Modal density of rectangular structures in a wide frequency range
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.

Energy balance between voltage-frequency scaling and resilience for linear algebra routines on low-power multicore architectures
Multi-level coarse mesh finite difference acceleration with local two-node nodal expansion method
Influence of heating systems on thermal transmittance evaluations: Simulations, experimental measurements and data post-processing
Vascular robustness: The missing parameter in cardiovascular risk prediction
Modified biomass burning emission in modeling system with fire radiative power: Simulation of particulate matter in Mainland Southeast Asia during smog episode
Joint release rate estimation and measurement-by-measurement model correction for atmospheric radionuclide emission in nuclear accidents: An application to wind tunnel experiments
Fatigue analysis of floating wind turbine support structure applying modified stress transfer function by artificial neural network
Effect of the diffuser efficiency on wind turbine performance
Revised power-law model to estimate the vertical variations of extreme wind speeds in China coastal regions
Nonlinear equilibrium adjustment dynamics and predictability of the term structure of interest rates
An improved bias correction method of daily rainfall data using a sliding window technique for climate change impact assessment
Impact of tropical desert maritime climate on the performance of a PV grid-connected power plant
Bending and free vibration analyses of in-plane bi-directional functionally graded plates with variable thickness using isogeometric analysis
Estimation and applicability of attenuation characteristics for source parameters and scaling relations in the Garhwal Kumaun Himalaya region, India
The development and implementation of stroke risk prediction model in National Health Insurance Service's personal health record
First order shear strain beam theory for spontaneous bending of liquid crystal polymer strips
Energy storage scheduling design on friendly grid wind power
Optimal resonance-free third-order high-pass filters based on minimization of the total cost of the filters using Crow Search Algorithm
Backstepping Control of Photovoltaic-Grid Hybrid Power Feed Water Pump
Investigation of material specifications changes during laser tube bending and its influence on the modification and optimization of analytical modeling
Use of white matter reference regions for detection of change in florbetapir positron emission tomography from completed phase 3 solanezumab trials
Thermo-elastic effects on shear correction factors for functionally graded beam
Shear fatigue between asphalt pavement layers and its application in design
The influence of microwave pulse width on the thermal burnout effect of a PIN diode limiting-amplifying system
Discharging performance of a forced-circulation ice thermal storage system for a permanent refuge chamber in an underground mine
Assessing the contributions of childhood maltreatment subtypes and depression case-control status on telomere length reveals a specific role of physical neglect
Experimental determination of the effective point of measurement in electron beams using a commercial scintillation detector
Improved atmospheric correction and chlorophyll-a remote sensing models for turbid waters in a dusty environment
Automated general temperature correction method for dielectric soil moisture sensors
Approximation of the crack driving force for cracks at notches under static and cyclic loading
Frequency response and harmonic distortion testing of inductive voltage transformer used for power quality measurements
Vibration analysis of magneto-electro-elastic heterogeneous porous material plates resting on elastic foundations
Design and real time implementation of three-phase three switches three levels Vienna rectifier based on intelligent controllers
An approach for synthesizing tri-component ground motions compatible with hazard-consistent target spectrum - Italian aseismic code application
Short-term wind speed prediction: Hybrid of ensemble empirical mode decomposition, feature selection and error correction
Estimates of energy demand and energy saving potential in China's agricultural sector
Geometrically non-linear static analysis of functionally graded material shells with a discrete double directors shell element
Nonlinear flexural and vibration response of geometrically imperfect gradient plates using hyperbolic higher-order shear and normal deformation theory
Residual lifetime assessment of thermal power plant superheater header
Hygrothermal effects on vibration characteristics of viscoelastic FG nanobeams based on nonlocal strain gradient theory
Presbyopic and non-presbyopic contact lens opinions and vision correction preferences
A modified boost rectifier for elimination of circulating current in power factor correction applications
Charge Current Controlled Single Phase Integrated Switched Mode Power factor Correction Converter
Microcontroller Based Prototype for Reactive Power Compensation in Local Distribution Networks
Design and real time implementation of adaptive neural-fuzzy inference system controller based unity single phase power factor converter
Tip Loss Factor Effects on Aerodynamic Performances of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine
Impact of channel blockage on the performance of axial and cross-flow hydrokinetic turbines
Computation of polymer in-situ rheology using direct numerical simulation
Point load strength index of granitic irregular lumps: Size correction and correlation with uniaxial compressive strength
Characterization of fluorescent nuclear track detectors as criticality dosimeters
Day-ahead forecasting of photovoltaic output power with similar cloud space fusion based on incomplete historical data mining
Dealing with under-reported variables: An information theoretic solution
Minimization of the thermal material effects on pulsed dynamic laser welding
Power available from a depth-averaged simulation of a tidal turbine array
Functional connectivity in incarcerated male adolescents with psychopathic traits
Design and real time implementation of single phase boost power factor correction converter
A current sensorless power factor correction control for LED lamp driver
An Off-line Battery Charger based on Buck-boost Power Factor Correction Converter for Plug-in Electric Vehicles ☆
Mitigation of voltage sag, swell and power factor correction using solid-state transformer based matrix converter in output stage
Analysis and design of reduced order linear quadratic regulator control for three phase power factor correction using Cuk rectifiers
Research of the Single-switch Active Power Factor Correction for the Electric Vehicle Charging System ☆
A single-stage voltage sensorless power factor correction converter for LED lamp driver
Towards a global control strategy for induction motor: Speed regulation, flux optimization and power factor correction
Optimal Power Factor Correction for Inductive Load Using PIC
Control strategies for harmonic mitigation and power factor correction using shunt active filter under various source voltage conditions
Modeling and simulation of a new Bridgeless SEPIC power factor correction circuit
Reactive current control through SVC for load power factor correction
Power factor correction technique based on artificial neural networks
Small-signal analysis and controller design for an isolated zeta converter with high power factor correction
Digital implementation of an advanced static compensator for voltage profile improvement, power-factor correction and balancing of unbalanced reactive loads
The use of instantaneous symmetrical components for balancing a delta connected load and power factor correction