Suicidality, posttraumatic stress, and depressive reactions after earthquake and maltreatment: A cross-sectional survey of a random sample of 6132 chinese children and adolescents
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Gender differences in pathways from child physical and sexual abuse to adolescent risky sexual behavior among high-risk youth
Research articlePromoting the development of resilient academic functioning in maltreated children
A scoping review of evidence-based interventions available to parents of maltreated children ages 0-5 involved with child welfare services
The longitudinal influence of child maltreatment on child obesity in South Korea: The mediating effects of low self-esteem and depressive symptoms
Differential associations between patterns of child maltreatment and comorbidity in adult depressed patients
Factors associated with mental health services referrals for children investigated by child welfare
Exposure to verbal abuse and neglect during childbirth among Jordanian women
Child maltreatment and adult depressive symptoms: Roles of self-compassion and gratitude
The relationship between cigarette taxes and child maltreatment
Religiosity and interpersonal problems explain individual differences in self esteem among young adults with child maltreatment experiences
Preventing child maltreatment: Examination of an established statewide home-visiting program
Does parental substance use always engender risk for children? Comparing incidence rate ratios of abusive and neglectful behaviors across substance use behavior patterns
Educational neglect: Understanding 20 years of child welfare trends
Affective temperaments play an important role in the relationship between child abuse and the diagnosis of bipolar disorder
Predictors of justice system involvement: Maltreatment and education
Racial disparities in child maltreatment: The role of social service availability
Research articleNational survey of hospital child protection teams in Japan
Child maltreatment re-offending in families served by the United States Air Force Family Advocacy Program
Human trafficking and the child welfare population in Florida
Service needs of adolescent parents in child welfare: Is an evidence-based, structured, in-home behavioral parent training protocol effective?
Family profiles of maltreated children in Singapore: A latent class analysis
Small Talk: Identifying communication problems in maltreated children
Suggestibility in neglected children: The influence of intelligence, language, and social skills
Child abuse and neglect in institutional settings, cumulative lifetime traumatization, and psychopathological long-term correlates in adult survivors: The Vienna Institutional Abuse Study
Diminished fronto-limbic functional connectivity in child sexual offenders
Consequences of parental burnout: Its specific effect on child neglect and violence
An exploratory study of whether pregnancy outcomes influence maternal self-reported history of child maltreatment
Oral health in children investigated by Social services on suspicion of child abuse and neglect
The recognition of child abuse and the perceived need for intervention by school personnel of primary schools: Results of a vignette study on the influence of case, school personnel, and school characteristics
Research articleThe benefits of early care and education for child welfare-involved children: Perspectives from the field
The prevalence and influencing factors for child neglect in a rural area of Anhui province: a 2-year follow-up study
Troubled teens and challenged caregivers: Characteristics associated with the decision to provide child welfare services to adolescents in Ontario, Canada
Epidemiological aspects of child abuse and neglect in Sousse, Tunisia: A 10-year retrospective study
A descriptive study of accidental skeletal injuries and non-accidental skeletal injuries of child maltreatment
Examining the association between suicidal behaviors and referral for mental health services among children involved in the child welfare system in Ontario, Canada
Changes in the prevalence of child maltreatment in Vietnam over 10 years
Risk factors for child neglect: A meta-analytic review
Full Length ArticleChild welfare organizations: Do specialization and service integration impact placement decisions?
Unpacking the parallel effects of parental alcohol misuse and low income on risk of supervisory neglect
Impulsivity as a moderator of the associations between child maltreatment types and body mass index
Exploring the new child protection system in Mainland China: How does it work?
Child maltreatment characteristics as predictors of heterogeneity in internalizing symptom trajectories among children in the child welfare system
Effectiveness of manualized case management on utilization of evidence-based treatments for children and adolescents after maltreatment: A randomized controlled trial
Child maltreatment and age of alcohol and marijuana initiation in high-risk youth
Research articleWhich maltreated children are at greatest risk of aggressive and criminal behavior? An examination of maltreatment dimensions and cumulative risk
Money matters: Does the minimum wage affect child maltreatment rates?
The within poverty differences in the occurrence of physical neglect
Child maltreatment in U.S. emergency departments: Imaging and admissions
Child maltreatment as a function of cumulative family risk: Findings from the intensive family preservation program
Caseworkers' perspective on risk factors in the family environment influencing mothers' difficulties in meeting children's needs
Redrawing the line: An exploration of how lay people construct child neglect
Risk factors for child physical abuse and neglect among Chinese young mothers
Association Between Severe Dental Caries and Child Abuse and Neglect
Research PaperDental caries prevalence and treatment level of neglected children at two child guidance centers
Evaluation of forensic medical history taking from the child in cases of child physical and sexual abuse and neglect
Substance use behaviors by parents and the decision to substantiate child physical abuse and neglect by caseworkers
Intergenerational transmission of child abuse and neglect: Do maltreatment type, perpetrator, and substantiation status matter?

Child abuse and neglect profiles and their psychosocial consequences in a large sample of incarcerated males
Examining hearing quality in child abuse and neglect cases: The relationship between breadth of discussion and case outcomes
Building workforce capacity to detect and respond to child abuse and neglect cases: A training intervention for staff working in emergency settings in Vietnam
Adverse childhood experiences and life opportunities: Shifting the narrative

Resilience among adult survivors of childhood neglect: A missing piece in the resilience literature
Pediatric Inpatient Nurses' Perceptions of Child Maltreatment
Accounting for the increase of children in care in western Australia: What can a client information system tell us?
Intersections of individual and neighborhood disadvantage: Implications for child maltreatment
Differential response in child protection: How much is too much?
Child maltreatment between knowledge, attitude and beliefs among Saudi pediatricians, pediatric residency trainees and medical students
Economic predictors of child maltreatment in an Australian population-based birth cohort
Child protection and the development of child abuse pediatrics in New York City
Single mothers, the role of fathers, and the risk for child maltreatment
Developmental pathways from child maltreatment to adolescent substance use: The roles of posttraumatic stress symptoms and mother-child relationships
Clout or doubt? Perspectives on an infant mental health service for young children placed in foster care due to abuse and neglect