Prognostics of aluminum electrolytic capacitors using artificial neural network approach
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Artificial intelligence in fracture detection: transfer learning from deep convolutional neural networks
Materials data validation and imputation with an artificial neural network
Artificial neural network based particle size prediction of polymeric nanoparticles
The use of artificial neural networks for modeling air void content in aggregate mixture
River Flow Model Using Artificial Neural Networks ☆
Development and performance evaluation of a novel knowledge guided artificial neural network (KGANN) model for exchange rate prediction
Research on the improvement of image edge detection algorithm based on artificial neural network
Seed yield prediction of sesame using artificial neural network

Improving prognosis and reducing decision regret for pancreatic cancer treatment using artificial neural networks
Human-visual-perception-like intensity recognition for color rust images based on artificial neural network
Artificial neural network based multi-dimensional fragility development of skewed concrete bridge classes
Detection of sleep breathing sound based on artificial neural network analysis
A hybrid model of an artificial neural network with thermodynamic model for system diagnosis of electrical power plant gas turbine
Prediction of persistent hemodynamic depression after carotid angioplasty and stenting using artificial neural network model
Heat transfer prediction of supercritical water with artificial neural networks
Application of artificial neural networks and response surface methodology approaches for the prediction of oil agglomeration process
Ecosystem modeling using artificial neural networks: An archaeological tool
Artificial neural network model for ozone concentration estimation and Monte Carlo analysis
A novel approach for software defect prediction through hybridizing gradual relational association rules with artificial neural networks
Force and temperature modelling of bone milling using artificial neural networks
High variation topsoil pollution forecasting in the Russian Subarctic: Using artificial neural networks combined with residual kriging
Artificial neural network for random fatigue loading analysis including the effect of mean stress
Towards an integrated evolutionary strategy and artificial neural network computational tool for designing photonic coupler devices
Predicting ship machinery system condition through analytical reliability tools and artificial neural networks
Reliability-based design: Artificial neural networks and double-loop reliability-based optimization approaches
Development of an artificial neural network model for prediction of bubble point pressure of crude oils
Using artificial neural networks to assess HVAC related energy saving in retrofitted office buildings
The application of artificial neural networks and support vector regression for simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of commercial eye drop contents
Artificial neural networks approach to predicting rut depth of asphalt concrete by using of visco-elastic parameters
The association between reconstructed phase space and Artificial Neural Networks for vectorcardiographic recognition of myocardial infarction
Statistical review of dry reforming of methane literature using decision tree and artificial neural network analysis
Innovative hybrid models for forecasting time series applied in wind generation based on the combination of time series models with artificial neural networks
Wave resource characterization through in-situ measurement followed by artificial neural networks' modeling
Structural learning in artificial neural networks using sparse optimization
Viscosity prediction for six pure refrigerants using different artificial neural networks
An Artificial Neural Network and Bayesian Network model for liquidity risk assessment in banking
A method for optical imaging and monitoring of the excretion of fluorescent nanocomposites from the body using artificial neural networks
Sample selection via angular distance in the space of the arguments of an artificial neural network
Optimizing asphalt mix design process using artificial neural network and genetic algorithm
Prediction of site overhead costs with the use of artificial neural network based model
Standard representation and unified stability analysis for dynamic artificial neural network models
Artificial neural network approximations of linear fractional neutron models
Static load estimation using artificial neural network: Application on a wing rib
Prediction of wind pressure coefficients on building surfaces using artificial neural networks
Generating action plans for poultry management using artificial neural networks
Prediction of exhaust emission in transient conditions of a diesel engine fueled with animal fat using Artificial Neural Network and Symbolic Regression
Compressive strength prediction of environmentally friendly concrete using artificial neural networks
Nonlinear aircraft system identification using artificial neural networks enhanced by empirical mode decomposition
Database self-expansion based on artificial neural network: An approach in aircraft design
Applying artificial neural networks for systematic estimation of degree of fouling in heat exchangers
A novel type of activation function in artificial neural networks: Trained activation function
Gross domestic product estimation based on electricity utilization by artificial neural network
Deep dreaming, aberrant salience and psychosis: Connecting the dots by artificial neural networks
An artificial neural network system to identify alleles in reference electropherograms
Predicting the ingredients of self compacting concrete using artificial neural network
Dam break flow solution using artificial neural network
Fault Identification-based Voltage Sag State Estimation Using Artificial Neural Network
Sparse and burst spiking in artificial neural networks inspired by synaptic retrograde signaling
Appraisal of artificial neural network for forecasting of economic parameters
An Artificial Neural Network for the surface tension of alcohols
Bloch oscillations in graphene from an artificial neural network study
Reactive control of a wave energy converter using artificial neural networks
An artificial neural network to predict resting energy expenditure in obesity
Improving Supply Chain Visibility With Artificial Neural Networks
Statistical physics and representations in real and artificial neural networks
An optimization of artificial neural network model for predicting chlorophyll dynamics
Seismic reliability assessment of structures using artificial neural network
A sub-space artificial neural network for mold cooling in injection molding
Voltage stability monitoring of power systems using reduced network and artificial neural network
Photocatalytic valorization of glycerol to hydrogen: Optimization of operating parameters by artificial neural network
On the use of artificial neural networks to model household energy consumptions
Using chaotic artificial neural networks to model memory in the brain
Artificial neural network for the correlation and prediction of surface tension of refrigerants