Intellectual disability in children and teenagers: Influence on family and family health. Systematic review
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Parents' concordant and discordant alcohol use and subsequent child behavioral outcomes
Severe interpersonal violence against children in sport: Associated mental health problems and quality of life in adulthood
Partner preferences in the context of concurrency: What Himba want in formal and informal partners
Does the sex ratio at sexual maturity affect men's later-life mortality risks? Evidence from historical China
Socioeconomic variation in the association of marriage with depressive symptoms
The effect of a randomized controlled physical activity trial on health related quality of life in metabolically unhealthy African-American women: FIERCE STUDY
From child autistic symptoms to parental affective symptoms: A family process model
Predictors of health-related quality of life among Brazilian former athletes
Efficacy and safety of herbal steam bath in allergic rhinitis: a randomized controlled trial
Marital status, gender, and material hardship: Evidence from Israel

Distinctive use of newer and older antidepressants in major geographical areas: A nationally representative register-based study
Bullying and Social Anxiety in Chinese Children: Moderating Roles of Trait Resilience and Psychological Suzhi
Serial multiple mediation of organizational commitment and job burnout in the relationship between psychological capital and anxiety in Chinese female nurses: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey
Generalized anxiety disorder in urban China: Prevalence, awareness, and disease burden
Important Care and Activity Preferences in a Nationally Representative Sample of Nursing Home Residents
The prevalence and influencing factors for child neglect in a rural area of Anhui province: a 2-year follow-up study
A Pragmatic Preoperative Prediction Score for Nonhome Discharge After Cardiac Operations
Patterns and predictors of childcare subsidies for children with and without special needs
Health-related quality of life and associated factors among patients with diabetes mellitus in Botswana
Systematic review of care needs for older patients treated with anticancer drugs
First-time fathers' health status during the perinatal period
Family context and childrenâs early literacy skills: The role of marriage quality and emotional expressiveness of mothers and fathers
Neurocognitive functioning and quality of life in patients with and without deficit syndrome of schizophrenia
How health behaviors link romantic relationship dysfunction and physical health across 20 years for middle-aged and older adults
Marital status integration and suicide: A meta-analysis and meta-regression
Service quality, consumer satisfaction and loyalty in hospitals: Thinking for the future
Assessment and public perception of drinking water quality and safety in district Vehari, Punjab, Pakistan
Rationale for routine collection of patient reported outcomes during integrative medicine consultation visits
Epilepsy-related concerns among patients with epilepsy in West China
Evaluation of the quality of life in patients followed for differentiated cancer of the thyroid
Natural history of pain and disability among AfricanAmericans and Whites with or at risk for knee osteoarthritis: A longitudinal study
Psychosocial outcome in epilepsy after extratemporal surgery
Are there clinical differences between inner, outer or dual spatial locations of auditory verbal hallucinations?
What Is the Real Impact of Urinary Incontinence on Female Sexual Dysfunction? A Case Control Study
Predictors of medical and mental health care use in patients with irritable bowel syndrome in the United States
The Impact of Partnership Status and Social Support on Health Related Quality of Life Outcomes in Men with Prostate Cancer
Methods needed to measure predictive accuracy: A study of diabetic patients
Does Keeping Adolescent Girls in School Protect Against Sexual Violence? Quasi-Experimental Evidence From East and Southern Africa
The role of personal social networks on health inequalities across European regions
Patient factors associated with lung transplant referral and waitlist for patients with cystic fibrosis and pulmonary fibrosis
Family adaptation to cerebral palsy in adolescents: A European multicenter study
Psychosocial outcome in adult men born with hypospadias
The within poverty differences in the occurrence of physical neglect
Factors associated with non-return to work in the severely injured victims 3 years after a road accident: A prospective study
A comparative study of quality of life and marital satisfaction in patients with depression and their spouses
Social support from the closest person and sleep quality in later life: Evidence from a British birth cohort study
Sources of social support, job satisfaction, and quality of life among childcare teachers
The association between suicidal ideation and sleep quality in elderly individuals: A cross-sectional study in Shandong, China
Risk factors for suicide in offspring bereaved by sudden parental death from external causes
Comparative Study on Health-Related Quality of Life of Farmers and Workers
Associations between Partnering and Parenting Transitions and Dietary Habits in Young Adults
Determinants of quality of life in Paget's disease of bone
The association of cumulative discrimination on quality of care, patient-centered care, and dissatisfaction with care in adults with type 2 diabetes
Consumer motivations toward buying local rice: The case of northern Iranian consumers
Can family structure and social support reduce the impact of child victimization on health-related quality of life?
Stigma resistance and its association with internalised stigma and psychosocial outcomes among psychiatric outpatients
The level of anxiety, depression and quality of life among patients with heart failure in Greece
Factors affecting the quality of life among Chinese rural general residents: a cross-sectional study
Assessing attitudes toward elderly among nurses working in the city of Ilam
The Relationship between Social Support and Diet Quality in Middle-Aged and Older Adults in the United States
A cross-sectional study to assess the stigma associated with tuberculosis among tuberculosis patients in Udupi district, Karnataka
Assessment of predictors of the impact of fibromyalgia on health-related quality of life 12 months after the end of an interdisciplinary treatment
Low supply of social support as risk factor for mortality in the older adults
Do people with epilepsy have a different lifestyle?
The relationship between oral health and oral health related quality of life among elderly people in United Kingdom
Illness perceptions in adult congenital heart disease: A multi-center international study
Factors contributing to poor satisfaction with sleep and healthcare seeking behavior in older adults
Examining the relationship between antihypertensive medication satisfaction and adherence in older patients
Determinants of marital quality in an arranged marriage society
Testing bidirectional relationships between marital quality and sleep disturbances: A 4-year follow-up study in a Korean cohort
Discordance in couples’ reporting of courtship stages: Implications for measurement and marital quality