Artificial bee colony optimization for multi-area economic dispatch
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
A hybrid artificial bee colony assisted differential evolution algorithm for optimal reactive power flow
A New Meta-heuristic Bat Inspired Classification Approach for Microarray Data
Self Adaptive Artificial Bee Colony for Global Numerical Optimization
An Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Based on Problem Data Properties for Scheduling Job Shops
Pollination limitation despite managed honeybees in South African macadamia orchards
Influence of humic substances and iron and aluminum ions on the sorption of acetamiprid to an arable soil
Environmental factors have a strong impact on the composition and diversity of the gut bacterial community of Chinese black honeybees
Investigations on neonicotinoids in guttation fluid of seed treated sugar beet: Frequency, residue levels and discussion of the potential risk to honey bees
Two route landmarks are more useful to navigating ant colonies when they are dissimilar
Modeling and simulation of the hexagonal pattern formation of honeycombs by the immersed boundary method
Bring out your dead: quantifying corpse removal in Bombus terrestris, an annual eusocial insect
Evidence of Varroa-mediated deformed wing virus spillover in Hawaii
Sensitivity analyses for simulating pesticide impacts on honey bee colonies
Viability of honeybee colonies exposed to sunflowers grown from seeds treated with the neonicotinoids thiamethoxam and clothianidin
Analysis and evaluation of (neuro)peptides in honey bees exposed to pesticides in field conditions
Gamma irradiation inactivates honey bee fungal, microsporidian, and viral pathogens and parasites
A 3-year survey of Italian honey bee-collected pollen reveals widespread contamination by agricultural pesticides
The value of small arable habitats in the agricultural landscape: Importance for vascular plants and the provisioning of floral resources for bees
Metabolisation of thiamethoxam (a neonicotinoid pesticide) and interaction with the Chronic bee paralysis virus in honeybees
Linking components of complex signals to morphological part: the role of anther and corolla in the complex floral display
Chromatographic determination of monoterpenes and other acaricides in honeybees: Prevalence and possible synergies
Fast cheater migration stabilizes coexistence in a public goods dilemma on networks
Food poisoning associated with ingestion of wild wasp broods in the upstream region of the Lancang river valley, Yunnan province, China
Amitraz and its metabolite modulate honey bee cardiac function and tolerance to viral infection
The role of pollinators, pests and different yield components for organic and conventional white clover seed yields
Parasite infection of specific host genotypes relates to changes in prevalence in two natural populations of bumblebees

Bumble bee colony growth and reproduction depend on local flower dominance and natural habitat area in the surrounding landscape
Caste differences in the association between dopamine and reproduction in the bumble bee Bombus ignitus
Apiculture knowledge transmission in a changing world: Can family-owned knowledge be opened?
Exploring the relationships between landscape complexity, wild bee species richness and reproduction, and pollination services along a complexity gradient in the Netherlands
The combined effects of a monotonous diet and exposure to thiamethoxam on the performance of bumblebee micro-colonies
Nestmate discrimination based on familiarity but not relatedness in eastern carpenter bees
Risk assessment of pesticides and other stressors in bees: Principles, data gaps and perspectives from the European Food Safety Authority
Is China's unparalleled and understudied bee diversity at risk?
Risk preference during collective decision making: ant colonies make risk-indifferent collective choices
Mixtures of herbicides and metals affect the redox system of honey bees
Comparative proteome analysis of honey bee workers between overwintering and brood-rearing seasons
Stress response in honeybees is associated with changes in task-related physiology and energetic metabolism
Parasite dispersal risk tolerance is mediated by its reproductive value
Comparative analysis of profitability of honey production using traditional and box hives
A novel artificial bee colony algorithm with an adaptive population size for numerical function optimization
Gene expression changes in honey bees induced by sublethal imidacloprid exposure during the larval stage
Risk factors for the presence of Deformed wing virus and Acute bee paralysis virus under temperate and subtropical climate in Argentinian bee colonies
Potential supply of floral resources to managed honey bees in natural mistbelt forests
An alternative artificial bee colony algorithm with destructive–constructive neighbourhood operator for the problem of composing medical crews

Efficient collision-free path-planning of multiple mobile robots system using efficient artificial bee colony algorithm
Reliable and efficient approach for mitigating the shading effect on photovoltaic module based on Modified Artificial Bee Colony algorithm
Weighted bee colony algorithm for discrete optimization problems with application to feature selection
Solving the large-scale hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with limited buffers by a hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm ☆
An image watermarking scheme in wavelet domain with optimized compensation of singular value decomposition via artificial bee colony
Wind speed prediction using the hybrid model of wavelet decomposition and artificial bee colony algorithm-based relevance vector machine
Hybrid multiple objective artificial bee colony with differential evolution for the time–cost–quality tradeoff problem
Constrained binary artificial bee colony to minimize the makespan for single machine batch processing with non-identical job sizes
Chaotic artificial bee colony algorithm based solution of security and transient stability constrained optimal power flow
A hybrid artificial bee colony for a nurse rostering problem
Security constrained multi-period optimal power flow by a new enhanced artificial bee colony
Modeling and managing of micro grid connected system using Improved Artificial Bee Colony algorithm
Artificial bee colony algorithm for constrained possibilistic portfolio optimization problem
A dynamic multi-colony artificial bee colony algorithm for multi-objective optimization ☆
A new modified artificial bee colony algorithm for the economic dispatch problem
A novel binary artificial bee colony algorithm based on genetic operators
Artificial bee colony algorithm with distribution-based update rule
Artificial bee colony algorithm to design two-channel quadrature mirror filter banks
A new quantum inspired chaotic artificial bee colony algorithm for optimal power flow problem
Color image segmentation based on multiobjective artificial bee colony optimization
Composite artificial bee colony algorithms: From component-based analysis to high-performing algorithms
Artificial bee colony algorithm with variable search strategy for continuous optimization
Dynamic clustering with improved binary artificial bee colony algorithm
Elite-guided multi-objective artificial bee colony algorithm
Optimization and Parameters Estimation in Ultrasonic Echo Problems Using Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
The continuous artificial bee colony algorithm for binary optimization
Multi-factory parallel machine problems: Improved mathematical models and artificial bee colony algorithm ☆
A hybrid of ant colony optimization and artificial bee colony algorithm for probabilistic optimal placement and sizing of distributed energy resources