement and success of indigenous midwifery students in an Away-From-Base Bachelor of Midwifery Program in Australia: A qualitative research study
Needs of students seeking careers in communication sciences and disorders and barriers to their success
Conscientiousness as a key to success for academic achievement among French university students enrolled in management studies
Is Formal Research Training Associated With Academic Success in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery?
Motivational Class Climate, Motivation and Academic Success in University Students
Thrivers and divers: Using non-academic measures to predict college success and failure
Early detection of university students with potential difficulties
Effect of Oral Hydration on External Cephalic Version at Term
Fostering Academic Success in Nursing Students Through Mindfulness: A Literature Review
Profiles of hope: How clusters of hope relate to school variables
The influence of emotional intelligence, cognitive test anxiety, and coping strategies on undergraduate academic performance
Exploring the recruitment and training of peer facilitators in a South African University
Promoting parent academic expectations predicts improved school outcomes for low-income children entering kindergarten
Global Diversity and Academic Success of Foreign-Trained Academic Neurosurgeons in the United States
Relations between executive function, behavioral regulation, and achievement: Moderation by family income
Applying Best Practice in Simulation: Critical Care Response Team Training
Evolution of American Academic Medicine: A View of Its Contributions to World Medicine and Reflections Influenced by Personal Role Models
Program-specific prediction of academic achievement on the basis of cognitive and non-cognitive factors
The Role of Positive Emotions and Type of Feedback in Self-regulation of Learning Goals Achievement: Experimental Research
Transition From Expert Clinician to Novice Faculty: A Blueprint for Success
The Guardian Professions Program: Developing an advanced degree mentoring program for California's foster care alumni
Impact of research collaboration cosmopolitanism on job satisfaction
Academic procrastination and goal accomplishment: A combined experimental and individual differences investigation
Beyond orientation: Evaluation of student lifecycle activities for first-year Bachelor of Nursing students
Toolkit for US colleges/schools of pharmacy to prepare learners for careers in academia
Parental ability attributions regarding children's academic performance: Person-oriented approach on longitudinal data
Cultural capital, teacher bias, and educational success: New evidence from monozygotic twins
Open Pathways to Student Success: Academic Library Partnerships for Open Educational Resource and Affordable Course Content Creation and Adoption
Three meta-analyses of children's emotion knowledge and their school success
Is accounting an applied discipline? An institutional theory assessment of the value of faculty accounting-related work experience in the academic labor market
Individual differences in mental toughness associate with academic performance and income
Factors Influencing Nursing Student Success After Readmission
Who makes the cut? Parental involvement and math trajectories predicting college enrollment
Self-efficacy, self-discipline and academic performance: Testing a context-specific mediation model
The changing paradigm in surgery is system integration: How do we respond?
Green urban landscapes and school-level academic performance
Sudanese refugee youth and educational success: The role of church and youth group in supporting cultural and academic adjustment and schooling achievement
Fetal malnutrition and academic success: Evidence from Muslim immigrants in Denmark
Affective profiles and academic success in a college science course
Evaluating the effectiveness of a programme for improving the participation and academic success of an underrepresented minority group in New Zealand
Self-efficacy, test anxiety, and academic success: A longitudinal validation
The influence of academic vocabulary knowledge on school performance
Culture in acculturation: Refugee youthâs schooling experiences in international schools in New York City
Fostering Academic Success among English as an Additional Language Nursing Students Using Standardized Patients
Academic resilience and caring adults: The experiences of former foster youth
Predicting student attrition using social determinants: Implications for a diverse nursing workforce
Self-regulation as a Mediator in the Relationship Between Anxiety and Academic Examination Performance
Self-perception and relationship quality as mediators of father's school-specific involvement and adolescent's academic achievement
Ruminating on the nature of intelligence: Personality predicts implicit theories and educational persistence
Intellectual curiosity may not incrementally predict academic success
Psychopathic traits of business and psychology students and their relationship to academic success
Procrastination, academic success and the effectiveness of a remedial program ☆
Comparative effects of belongingness on the academic success and cross-cultural interactions of domestic and international students
A multi-level analysis of school racial composition and ecological correlates of academic success