Trait anger and aggression: A moderated mediation model of anger rumination and moral disengagement
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Investigating the mediating effect of Uber's sexual harassment case on its brand: Does it matter?
Parents' and early adolescents' self-efficacy about anger regulation and early adolescents' internalizing and externalizing problems: A longitudinal study in three countries
On the difference between moral outrage and empathic anger: Anger about wrongful deeds or harmful consequences
A questionnaire survey on road rage and anger-provoking situations in China
Anger, anxiety, and depressive affect as predictors of stress-induced cortisol production in khat and tobacco users
Alexithymia, not fibromyalgia, predicts the attribution of pain to anger-related facial expressions
Changes in Problematic Anger, Shame, and Disgust in Anxious and Depressed Adults Undergoing Treatment for Emotion Dysregulation
From victim to victimizer: Hostility, anger, and depression as mediators of the bullying victimizationbullying perpetration association
Characterizing anger-related affect in individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder using ecological momentary assessment
The impact of police presence on angry and aggressive driving
Modification of Hostile Interpretation Bias in Depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Virtual Reality and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Driving Anxiety and Aggression in Veterans: A Pilot Study
Emotional lability and affective synchrony in posttraumatic stress disorder pathology
Understanding the role of the perpetrator in triggering humiliation: The effects of hostility and status
An agent-based model for emotion contagion and competition in online social media
The maltreatment-violence link: Exploring the role of maltreatment experiences and other individual and social risk factors among young people who offend
Walking my way? Walker gender and display format Confounds the perception of specific emotions
Teachers' self-concepts and emotions: Conceptualization and relations
Early childhood teachers' stress and children's social, emotional, and behavioral functioning
Negative emotions and behaviour: The role of regulatory emotional self-efficacy
Financial circumstances, mastery, and mental health: Taking unobserved time-stable influences into account
Differentiating the influence of incidental anger and fear on risk decision-making
Aggressive thinking on the road. The mediation effect of aggressive thinking in the relationship between driving anger and aggression in Romanian drivers
Is the use of humor associated with anger management? The assessment of individual differences in humor styles in Spain
Is cognitive intervention or forgiveness intervention more effective for the reduction of driving anger in Chinese bus drivers?
Does Testosterone Treatment Increase Anger Expression in a Population of Transgender Men?
Neural activity during the viewing of emotional pictures in veterans with pathological anger and aggression
Testing the impact of frustration and anger when responsibility is low
Morphine reduced perceived anger from neutral and implicit emotional expressions
The effects of perceived torture controllability on symptom severity of posttraumatic stress, depression and anger in refugees and asylum seekers: A path analysis
Driver anger in France: The relationships between sex, gender roles, trait and state driving anger and appraisals made while driving
Anxiety and anger immediately prior to myocardial infarction and long-term mortality: Characteristics of high-risk patients
The role of anger and depressive mood in transformation process from victimization to perpetration
The grammar of anger: Mapping the computational architecture of a recalibrational emotion
Nasty online comments anger you more than me, but nice ones make me as happy as you
Social decision making in narcissism: Reduced generosity and increased retaliation are driven by alterations in perspective-taking and anger
Mild traumatic brain injury and suicide risk among a clinical sample of deployed military personnel: Evidence for a serial mediation model of anger and depression
Happy-anger emotions classifications from electrocardiogram signal for automobile driving safety and awareness
The dangers of rumination on the road: Predictors of risky driving
The power of status: What determines one's reactions to anger in a social situation?
Getting angry matters: Going beyond perspective taking and empathic concern to understand bystanders' behavior in bullying
Relationship of mindful awareness to neural processing of angry faces and impact of mindfulness training: A pilot investigation
Discrimination and anger control as pathways linking socioeconomic disadvantage to allostatic load in midlife
Anger and intertemporal choice: The behavioral approach system and the interactive effects of trait and state anger
Development and preliminary validation of a scale of driving moral disengagement as a tool in the exploration of driving aggression
Pain and multiple facets of anger and hostility in a sample seeking treatment for problematic anger
Anger expression among Danish cyclists and drivers: A comparison based on mode specific anger expression inventories
Anger tendencies and sleep: Poor anger control is associated with objectively measured sleep disruption
The implicit need for power predicts recognition memory for anger faces: An electrophysiological study
Anger and guilt in treatment for chronic posttraumatic stress disorder
Lower catecholamine activity is associated with greater levels of anger in adults
Endogenous Opioid Function and Responses to Morphine: The Moderating Effects of Anger Expressiveness
The impact of angry rumination on anger-primed cognitive control
Anger and aggression problems in veterans are associated with an increased acoustic startle reflex
It's the emotions, Stupid! Anger about the economic crisis, low political efficacy, and support for populist parties
Relationship Between Caregiving Burden and Anger Level in Primary Caregivers of Individuals With Chronic Mental Illness
Hostile interpretation training for individuals with alcohol use disorder and elevated trait anger: A controlled trial of a web-based intervention
The role of anger regulation on perceived stress status and physical health
Using self-regulation to overcome the detrimental effects of anger in negotiations

Trait anger and cyberbullying among young adults: A moderated mediation model of moral disengagement and moral identity
Anger regulation and school-related somatic complaints in children with special educational needs: A longitudinal study
Anger factors impacting on life satisfaction of mothers with young children in Korea: Does mother's age matter?
The role of strengths in anger and conduct problems in maltreated adolescents
Could two negative emotions be a positive? The effects of anger and anxiety in enemyship
Exogenous testosterone in a non-social provocation paradigm potentiates anger but not behavioral aggression
Proximity alert! Distance related cuneus activation in military veterans with anger and aggression problems
Mediating the bullying victimizationâdelinquency relationship with anger and cognitive impulsivity: A test of general strain and criminal lifestyle theories
Violent images, anger and physical aggression among male forensic inpatients
Predictors and mediators of trait anger across the psychosis continuum: The role of attachment style, paranoia and social cognition
Attention and driving performance modulations due to anger state: Contribution of electroencephalographic data
Subjective anger and overt aggression in psychiatric outpatients
Enhancing anger perception in older adults by stimulating inferior frontal cortex with high frequency transcranial random noise stimulation