Trait aggressiveness, media violence, and perceptions of interpersonal conflict
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
A longitudinal analysis of shooter games and their relationship with conduct disorder and cself-reported delinquency
Precollege Sexual Violence Perpetration and Associated Risk and Protective Factors Among Male College Freshmen in Georgia
How do you wish to be cited? Citation practices and a scholarly community of care in trans studies research articles
When structural violences create a context that facilitates sexual assault and intimate partner violence against street-involved young women
Stay alert: Forecasting the risks of sexting in Korea using social big data
Power struggles: A sociological approach to activist communication
Psychological need satisfaction and well-being in first-person shooter clans: Investigating underlying factors
Physical neglect in childhood as a predictor of violent behavior in adolescent males
Reconfiguring the violent encounter? Preloading, security staff and breathalyser use in the night-time economy
Incidence and risk factors of workplace violence against nurses in a Chinese top-level teaching hospital: A cross-sectional study
Violence towards Emergency Nurses. The Italian National Survey 2016: A qualitative study
Status quo of German-speaking medical students' attitudes toward and knowledge about central aspects of forensic psychiatry across four European countries
University employees' preparedness for natural hazards and incidents of mass violence: An application of the extended parallel process model
Exploring the impact of off the beaten path: Violence, women, and art
The spectacle of the feminine Other: Reading migrant women's autobiographies about honour-based violence
A social semiotics analysis of Islamic State's use of beheadings: Images of power, masculinity, spectacle and propaganda
Criminalisation and prostitution of migrant women in Turkey: A case study of Ugandan women
Stigma of sexual violence and womenâs decision to work
Violent events on the road: Risk perception of traffic-related and non traffic-related situations
Representations of dating violence in Chilean adolescents: A qualitative study
Devolution, shifting centre-periphery relationships and conflict in northern Kenya
Teens' and parents' perceived levels of helpfulness: An examination of suggested things to say to youth experiencing Teen Dating Violence
Demons with firepower: How belief in pure evil relates to perceptions and punishments of gun violence perpetrators
Intricate links: Displacement, ethno-political conflict, and claim-making to land in Burundi
Predictors of Marital Adjustment among Child Brides
Incidence, Type, Related Factors, and Effect of Workplace Violence on Mental Health Nurses: A Cross-sectional Survey
The uncomfortable politics of care and conflict: Exploring nontraditional caring agencies
The mitigating effects of maternal social support and paternal involvement on the intergenerational transmission of violence
A house divided: Parental disparity and conflict over media rules predict children's outcomes
Adverse physiological and psychological effects of screen time on children and adolescents: Literature review and case study
Violence Against Health Care Providers: A Mixed-Methods Study from Karachi, Pakistan
The problem of false positives and false negatives in violent video game experiments
Prevalence of Workplace Violence Against Chinese Nurses and Its Association with Mental Health: A Cross-sectional Survey
From difficult past to imagined future: Projective reversal and the transformation of ground zero
Severe mental illness and firearm access: Is violence really the danger?
Bits and Pieces: A Crowd-Sourced Series of 54 Cases of Fractured Hormonal Implants
Individual differences explain regional differences in honor-related outcomes
Answering the Call of Duty: Everyday encounters with the popular geopolitics of military-themed videogames
Evaluación de pensamientos distorsionados sobre la mujer y la violencia de estudiantes vascoparlantes de enseñanzas medias
Assessment of Distorted Thoughts About Women and Violence of Basque-speaking Secondary School Students
Living near violence: How proximity to violence shapes perceptions of police effectiveness and confidence in police
The cycle of cyberbullying: Some experience required
Affective atmospheres, urban geopolitics and conflict (de)escalation in Beirut
New framework that uses patterns and relations to understand terrorist behaviors
Who plays violent video games? An exploratory analysis of predictors of playing violent games
Risky movies, risky behaviors, and ethnic identity among Black adolescents
Aggressor or protector? Experiences and perceptions of violence predict preferences for masculinity
Gender Violence and Social Networks in Adolescents. The Case of the Province of Malaga
How election dynamics shape perceptions of electoral integrity
Is exposure to online content depicting risky behavior related to viewers' own risky behavior offline?
Alone and adrift: The association between mass school shootings, school size, and student support
New technologies, continuing ideologies: Online reader comments as a support for media perspectives of minority religions
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Meta-analysis of exposure and outcome relations for children of the region
Gender matters: Experiences and consequences of digital dating abuse victimization in adolescent dating relationships
The unexpected comfort of wearing headphones: Emotional and cognitive effects of headphone use when playing a bloody video game
Violent video game effects on salivary cortisol, arousal, and aggressive thoughts in children
Public attitudes towards involuntary admission and treatment by mental health services in Norway
Characteristics of sleep in socially vulnerable adolescents
Atmospheric memories: Affect and minor politics at the ten-year anniversary of the London bombings

Investigating the relationship between social media consumption and fear of crime: A partial analysis of mostly young adults
The influence of living conditions in early life on life satisfaction in old age
Personality and life satisfaction in China: The birth order effect under the influence of national policy
The interacting role of media violence exposure and aggressive–disruptive behavior in adolescent brain activation during an emotional Stroop task
Links between self-reported media violence exposure and teacher ratings of aggression and prosocial behavior among German adolescents
Longitudinal effects of media violence on aggression and empathy among German adolescents
Viewing of mass media violence, perception of violence, personality and academic achievement
Psychoticism in the effect of prolonged exposure to gratuitous media violence on the acceptance of violence as a preferred means of conflict resolution