The associations between medical, allied and complementary medicine practitioner visits and childhood vaccine uptake
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
An agent-based model for emotion contagion and competition in online social media
Climate schools plus: An online, combined student and parent, universal drug prevention program
Negotiating tensions around new forms of academic writing
Consumer perception and preference for suboptimal food under the emerging practice of expiration date based pricing in supermarkets
Joint consensus evaluation of multiple objects on an ordinal scale: An approach driven by monotonicity
An evaluation of Spanish and English on-line information sources regarding pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period
Environmental interactions of tidal lagoons: A comparison of industry perspectives
Piloting the United Kingdom âPrescribing Safety Assessment with pharmacist prescribers in Scotland
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Original Research QuantitativeA survey of Australian midwives knowledge, experience, and training needs in relation to female genital mutilation
A rapid detection method for policy-sensitive amines real-time supervision
Original articleDeveloping core elements and checklist items for global hospital antimicrobial stewardship programmes: a consensus approach
Attachment, relationship communication style and the use of jealousy induction techniques in romantic relationships
The Academic Surgical Collaborative: A three-year review of a trainee research collaborative
Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for adolescents with anxiety disorders: A feasibility study
Exploring the Tripartite Influence Model of body dissatisfaction in postpartum women
Energy consumption prediction for water-source heat pump system using pattern recognition-based algorithms
Attitudes towards Zika virus infection among medical doctors in Aceh province, Indonesia
Characterization of Post-Operative Opioid Use Following Total Joint Arthroplasty
Language-specific skills in intercultural healthcare communication: Comparing perceived preparedness and skills in nurses' first and second languages
The Opinion Management Framework: Identifying and addressing customer concerns extracted from online product reviews
Online scheduling problems with flexible release dates: Applications to infrastructure restoration
Intervention of Online Percent Coefficient of Variation Reporting System Reduces the Variability of Tacrolimus Trough Concentration in Kidney Transplant Recipients
Public attitudes toward child undervaccination: A randomized experiment on evaluations, stigmatizing orientations, and support for policies
Revealing our melting past: Rescuing historical snow and ice data
Stripping customers' feedback on hotels through data mining: The case of Las Vegas Strip
Why attend to source information when reading online? The perspective of ninth grade students from two different countries
Consumer behaviour towards price-reduced suboptimal foods in the supermarket and the relation to food waste in households
The use of mobile technology for online shopping and entertainment among older adults in Finland
An exploration of participants experience of an intensive care nursing transition to specialty practice program
Maternal HealthIs It Safe to Vape? Analyzing Online Forums Discussing E-Cigarette Use during Pregnancy
cause ur special: Understanding trust and complimenting behaviour in online grooming discourse
High thermal conductivities of carbon nanotube films and micro-fibres and their dependence on morphology
Are existing soils data meeting the needs of stakeholders in Europe? An analysis of practical use from policy to field
Molecular fingerprinting of principal neurons in the rodent hippocampus: A neuroinformatics approach
Advance booking and hotel price variability online: Any opportunity for business customers?
Looking for trouble: A multilevel analysis of disagreeable contacts in online social networks
Quality assessment of websites providing educational content for patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Time-dependent functional role of the contralesional motor cortex after stroke
Evaluating the Quality and Readability of Internet Information on Meningiomas
Competitive algorithms for multistage online scheduling
Research papersVariable complexity online sequential extreme learning machine, with applications to streamflow prediction
Electronic displays of aggression in teen dating relationships: Does the social ecology matter?
Does the internet affect assortative mating? Evidence from the U.S. and Germany
Key Challenges of On-line Education in Multi-cultural Context
Using online platforms to engage employees in unionism. The case of IBM
Analytics and patterns of knowledge creation: Experts at work in an online engineering community
Characterizing the semantics of passwords: The role of Pinyin for Chinese Netizens
Surrogate health information seeking in Europe: Influence of source type and social network variables
Senior, mature or single: A qualitative analysis of homepage advertisements of dating sites for older adults
Things change with age: Educational assortment in online dating
Teaching presence in telecollaboration. Keeping an open mind
Full length articleWho is dating and gaming online? Categorizing, profiling, and predicting online daters and gamers
Up-to-date key retrieval for information centric networking
Online Prediction with Variable Horizon for Vehicle's Future Driving-Cycle
Pathological narcissism, cyberbullying victimization and offending among homosexual and heterosexual participants in online dating websites
The influence of biological and personality traits on gratifications obtained through online dating websites
Collaborative Filtering for people-to-people recommendation in online dating: Data analysis and user trial
Income attraction: An online dating field experiment ☆
Effects of race, visual anonymity, and social category salience on online dating outcomes
Dispositional factors predicting use of online dating sites and behaviors related to online dating
An experiment investigating the links among online dating profile attractiveness, ideal endorsement, and romantic media
What is beautiful is good, even online: Correlations between photo attractiveness and text attractiveness in men’s online dating profiles
Dating deception: Gender, online dating, and exaggerated self-presentation
Comparing narratives of personal and preferred partner characteristics in online dating advertisements
The impact of emotionality and self-disclosure on online dating versus traditional dating