The relationship of school climate, teacher defending and friends on students' perceptions of bullying in high school
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The severity and spread of adjustment problems of adolescents involved in mutually hostile interactions with others
Cyberbullying and traditional bullying involvement among heterosexual and non-heterosexual adolescents, and their associations with age and gender
Revisiting out-of-home placed children's poor educational outcomesâIs school change part of the explanation?
Factors influencing bystanders' behavioral reactions in cyberbullying situations
Intersections of gender and sexual minority status: Co-occurring bullying victimization among adolescents
Social and Health Determinants of Adolescents' Wellbeing in Jordan: Implications for Policy and Practice
Social involvement issues in patients with Becker muscular dystrophy: A questionnaire survey of subjects from a patient registry
Bullying and negative appearance feedback among adolescents: Is it objective or misperceived weight that matters?
Student-teacher relationships and bullying: The role of student social status
Correlates of bullying and its relationship with psychiatric disorders in Lebanese adolescents
Forgiveness and cyberbullying in adolescence: Does willingness to forgive help minimize the risk of becoming a cyberbully?
Does media use lead to cyberbullying or vice versa? Testing longitudinal associations using a latent cross-lagged panel design
Attitudes Toward Cultural Diversity in Spanish and Portuguese Adolescents of Secondary Education: The Influence of Heteronormativity and Moral Disengagement in School Bullying
Voiding school as a treatment of daytime incontinence or enuresis: Children's experiences of the intervention
The relationships between violence in childhood and educational outcomes: A global systematic review and meta-analysis
Bullying in School-aged Children in Iceland: A Cross-sectional Study
Bullying victimization experiences among middle and high school adolescents: Traditional bullying, discriminatory harassment, and cybervictimization
Are states winning the fight? Evidence on the impact of state laws on bullying in schools
Factors Affecting Jordanian School Adolescents' Experience of Being Bullied
Actitudes hacia la diversidad cultural de adolescentes de secundaria españoles y portugueses: influencia de la heteronormatividad y la desconexión moral hacia el bullying
Concurrent and longitudinal associations between early adolescents' experiences of school climate and cyber victimization
Adolescent Weight Status: Associations With Structural and Functional Dimensions of Social Relations
Connectedness to family, school, peers, and community in socially vulnerable adolescents
Cyberbullying and adolescent well-being in England: a population-based cross-sectional study
Face-to-face bullying and cyberbullying in adolescents: Trans-contextual effects and role overlap
Social Stress and Substance Use Disparities by Sexual Orientation Among High School Students
Do bullied children have poor relationships with their parents and teachers? A cross-sectional study of Swedish children
Bullying involvement and adolescent substance use: A multilevel investigation of individual and neighbourhood risk factors
Coping with cyberbullying victimization: An exploratory study of Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong
The role of bullying in depressive symptoms from adolescence to emerging adulthood: A growth mixture model
Correlates of school dropout and absenteeism among adolescent girls from marginalized community in north Karnataka, south India
Patient-identified events implicated in the development of body dysmorphic disorder
Victimization as a mediator of alcohol use disparities between sexual minority subgroups and sexual majority youth using the 2015 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey
The prevalence and correlates of suicidal behaviours (ideation, plan and attempt) among adolescents in senior high schools in Ghana
Prevalence of cyberbullying and predictors of cyberbullying perpetration among Korean adolescents

Effect of personal characteristics, victimization types, and family- and school-related factors on psychological distress in adolescents with intellectual disabilities
Stigma and Health-Related Quality of Life in Sexual Minorities
Multidimensionality of Social Competence: Measurement of the Construct and its Relationship With Bullying Roles
Bullying Victimization and Suicide Ideation and Behavior Among Adolescents in Europe: A 10-Country Study
Individual and contextual factors associated with tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis use among Chilean adolescents: A multilevel study
Sexual orientation, minority stress, social norms, and substance use among racially diverse adolescents
Perceived barriers that prevent high school students seeking help from teachers for bullying and their effects on disclosure intentions
Bullying among immigrant and non-immigrant early adolescents: School- and student-level effects
Access to a Loaded Gun Without Adult Permission and School-Based Bullying
Do anti-bullying policies deter in-school bullying victimization?
The effectiveness of assertiveness training for school-aged children on bullying and assertiveness level
Is weight-related bullying addressed in school-based anti-bullying programs?
Comparing children's experiences of schools-based bullying across countries
Weapon carrying in and out of school among pure bullies, pure victims and bully-victims: A systematic review and meta-analysis of cross-sectional and longitudinal studies
Do adolescent risk behaviors mediate health and school bullying? Testing the stress process and general strain frameworks
School personnel social support and nonsupport for bystanders of bullying: Exploring student perspectives
The Relationship between Types of Bullying Experienced by Primary School Students and their Anxiety, State-Trait, Self-Esteem and Certain Socio-Demographic Characteristics
Cultural adaptation to Spanish and assessment of an Adolescent Peer Relationships Tool for detecting school bullying: Preliminary study of the psychometric properties
Cultivating youth resilience to prevent bullying and cyberbullying victimization
Systematic Review of the Prevalence of School Violence in Spain
Classroom relationship qualities and social-cognitive correlates of defending and passive bystanding in school bullying in Sweden: A multilevel analysis
Linking eating and weight control attitudes to relationship experiences: A large-scale survey of adolescent females
The relationship of bullying and physical violence to mental health and academic performance: A cross-sectional study among adolescents in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Are reading difficulties associated with bullying involvement?
Systematic reviews of the effectiveness of developmental prevention programs in reducing delinquency, aggression, and bullying
The cycle of cyberbullying: Some experience required
Social ecology and adolescent bullying: Filtering risky environments through antisocial personality
Diet quality and bullying among a cross-national sample of youth
Relationships of bullying involvement with intelligence, attention, and executive function in children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Association between body dissatisfaction and bullying in children of socioeconomically vulnerable areas
Associations between adolescent experiences of violence in Malawi and gender-based attitudes, internalizing, and externalizing behaviors
Defending victims: What does it take to intervene in bullying and how is it rewarded by peers?
Does defending come with a cost? Examining the psychosocial correlates of defending behaviour among bystanders of bullying in a Canadian sample
Exploring the relationship between personality and bullying; an investigation of parental perceptions
How Early do Social Determinants of Health Begin to Operate? Results From the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study
Feminization of arts participation and extracurricular activities? Gender differences in cultural capital and bullying victimization