در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Relation of peer effects and school climate to substance use among Asian American adolescents
Peer passenger intentions to speak up to a risky driver: A theoretically-guided investigation of the effects of a high school road safety education program
Peer effects in marathon racing: The role of pace setters
Dissatisfaction with opioid maintenance treatment partly explains reported side effects of medications
Do migrant students affect local students academic achievements in urban China?
Improving the assertive conversational skills of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder in a natural context
The climate for entrepreneurship at higher education institutions
When sharing hurts: How and why self-disclosing weakness undermines the task-oriented relationships of higher status disclosers
Strategies for new product diffusion: Whom and how to target?
Application of situational stimuli for examining the effectiveness of financial education: A behavioral finance perspective
The positive effect of in-class clicker questions on later exams depends on initial student performance level but not question format

Student support in accelerated nursing programs:Â Gender-based perspectives and impact on academic outcomes
Origins and Predictors of Friendships in 6- to 8-Year-Old Children Born at Neonatal Risk
Community-Driven Reconstruction in Colombia: An Experimental Study of Collective Action beyond Program Beneficiaries
Saving more in groups: Field experimental evidence from Chile
Prospective prediction of arrests for driving under the influence from relationship patterns with family and friends in adolescence
Evaluation of gap filling skills and reading mistakes of cochlear implanted and normally hearing students
Social support and depression among Chinese adolescents: The mediating roles of self-esteem and self-efficacy
Graduated driver licensing and differential deterrence: The effect of license type on intentions to violate road rules
Using common interests to increase socialization between children with autism and their peers
Government health insurance and spatial peer effects: New evidence from India
Peer effects, personal characteristics and asset allocation
Individual and peer effects in retirement savings investment choices
Developmental trajectories and longitudinal mediation effects of self-esteem, peer attachment, child maltreatment and depression on early adolescents
Heterogeneous effects of peer tutoring: Evidence from rural Chinese middle schools
The longitudinal effects of peer feedback in the development and transfer of student teamwork skills
Anonymous versus identified peer assessment via a Facebook-based learning application: Effects on quality of peer feedback, perceived learning, perceived fairness, and attitude toward the system
The role of emotion regulation for coping with school-based peer-victimisation in late childhood
Bad Company: Understanding negative peer effects in college achievement
The role of online social network chatting for alcohol use in adolescence: Testing three peer-related pathways in a Swedish population-based sample
Peer effects in early schooling: Evidence from Brazilian primary schools
Self-perceptions and socialâemotional classroom engagement following structured physical activity among preschoolers: A feasibility study
Distinctive role of opinion leaders in the social networks of school adolescents: an investigation of e-cigarette use

A peer-influence perspective on compulsive social networking site use: Trait mindfulness as a double-edged sword
Perspective matters: The internal/external frame of reference model for self- and peer ratings of achievement
Get thee to the gym! A field experiment on improving exercise habits
Longitudinal reciprocal effects between peer relationship difficulties and aggressive behaviors in Korean adolescents
Peer effects in decision-making: Evidence from corporate investment
Keeping secrets from friends: Exploring the effects of friendship quality, loneliness and self-esteem on secrecy
Testing three pathways to substance use and delinquency among low-income African American adolescents
Children's diurnal cortisol responses to negative events at school and home
The social context moderates the relationship between neighborhood safety and adolescents' activities
A peer learning intervention for nursing students in clinical practice education: A quasi-experimental study
Perceived neighborhood quality, family processes, and trajectories of child and adolescent externalizing behaviors in the United States
Effects of parenting practices through deviant peers on nonviolent and violent antisocial behaviours in middle- and late-adolescence
Social media mediated interaction with peers, experts and anonymous authors: Conversation partner and message framing effects on risk perception and sense-making of organic food
Can sports mitigate the effects of depression and aggression on peer rejection?
Intervention for peer mediation and mother-child interaction: The effects on childrenâs mediated learning strategies and cognitive modifiability
Effects of Peer Mentoring on Self-Efficacy and Hospital Readmission After Inpatient Rehabilitation of Individuals With Spinal Cord Injury: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Neural responses to social exclusion in adolescents: Effects of peer status
Ability tracking or comprehensive schooling? A theory on peer effects in competitive and non-competitive cultures
Effects of cross-rearing with social peers on myelination in the medial prefrontal cortex of a mouse model with autism spectrum disorder
Individual, peer, and family factor modification of neighborhood-level effects on adolescent alcohol, cigarette, e-cigarette, and marijuana use
A bibliometric analysis of peer-reviewed publications on domino effects in the process industry
The positive influence of female college students on their male peers
Feasibility, acceptability, and effects of a peer support group to prevent child maltreatment among parents experiencing homelessness
Peer and teacher influences on the motivational climate in physical education: A longitudinal perspective on achievement goal adoption
The importance of peers for compliance with norms of fair sharing
Peer effects on the development of language skills in Norwegian childcare centers
Risk taking in competition: Evidence from match play golf tournaments
How stars matter: Recruiting and peer effects in evolutionary biology
Sorting and agglomeration economies in French economics departments
Popularity, likeability, and peer conformity: Four field experiments
Conspicuous work: Peer working time, labour supply, and happiness
Parents and peers as protective factors among adolescents exposed to neighborhood risk
Neighborhood disorder, peer network health, and substance use among young urban adolescents
Gender and racial peer effects with endogenous network formation