The Elderly and Environmental Perception in Collective Housing ☆
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
A social trap for the climate? Collective action, trust and climate change risk perception in 35 countries
Citizen participation as a social shift tool in projects of urban fluvial space recovery: A case study in Spain
The consideration of environmental and social issues in transport policy, plan and programme making in Brazil: A systems analysis
What does a person's eating identity add to environmental influences on fruit and vegetable intake?
How teachers perceive factors that influence creativity development: Applying a Social Cognitive Theory perspective
Benchmarking urban eco-efficiency and urbanites' perception
Ecosystem services and use of Afro-descendant land in the Colombian North Pacific: Transformations in the traditional production system
The influence of greenwashing perception on green purchasing intentions: The mediating role of green word-of-mouth and moderating role of green concern
Exploring community risk perceptions of climate change - A case study of a flood-prone urban area of Taiwan
Research articleCultural dimensions of risk perceptions: A case study on cross-strait driftage pollution in a coastal area of Taiwan
An evaluation of sustainable construction perceptions and practices in Singapore
It's a match when green meets healthy in sustainability labeling
Raising awareness of climate change causes? Cross-national evidence for the normalization of societal risk perception of climate change
Research articleThe recovery of estuarine quality and the perceived increase of cultural ecosystem services by beach users: A case study from northern Spain
Acceptance profiles for a carbon-derived foam mattress. Exploring and segmenting consumer perceptions of a carbon capture and utilization product
The use of sociocultural valuation in sustainable environmental management
Fisheries Property Regimes and Environmental Outcomes: A Realist Synthesis Review
Subjective perception of noise exposure in relation to urban green space availability
Perceived influence of intrinsic/extrinsic factors on participation in life activities after spinal cord injury
Unpacking the Relationships Between Pro-environmental Behavior, Life Satisfaction, and Perceived Ecological Threat
How a coastal community looks at coastal hazards and risks in a vulnerable barrier island system (Faro Beach, southern Portugal)
What should consumer organizations do to drive environmental sustainability?
An experimental study using manipulated photographs to examine interactions between micro-scale environmental factors for children's cycling for transport
Formal and informal environmental sensing data and integration potential: Perceptions of citizens and experts
Acceptance of new sanitation: The role of end-users' pro-environmental personal norms and risk and benefit perceptions
Perceptual assessment of indoor water sounds over environmental noise through windows
Assessment of environmental sustainability perception through item response theory: A case study in Brazil
Perceptions of aquaculture ecolabels: A multi-stakeholder approach in Nova Scotia, Canada
Community perceptions of local enterprises in environmentally degraded areas
Environment perception and leisure-time physical activity in Portuguese high school students
Benefits of quiet workspaces in open-plan offices Evidence from two office relocations
Challenges in Assessing Public Opinion on Economic Growth Versus Environment: Considering European and US Data
Cycling environmental perception in Beijing A study of residents' attitudes towards future cycling and car purchasing
Cleaner production, social responsibility and eco-innovation: Generations' perception for a sustainable future
Assessing green supply chain practices in Bangladesh using fuzzy importance and performance approach
Local residents' risk perceptions in response to shale gas exploitation: Evidence from China
How does environmental concern influence mode choice habits? A mediation analysis
Exploring the environmental impact assessment commissioners' perspectives on the development of the seawater desalination project

Antecedents of urban residents' separate collection intentions for household solid waste and their willingness to pay: Evidence from China
Redefining climate change inaction as temporal intergroup bias: Temporally adapted interventions for reducing prejudice may help elicit environmental protection
Full length articleHow political ideology affects climate perception: Moderation effects of time orientation and knowledge
Social perception at the onset of a mining development in Eastern Amazonia, Brazil
Research articleSurvey of the effect of odour impact on communities
An examination of the temporal effects of environmental cues on pedestrians' feelings of safety
Explaining citizens perceptions of international climate-policy relevance

Consumer response to packaging design: The role of packaging materials and graphics in sustainability perceptions and product evaluations
European consumers perception of moderate wine consumption on health
Perceived neighborhood environmental attributes associated with leisure-time and transport physical activity in Mexican adults
Student values and perceptions of corporate social responsibility in the forest industry on the road to a bioeconomy
The Effects of Regulated Facilities' Perceptions About the Effectiveness of Government Interventions on Environmental Compliance
Safety in passenger ships: The influence of environmental design characteristics on people's perception of safety
Global environmental impact of informal settlements and perceptions of local environmental threats: An empirical case study in Suva, Fiji
From local to global. Perceptions of environmental change in a 16th century Portuguese village. A micro approach to a macro-scenario
Coastal dynamics vs beach users attitudes and perceptions to enhance environmental conservation and management effectiveness
The attractive concept of simplicity in environmental impact assessment: Perceptions of outcomes in southeastern Brazil
On the study of thermal comfort and perceptions of environmental features in urban parks: A structural equation modeling approach
Public perceptions of energy security in Greece and Turkey: Exploring the relevance of pro-environmental and pro-cultural orientations
Current agri-environmental policies dismiss varied perceptions and discourses on management of traditional rural biotopes
Public perception of rural environmental quality: Moving towards a multi-pollutant approach
Can people catastrophize barriers? An exploratory analysis of the association between pain catastrophizing and perceptions of environmental factors
ArticleEnvironmental Tobacco Smoke: Public Perception of Risks of Exposing Children to Second- and Third-Hand Tobacco Smoke
Our own country is best: Factors influencing consumers sustainability perceptions of plant-based foods
Perception matrices: An adaptation of repertory grid technique
Air quality perception of pedestrians in an urban outdoor Mediterranean environment: A field survey approach
Assessments of the quality of organic versus conventional products, by category and cognitive style
Original articlesDo farmers perceive a deficiency of soil organic matter? A European and farm level analysis
Research articleUnderstanding local community's values, worldviews and perceptions in the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere Reserve, Scotland
Research articleA Structural Equation Modeling approach to water quality perceptions
Each fisherman is different: Taking the environmental perception of small-scale fishermen into account to manage marine protected areas
Recreating mental image with the aid of cognitive maps and its role in environmental perception
On the perceptions and conceptions of tourists with regard to global environmental changes and their consequences for coastal and marine environments: A case study of the northern São Paulo State coast, Brazil
Perception of Class and Sense of School Belonging and Self-regulated Learning: A Causal Model ☆