در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Using the elaboration likelihood model to examine online persuasion through website design
A design framework for the mass customisation of custom-fit bicycle helmet models
Design-based research in designing the model for educating simulation facilitators
Modelling of the spray drying process for particle design
Integrating lean systems in the design of a sustainable supply chain model
Charge-sensitive modelling of organic Rankine cycle power systems for off-design performance simulation
Finite element modelling and design of welded stainless steel I-section columns
Model driven design and evaluation of security level in orchestrated cloud services
A dynamic business modelling approach to design and experiment new business venture strategies
Modeling a new design for extracting energy from geopressured geothermal reservoirs
A single-output model for the dynamic design of constructed wetlands treating combined sewer overflow
Design and analysis of capacity models for Lithium-ion battery
Robust parameters determination for ergonomical product design via computer musculoskeletal modeling and multi-objective optimization
Development of a numerical model for performance-based design of geosynthetic liner systems
Process modelling, design and technoeconomic evaluation for continuous paracetamol crystallisation
Intelligent agents for feature modelling in computer aided design
Removal of the pesticide tebuconazole in constructed wetlands: Design comparison, influencing factors and modelling
Integrating crystallization with experimental model parameter determination and modeling into conceptual process design for the purification of complex feed mixtures
Design, modelling and validation of a linear Joule Engine generator designed for renewable energy sources
Modeling and design guidelines for direct steam generation solar receivers
A new hardness model for materials design in cemented carbides
A framework for design and optimization of tapered composite structures. Part II: Enhanced design framework with a global blending model
On the design, modelling and analysis of multi-shelf inclined solar cooker-cum-dryer
Applicability of available Li-ion battery degradation models for system and control algorithm design
Model-based downdraft biomass gasifier operation and design for synthetic gas production
Forced motions design for aerodynamic identification and modeling of a generic missile configuration
Hardware design and modeling of lightweight block ciphers for secure communications
Reliability-based load factor design model for explosive blast loading
From experiments to design: A probabilistic definition of design formulations from empirical and semi-empirical resistance models
A switched and scheduled design for model recovery anti-windup of linear plants
Design-validation of a hand exoskeleton using musculoskeletal modeling
A survey of model transformation design patterns in practice
Magnetically-driven medical robots: An analytical magnetic model for endoscopic capsules design
Rigorous design of reaction-separation processes using disjunctive programming models
An empirical model design for evaluation and estimation of carbonation depth in concrete
A model for estimating cooling energy demand at early design stage of condominiums
Designing viable multi-commodity energy business ecosystems: Corroborating the business model design framework for viability

Design of dynamic plant model and model-based controller for a heat recovery system with a swirling flow incinerator
Business model design in sustainable entrepreneurship: Illuminating the commercial logic of hybrid businesses
Off-design modelling of an organic Rankine cycle micro-CHP: Modular framework, calibration and validation
Modeling and design optimization of a robot gripper mechanism
Modeling and simulated design: A novel model and software of a solar-biomass hybrid dryer
Design and modelling techniques of permanent magnet fault current limiter
Digital maker-entrepreneurs in open design: What activities make up their business model?
Deviation Modeling and Shape Transformation in Design for Additive Manufacturing
Design and optimisation of the nozzle of an innovative high temperature solid particulate erosion testing system using finite element modelling
A superstructure-based design of experiments framework for simultaneous domain-restricted model identification and parameter estimation
Lithium-ion battery capacity fading dynamics modelling for formulation optimization: A stochastic approach to accelerate the design process
Development of an Innovative Energy Modelling Framework for Design and Operation of Building Clusters in the Tropics
Addressing design preferences via auto-associative connectionist models: Application in sustainable architectural Façade design
Parametric design of automotive ball joint based on variable design methodology using knowledge and feature-based computer assisted 3D modelling
Thinking difference: Theories and models of parametric design thinking
Automated seismic design of non-structural elements with building information modelling
Manufacturing flexibility, business model design, and firm performance
Modeling in the quality by design environment: Regulatory requirements and recommendations for design space and control strategy appointment
Design of validation experiments for life prediction models
Model-based design of supervisory controllers for baggage handling systems
Bayesian clinical trial design using Markov models with applications to autoimmune disease
A multiproduct batch plant design model incorporating production planning and scheduling decisions under a multiperiod scenario
Fault tolerant control of a simulated hydroelectric system ☆
Reinforced ultra-lightweight cement composite flat slabs: Experiments and analysis
Design, modeling and performance analysis of dual channel semitransparent photovoltaic thermal hybrid module in the cold environment
The bearing strength capacity perpendicular to grain of norway spruce – Evaluation of three structural timber design models
Investigation on removal of p-nitrophenol using a hybridized photo-thermal activated persulfate process: Central composite design modeling
Design model for magnesium ions re-mineralization of desalinated water by dissolution of magnesia pellets
Commonalities of nurse-designed models of health care
A conceptual modeling framework for network analytics ☆
Installing Fixed Sensors for Double Calibration and Early-warning Detection Purposes ☆
A new orientation design model and numerical solution for coiled tubing drilling