Person × environment interactions on adolescent delinquency: Sensation seeking, peer deviance and parental monitoring
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Child and adolescent maltreatment as a mediator of continuity in callous-unemotional traits and low self-control
The effects of high school personal financial education policies on financial behavior
Sexual coercion in adolescence: From non-consensual sexuality to sexuality under constraint
Conducta antisocial y funciones ejecutivas de jóvenes infractores
Ethnic Differences in Cigarette Use Trajectories and Health, Psychosocial, and Academic Outcomes
Antisocial Behavior and Executive Functions in Young Offenders
Differential impacts of participation in organized activities and maltreatment types on adolescent academic and socioemotional development
Predictors of justice system involvement: Maltreatment and education
The thin line between protection and conviction: Experiences with child protection services and later criminal convictions among a population of adolescents
How to prevent mortgage default without skin in the game: Evidence from an integrated homeownership support nonprofit
Profiles of internalizing and externalizing symptoms associated with bullying victimization
Risk-based loan pricing consequences for credit unions
A longitudinal analysis of shooter games and their relationship with conduct disorder and cself-reported delinquency
A model of religious involvement, family processes, self-control, and juvenile delinquency in two-parent families
The differential influence of absent and harsh fathers on juvenile delinquency
Change in delinquency over time between adolescents with and without maltreatment experiences: Attachment and the school's role
How far does the apple fall from the tree? Maternal delinquency and sex-specific patterns of offspring delinquent behavior
Parenting and the association between maternal criminal justice involvement and adolescent delinquency

Treating conduct disorder: An effectiveness and natural language analysis study of a new family-centred intervention program
Youth workers' use of Facebook for mediated pastoralism with juvenile delinquents and youths-at-risk
Smoking and sedentary behavior changes from adolescence to emerging adulthood: A multilevel modeling perspective
Illicit juvenile weapon possession: The role of serious sanctioning in future behavior
The predictors of perceived social support among former foster youth
Developmental outcomes among Korean adolescents in out-of-home care: A longitudinal study comparing kinship foster care and institutional care

Community-based and family-focused alternatives to incarceration: A quasi-experimental evaluation of interventions for delinquent youth
The role of anger and depressive mood in transformation process from victimization to perpetration
The effectiveness of pre-purchase homeownership counseling: Evidence from a randomized study
Unraveling the link between maltreatment and juvenile antisocial behavior: A meta-analysis of prospective longitudinal studies
Truancy in the United States: Examining temporal trends and correlates by race, age, and gender
Maltreatment, family environment, and social risk factors: Determinants of the child welfare to juvenile justice transition among maltreated children and adolescents
Self-efficacy, aspirations, and residential placement outcomes: Why belief in a prosocial self matters
Change in externalizing problems over time among ethnic minority youth exposed to violence
The compelling urge to misbehave: Do impulse purchases instigate unethical consumer behavior?
Correlates of educational success: Predictors of school dropout and graduation for urban students in the Deep South
Prosocial reasoning and emotions in young offenders and non-offenders
It's time: A meta-analysis on the self-control-deviance link
Psychometric properties of Basic Empathy Scale among female juvenile delinquents and school youths
The reliability, concurrent validity and association with salivary oxytocin of the self-report version of the Inventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits in adolescents with conduct disorder
The Juvenile Justice Behavioral Health Services Cascade: A new framework for measuring unmet substance use treatment services needs among adolescent offenders
Background lead and mercury exposures: Psychological and behavioral problems in children
Reconsidering residential mobility: Differential effects on child wellbeing by race and ethnicity
The unique and interactive effects of parent and school bonds on adolescent delinquency
Adolescent delinquency in child welfare system: A multiple disadvantage model
Testing three pathways to substance use and delinquency among low-income African American adolescents
The influence of strain factors, social control factors, self-control and computer use on adolescent cyber delinquency: Korean National Panel Study
Systematic reviews of explanatory risk factors for violence, offending, and delinquency
Childhood adversity and the risk of substance use and delinquency: The role of protective adult relationships
Gender differences in delinquency at 21 years following childhood maltreatment: A birth cohort study
Systematic reviews of the effectiveness of developmental prevention programs in reducing delinquency, aggression, and bullying
Mediating the bullying victimizationâdelinquency relationship with anger and cognitive impulsivity: A test of general strain and criminal lifestyle theories
Delinquency prevention for individual change: Richard Clarke Cabot and the making of the Cambridge-Somerville Youth Study
Developmental changes in the bidirectional relationships between parental monitoring and child delinquency
Serious delinquency and later schizophrenia: A nationwide register-based follow-up study of Finnish pretrial 15- to 19-year-old offenders sent for a forensic psychiatric examination
How does working in a finance profession affect mortgage delinquency?
The interplay of parental monitoring and socioeconomic status in predicting minor delinquency between and within adolescents
The impact of extracurricular activities participation on youth delinquent behaviors: An instrumental variables approach
Pubertal development, social factors, and delinquent involvement among South Korean male adolescents
The impact of missed payments and foreclosures on credit scores
The effect of state bans of payday lending on consumer credit delinquencies
A meta-analysis of the association between mental disorders and juvenile recidivism
Domain-specific daily hassles, anxiety, and delinquent behaviors among low-income, urban youth
Peer delinquency and student achievement in middle school
Differences between risk factors for truancy and delinquency in Dutch adolescents
Victimization and adversity among children experiencing war-related parental absence or deployment in a nationally representative US sample
Results of domestic migration on juvenile delinquency in Adana, Turkey
Poor actigraphic and self-reported sleep patterns predict delinquency and daytime impairment among at-risk adolescents
Chronic neglect and aggression/delinquency: A longitudinal examination