Parents' concordant and discordant alcohol use and subsequent child behavioral outcomes
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Intellectual disability in children and teenagers: Influence on family and family health. Systematic review
Health Conditions: Effect on Function, Health-Related Quality of Life, and Life Satisfaction After Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury. A Prospective Observational Registry Cohort Study
Negative affectivity as a mechanism underlying perceived distress tolerance and cannabis use problems, barriers to cessation, and self-efficacy for quitting among urban cannabis users
Gender matters in cardiac rehabilitation and diabetes: Using Bourdieu's concepts
Heterogeneity of sleep quality in relation to circadian preferences and depressive symptomatology among major depressive patients
Prenatal urinary triclosan concentrations and child neurobehavior
Social participation, health literacy, and health and well-being: A cross-sectional study in Ghana
Mobility Device Quality Affects Participation Outcomes for People With Disabilities: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis
Acculturative stress and mental health among economically disadvantaged Spanish-speaking Latinos in primary care: The role of anxiety sensitivity
Perceived neighborhood boundaries: A missing link in modeling post-disaster housing recovery
Gender differentiation and citizenship acquisition: Nationality reforms in comparative and historical perspective
Intimate partner violence against women, circumstances of aggressions and oral-maxillofacial traumas: A medical-legal and forensic approach
The rise in obesity in Cuba from 2001 to 2010: An analysis of National Survey on Risk Factors and Chronic Diseases data
Associations of early childhood adversities with mental disorders, psychological functioning, and suitability for psychotherapy in adulthood
Husband's role in handling pregnancy complications in Mangochi District, Malawi: A call for increased focus on community level male involvement
Psychosocial well-being over the two years following cardiac rehabilitation initiation & association with heart-health behaviors
A massive geographically weighted regression model of walking-environment relationships
Bidirectional relations among executive function, teacherchild relationships, and early reading and math achievement: A cross-lagged panel analysis
Alcohol-induced disinhibition is associated with impulsivity, depression, and suicide attempt: A nationwide community sample of Korean adults
A segmentation study of cinema consumers based on values and lifestyle
Social capital of entrepreneurs in a developing country: The effect of gender on access to and requests for resources
Life course, sociocultural factors and disordered eating in adult Mexican women
Differential investments and opportunities: How do neighborhood conditions moderate the relationship between perceived housing discrimination and social capital?
Reliability and validity of the student stress inventory-stress manifestations questionnaire and its association with personal and academic factors in university students
Construct Validity of the Spanish Versions of the Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale Short Form and Condensed Form: Rasch Analysis of Responses in Oncology Outpatients
Parenting and the association between maternal criminal justice involvement and adolescent delinquency
Revivalist women's submission: Women's spiritual authority, biblical feminism and cosmofeminism
Family context and childrenâs early literacy skills: The role of marriage quality and emotional expressiveness of mothers and fathers
From child autistic symptoms to parental affective symptoms: A family process model
Neighborhood cohesion, neighborhood disorder, and cardiometabolic risk
Acute Predictors of Social Integration Following Mild Stroke

Perceived Participation and Its Correlates Among First-Stroke Survivors at Six Months After Discharge From a Tertiary Hospital in China
Work-family conflict and self-rated health among dwellers in Minia, Egypt: Financial strain vs social support
Social integration and healthy aging among U.S. women
Predictors of Marital Adjustment among Child Brides
Residential education as an alternative for promoting psychosocial and behavioral outcomes among high-risk young Macanese males
Do adverse childhood experiences predict adult interpersonal difficulties? The role of emotion dysregulation
Reproducing economic inequality: Longitudinal relations of self-control, social support, and maternal education
The mitigating effects of maternal social support and paternal involvement on the intergenerational transmission of violence
How is subjective well-being related to quality of life? Do we need two concepts and both measures?
Is the Effect of Postpartum Depression on Mother-Infant Bonding Universal?
Social Support as a Mediator of Physical Disability and Depressive Symptoms in Chinese Elderly
Parental involvement during the transition to primary school: Examining bidirectional relations with school adjustment
Womenâs Age at First Marriage and Long-Term Economic Empowerment in Egypt
Political economy of family life: coupleâs earnings, welfare regime and union dissolution
Sources of social support, job satisfaction, and quality of life among childcare teachers
Hopelessness: Independent associations with health-related quality of life and short-term mortality after critical illness: A prospective, multicentre trial
Measures of individual risk attitudes and portfolio choice: Evidence from pension participants
Dynamics of contraceptive use: A study of King Saud University women staff, Riyadh
The adolescent family environment and cohabitation across the transition to adulthood
Prospective relations between intrusive parenting and child behavior problems: Differential moderation by parasympathetic nervous system regulation and child sex
The care burden and social support levels of caregivers of patients with multiple sclerosis
Stressful situations affecting the perception of happiness: Love as a stressor
Transitions to adulthood among young entrepreneurs in the informal mobile telephony sector in Accra, Ghana
Does the biopsychosocial-spiritual model of addiction apply in an Islamic context? A qualitative study of Jordanian addicts in treatment
The relations between inadequate parent-child boundaries and borderline personality disorder in adolescence
Psychological distress, self esteem and emotional dependency of married individuals as predictors of marital adjustment
Associations between multidimensional frailty and quality of life among Dutch older people
Anxiety sensitivity explains associations between anxious arousal symptoms and smoking abstinence expectancies, perceived barriers to cessation, and problems experienced during past quit attempts among low-income smokers
Young adults' internet addiction: Prediction by the interaction of parental marital conflict and respiratory sinus arrhythmia
Current status and influencing factors of post-traumatic growth in maintenance hemodialysis
Investigating the relationship between quality of life with lipid and glucose levels in Iranian diabetic patients
Towards explaining relationship dissatisfaction in Chinese dating couples: Relationship disillusionment, emergent distress, or insecure attachment style?
Individual social capital: Accessibility and mobilization of resources embedded in social networks
Social relations, depressive symptoms, and incident type 2 diabetes mellitus: The English Longitudinal Study of Ageing
Sexual abuse and neglect situations as risk factors for adolescent pregnancy
Association between sociodemographic, psychosocial, lifestyle factors, and self-reported health among migrant laborers in China
Partner phubbing and depression among married Chinese adults: The roles of relationship satisfaction and relationship length
Perceived neighborhood environmental attributes associated with leisure-time and transport physical activity in Mexican adults
The effect of employment transitions on physical health among the elderly in South Korea: A longitudinal analysis of the Korean Retirement and Income Study
Unique effects of socioeconomic and emotional parental challenges on children's executive functions
Sexual function and related factors in Iranian woman with epilepsy