The power of consensus: Developing a community voice in land use planning and tourism development in biodiversity hotspots
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
From digitization to the age of acceleration: On information technology and tourism
How does destination social responsibility contribute to environmentally responsible behaviour? A destination resident perspective
An Investigation of the Barriers Related to Tourism Industry Development in Iran ☆
Religious tourism and spiritual leadership development: Christian leadership conferences
Development of a sustainable tourist destination based on the creative economy: A case study of Klong Kone Mangrove Community, Thailand
Developing a non-compensatory approach to identify suitable zones for intensive tourism in an environmentally sensitive landscape
Is tourism an engine for economic recovery? Theory and empirical evidence
The dynamic analysis and evaluation on tourist ecological footprint of city: Take Shanghai as an instance
Testing discontinuous innovations in the tourism industry: The case of scenic airship services
The use of Geographical Information Systems for Tourism Marketing purposes in Aveiro region (Portugal)
Exploring cultural heritage tourism in rural Newfoundland through the lens of the evolutionary economic geographer
Toward a framework for an undergraduate academic tourism curriculum in Indonesian Universities: Some perspectives from stakeholders
Tourism as an important impetus to promoting economic growth: A critical review
Sustainable tourism: Sustaining tourism or something more?
Chinese traditional perceptions of the calendar year: Implications of Jieqi for contemporary product development and sustainability
Modelling and application of fuzzy adaptive minimum spanning tree in tourism agglomeration area division
Research on hospitality and tourism education: Now and future
Coastal Tourism and Climate-Related Disasters in an Archipelago Country of Indonesia: Tourists Perspective
Will sustainable tourism research be sustainable in the future? An opinion piece
Collaborative approach for tourism conflict management: A Portuguese case study
Tourism as an exercise in three-dimensional power: Evidence from Ghana
The economic, social, and environmental impacts of cruise tourism
Simulation of a dynamical ecotourism system with low carbon activity: A case from western China
Determinants of innovation in tourism evidence from Australia
The post-socialist restitution of property as dispossession: Social dynamics and land development in Southern Albania
Dynamics between financial development, tourism, sanitation, renewable energy, trade and total reserves in 19 Asia cooperation dialogue members
Common unofficial language, development and international tourism
Drug tourism motivation of Chinese outbound tourists: Scale development and validation
Applying self-perception theory to explain residents' attitudes about tourism development through travel histories
Development of the national transplant program significantly decreased but not ceased transplant tourism in Montenegro
Resident-tourist value co-creation: The role of residents' perceived tourism impacts and life satisfaction
Social capital and entrepreneurial mobility in early-stage tourism development: A case from rural China
The political economy of tourism development: A critical review
The impact of residents' informedness and involvement on their perceptions of tourism impacts: The case of Bled
Revitalizing traditional villages through rural tourism: A case study of Yuanjia Village, Shaanxi Province, China
Territorial capital, smart tourism specialization and sustainable regional development: Experiences from Europe
Urban livability and tourism development in China: Analysis of sustainable development by means of spatial panel data
How visitors value traditional built environment? Evidence from a contingent valuation survey
Critical PerspectivesCritical tourism pedagogies: Exploring the potential through food
Second home tourism impact and governance: Evidence from the Caspian Sea region of Iran
Research paperDemographic analysis of residents' support for tourism development in Jamaica
On the origins of tourist urbanisation in Greece: Land speculation and property market (in)efficiency
The Impacts of Civil Airport layout to Yunnan Local Tourism Industry
Comparing enclave tourism's socioeconomic impacts: A dependency theory approach to three state-planned resorts in Mexico
Destination competitiveness and tourism development in Russia: Issues and challenges
The unintended consequences of regulatory complexity: The case of cruise tourism in Arctic Canada
Place attachment and empowerment: Do residents need to be attached to be empowered?
Analysis of the Effectiveness the European Regional Development Fund Disbursement for the Selected Tourism Services with the use of the Counterfactual Method
Development pattern, classification and evaluation of the tourism academic community in China in the last ten years: From the perspective of big data of articles of tourism academic journals
Research PaperThe role of history and identity discourses in cross-border tourism destination development: A Vogtland case study
Community participation in World Heritage Site conservation and tourism development
Spiritual (walking) tourism as a foundation for sustainable destination development: Kumano-kodo pilgrimage, Wakayama, Japan
A stakeholder analysis of a service learning project for tourism development in An Ecuadorian Rural Community
China's outbound tourism Stages, policies and choices
Integrating frameworks for evaluating tourism partnerships: An exploration of success within the life cycle of a collaborative ecotourism development effort
Linking tourism to social capital in destination communities

Smart Specialization for Smart Spatial Development: Innovative Strategies for Building Competitive Advantages in Tourism in Slovakia
Engines of tourism's growth: An examination of efficacy of shift-share regression analysis in South Carolina
Fostering local sustainable development in Tanzania by enhancing linkages between tourism and small-scale agriculture
Applying destination competitiveness model to strategic tourism development of small destinations: The case of South Banat district
The relationship between tourism, financial development and economic growth in India
Factors that Influence the Tourism Industry's Carbon Emissions: a Tourism Area Life Cycle Model Perspective
The effect of enhanced international air access on the demand for peripheral tourism destinations: Evidence from air itinerary choice behaviour of Korean visitors to Australia
A case study: The impact of low-cost carriers on inbound tourism of Saudi Arabia
The synergies between human development, economic growth, and tourism within a developing country: An empirical model for ecuador
A qualitative analysis of Singapore's medical tourism competitiveness
A framework for conflict analysis in spatial planning for tourism
Case study: Wellness, tourism and small business development in a UK coastal resort: Public engagement in practice
A phenomenological explication of guanxi in rural tourism management: A case study of a village in China