Reinforcement learning-based real-time power management for hybrid energy storage system in the plug-in hybrid electric vehicle
Reinforcement learning-based real-time power management for hybrid energy storage system in the plug-in hybrid electric vehicle
Sensor-less on-line chatter detection in turning process based on phase monitoring using power factor theory
Critical factors affecting the development of renewable energy power generation: Evidence from China
Categories of measures to guide choice of human factors methods for nuclear power plant control room evaluation
Short-term power output forecasting of hourly operation in power plant based on climate factors and effects of wind direction and wind speed
Thermoelectric power factor performance of silicon-germanium alloy doped with phosphorus prepared by spark plasma assisted transient liquid phase sintering
Peak circulatory power is a strong prognostic factor in patients with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension
Statistical power in two-level hierarchical linear models with arbitrary number of factor levels
Does grid-connected clean power promote regional energy efficiency? An empirical analysis based on the upgrading grid infrastructure across China
A novel regenerative shock absorber with a speed doubling mechanism and its Monte Carlo simulation
Optical millimeter-wave generation with tunable multiplication factors and reduced power fluctuation by using cascaded modulators
Eco-efficiency measurement of coal-fired power plants in China using super efficiency data envelopment analysis
Maximum power extraction under different vector-control schemes and grid-synchronization strategy of a wind-driven Brushless Doubly-Fed Reluctance Generator
Wave power technologies for the Mediterranean offshore: Scaling and performance analysis
An energy management strategy based on dynamic power factor for fuel cell/battery hybrid locomotive
Full-year simulation of solar chimney power plants in Northwest China
Factors which influence the qualification of the electricity production in high efficiency cogeneration for biomass combined heat and power plants
Evaluation of Resting Cardiac Power Output as a Prognostic Factor in Patients with Advanced Heart Failure
Charge Current Controlled Single Phase Integrated Switched Mode Power factor Correction Converter
Real-time Evaluation Model of Power Line Fault Probability based on Multiple Meteorological factors
Influencing factors of public support for modern coal-fired power plant projects: An empirical study from China
Close or renew? Factors affecting local community support for rebuilding nuclear power plants in the Czech Republic
Statistical analysis on the fluence factor of surveillance test data of Korean nuclear power plants
Instantaneous power factor signature analysis for efficient fault diagnosis in inverter fed three phased induction motors
Integrated frequency and power control of an isolated hybrid power system considering scaling factor based fuzzy classical controller
Competing dopants grain boundary segregation and resultant seebeck coefficient and power factor enhancement of thermoelectric calcium cobaltite ceramics
Critical factors affecting the photovoltaic characteristic and comparative study between two maximum power point tracking algorithms
Heat transfer performance evaluation of a large-size cavity receiver in the solar power tower plant based on angle factors
Immersion factors affecting perception and behaviour in a virtual reality power wheelchair simulator
Identifying key performance shaping factors in digital main control rooms of nuclear power plants: A risk-based approach
Male sex hormones and criminal behavior: The predictive power of a two-factor model of organizational androgen exposure
Energy quality factor and exergy destruction processes analysis for a proposed polygeneration system coproducing semicoke, coal gas, tar and power
Analyses of the most influential factors for vibration monitoring of planetary power transmissions in pellet mills by adaptive neuro-fuzzy technique
Microcontroller Based Prototype for Reactive Power Compensation in Local Distribution Networks
Emission of mercury from six low calorific value coal-fired power plants
Influence of magnetic circuit saturation and skin effects on the adjustable induction motor characteristics
Thermal assessment of sheathed medium voltage power cables under non-sinusoidal current and daily load cycle
Hydrodynamic interactions of oscillating wave surge converters in an array under random sea state
Experimental and numerical study of a vertical axis tidal turbine performance
Research on the evaluation of wind power projects of investment risk
Adaptive differential evolution algorithm for efficient reactive power management
Carbon emissions of urban power grid in Jing-Jin-Ji region: Characteristics and influential factors
Prediction and uncertainty analysis of power peaking factor by cascaded fuzzy neural networks
A demand power factor-based approach for finding the maximum loading point
Participation factors and sub-Gramians in the selective modal analysis of electric power systems
Highly stretchable organic thermoelectrics with an enhanced power factor due to extended localization length
Size effect in thermoelectric power factor of nondegenerate and degenerate low-dimensional semiconductors
Decomposition Analysis on the Air Pollutant Baseline Emission Factors in China's Power Sector
The Influence of Relationship Power and Partner Communication on the Syndemic Factor among Hispanic Women
A modified boost rectifier for elimination of circulating current in power factor correction applications
Design and real time implementation of adaptive neural-fuzzy inference system controller based unity single phase power factor converter
A novel scaling factor based fuzzy logic controller for frequency control of an isolated hybrid power system
A carbon oxidation factor regression model of coal-fired power plants in China
Effect of host-mobility dependent carrier scattering on thermoelectric power factors of polymer composites
Optimum placement of shunt capacitors in a radial distribution system for substation power factor improvement using fuzzy GA method
Enhanced thermoelectric power factor of Bi2Sr2Co2Oy thin films by incorporating Au nanoparticles
Design and real time implementation of single phase boost power factor correction converter
Mitigation of voltage sag, swell and power factor correction using solid-state transformer based matrix converter in output stage
Hybrid-input power supply with PFC (power factor corrector) and MPPT (maximum power point tracking) features for battery charging and HB-LED driving
A current sensorless power factor correction control for LED lamp driver
Investigation on the Enhancement of the Thermoelectric Power Factor of ZnO Thin Films by Al-doping using Asymmetric Bipolar Pulsed-DC Magnetron Sputtering Technology ☆
An Off-line Battery Charger based on Buck-boost Power Factor Correction Converter for Plug-in Electric Vehicles ☆
Regression and kriging analysis for grid power factor estimation
Unity power factor Converter based on a Fuzzy controller and Predictive Input Current
Power factor model for selection of welding parameters in CW laser welding
A simple power factor calculation for electrical power systems
Analysis and design of sliding mode controller gains for boost power factor corrector
Modeling and multi-loop feedback control design of a SEPIC power factor corrector in single-phase rectifiers
Calculation of the power factor using the neutron diffusion hybrid equation
True power factor metering for m-wire systems with distortion, unbalance and direct current components
Research of the Single-switch Active Power Factor Correction for the Electric Vehicle Charging System ☆
A single-stage voltage sensorless power factor correction converter for LED lamp driver
Calculation of reactivity and power factors depending on the external source location
Analysis and design of reduced order linear quadratic regulator control for three phase power factor correction using Cuk rectifiers
Towards a global control strategy for induction motor: Speed regulation, flux optimization and power factor correction