Individual differences in the effects of a positive psychology intervention: Applied psychology
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The influence of academic discipline on empathy and psychopathic personality traits in undergraduate students
Is utilitarian sacrifice becoming more morally permissible?
School psychology publishing contributions to the advancement of knowledge, science, and its application: An introduction to the themed issue
Chronic Anterior Uveitis in Children: Psychosocial Challenges for Patients and Their Families
Object-spatial imagery in fine arts, psychology, and engineering
Turning the tide on trash: Empowering European educators and school students to tackle marine litter
Attribution-based motivation treatment efficacy in high-stress student athletes: A moderated-mediation analysis of cognitive, affective, and achievement processes
An investigation into the use of recorded music as a surgical intervention: A systematic, critical review of methodologies used in recent adult controlled trials
Off-task multitasking, note-taking and lower- and higher-order classroom learning
Gender differences in response to a school-based mindfulness training intervention for early adolescents
Student continuance of learning management system use: A longitudinal exploration
Updating the Textbook: A Novel Approach to Training Graduate Students in Evidence-Based Youth Practices
Comparison of the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning and the rate of contact among students from nine different healthcare courses
Expanding Access to Clinical Services for Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Parent perspectives on the clinician-client relationship in speech-language treatment for children
Associations between peer victimization, perceived teacher unfairness, and adolescents' adjustment and well-being
The professional identity, career commitment and subjective well-being of art therapy students
The Child Victims of the Aceh Tsunami: Stories of Resilience, Coping and Moving on with Life
Does college major matter for women's and men's health in midlife? Examining the horizontal dimensions of educational attainment
The experience of adolescents having mentally ill parents with pasung
What can bodies do? En/gendering body-space choreographies of stillness, movement and flow in post-16 pedagogic encounters
Evaluative feedback delivery and the factors that affect success
The interplay between sharing behavior and beliefs about others in children during dictator games
Decisions to enter and continue in the teaching profession: Evidence from a sample of U.S. secondary STEM teacher candidates
Serial multiple mediation of organizational commitment and job burnout in the relationship between psychological capital and anxiety in Chinese female nurses: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey
The differential impact of social services on young peopleâs resilience
Anxiety profiles and protective factors: A latent profile analysis in children
Childrenâs creativity as a manifestation and predictor of their wisdom
Designing and implementing a test for measuring cultural dimensions in primary school
Imagined contact with atypical outgroup members that are anti-normative within their group can reduce prejudice
Conceptual change and knowledge integration as learning processes in higher education: A latent transition analysis
Time attitudes predict changes in adolescent self-efficacy: A 24-month latent transition mover-stayer analysis
Faking amoralism: An ability elusive to both measures of substance and style
Increasing perseverance in math: Evidence from a field experiment in Norway
Evaluation of a participative education process for increasing tween restraint use in Virginia: The Make it Click initiative
Career adaptability: A meta-analysis of relationships with measures of adaptivity, adapting responses, and adaptation results
Affective capture in digital school spaces and the modulation of student subjectivities
The Relationship between Executive Functions and Externalizing Behavior Problems in Early Childhood Education
Why is psychiatric nursing not the preferred option for nursing students: A cross-sectional study examining pre-nursing and nursing school factors
Emotion regulation and academic underperformance: The role of school burnout
Red, blue and purple states of mind: Segmenting the political marketplace
Effects of motivation orientation on schoolwork enjoyment and achievement and study habits
My life as a pupil: The autobiographical memories of adolescents excluded from school
Measurement equivalence: A non-technical primer on categorical multi-group confirmatory factor analysis in school psychology
Psychological distress, self esteem and emotional dependency of married individuals as predictors of marital adjustment
Self-regulation as a Mediator in the Relationship Between Anxiety and Academic Examination Performance
Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Social Competence on Behavioral Problems
Teacher Perceptions of Reading Motivation in Children with Developmental Dyslexia and Average Readers
Basic Executive Functions in Early Childhood Education and their Relationship with Social Competence
The application of defaults to optimize parents' health-based choices for children
Positive and negative life events and reasons for living modulate suicidal ideation in a sample of patients with history of suicide attempts
A well-rounded view: Using an interpersonal approach to predict achievement by academic self-concept and peer ratings of competence
Interest development: Arousing situational interest affects the growth trajectory of individual interest
Create, control and have territories or secret places: A comparative study of children's play territoriality in their daily outdoor environments between Beijing's urban villages and modern residential areas
The moderating effects of positive psychological strengths on the relationship between parental anxiety and child depression: The significance of father's role in Hong Kong
Concept maps and simulations in a computer system for learning Psychology
The contribution of visuo-spatial factors in representing a familiar environment: The case of undergraduate students at a university campus
Studying persons in context: Taking social psychological reality seriously
Developmental trajectories of the Self in children during the transition from preschool to elementary school
A comparison of problem identification interviews conducted face-to-face and via videoconferencing using the consultation analysis record
An Engagement-based School Experience as a Premise of Wellbeing
Intimate partner violence as a subject of study during the training of nurses and midwives in Catalonia (Spain): A qualitative study
Errors, lies and misunderstandings: Systematic review on behavioural decision making in projects
Identifying Critical Cross-Cultural School Psychology Competencies
Children's rights and school psychology: Children's right to participation ☆
Scientific research in school psychology: Leading researchers weigh in on its past, present, and future ☆

Distinguishing science from pseudoscience in school psychology: Science and scientific thinking as safeguards against human error