داده انبوه و مجازی سازی برای تولید سیستم های فیزیکی مجازی : تحقیقی روی وضعیت کنونی و چشم انداز آینده
Big Data and virtualization for manufacturing cyber-physical systems: A survey of the current status and future outlook
Big Data and virtualization for manufacturing cyber-physical systems: A survey of the current status and future outlook
A novel memory allocation scheme for memory energy reduction in virtualization environment
Identifying critical factors for corporate implementing virtualization technology
On the use of Virtual Reality for a human-centered workplace design
The virtualization of the airline industry: A strategic process
A simple voxel-based assessment and visualization of dose to human for radiation protection using virtual simulation
The role of 3-dimensional sonography and virtual sonographic cystscopy in detection of bladder tumors
Supports for deeper learning of inquiry-based ecosystem science in virtual environments - Comparing virtual and physical concept mapping
A combined forecast-based virtual machine migration in cloud data centers
A virtual force sensor for interaction tasks with conventional industrial robots
Virtual dictionary based kernel sparse representation for face recognition
Collision detection of virtual plant based on bounding volume hierarchy: A case study on virtual wheat
Virtually timed ambients: A calculus of nested virtualization
Empathy and embodied experience in virtual environment: To what extent can virtual reality stimulate empathy and embodied experience?
The effect of behavioral synchrony with black or white virtual agents on outgroup trust
Virtual Cerebral Aneurysm Clipping with Real-Time Haptic Force Feedback in Neurosurgical Education
Modeling expertise and adaptability in virtual operator models
Shared protection based virtual network mapping in space division multiplexing optical networks
A virtual lab as a complement to traditional hands-on labs: Characterization of an alkaline electrolyzer for hydrogen production
An examination of gender differences versus similarities in a virtual world
The effects of body position on Reflexive Motor Acts and the sense of presence in virtual environments
A spectral clustering approach to network-aware virtual request partitioning
On service-chaining strategies using Virtual Network Functions in operator networks
Efficient dynamic malware analysis using virtual time control mechanics
One-on-one and small group conversations with an intelligent virtual science tutor
Adaptive virtual resistance load sharing for resistive microgrids
Virtual water trade of agricultural products: A new perspective to explore the Belt and Road
Virtual reality, presence, and attitude change: Empirical evidence from tourism
Innovations in consumer research: The virtual food buffet
Virtual intimacy: Propensity for physical contact between avatars in an online virtual environment
A novel reinforcement learning algorithm for virtual network embedding
Lowest order Virtual Element approximation of magnetostatic problems
Thinning trainer based on forest-growth model, virtual reality and computer-aided virtual environment
Pervasive virtuality in digital entertainment applications and its quality requirements
Comparison of Debriefing Methods after a Virtual Simulation: An Experiment
Getting a handle on virtual tools: An examination of the neuronal activity associated with virtual tool use
Postural stability and simulator sickness after walking on a treadmill in a virtual environment with a curved display
Is there an uncanny valley of virtual animals? A quantitative and qualitative investigation
The Virtual Shop: A new immersive virtual reality environment and scenario for the assessment of everyday memory
Self managed virtual machine scheduling in Cloud systems
Robust virtual target guidance for the fixed-trim vehicle under multi-constraints
Secure virtual network embedding with flexible bandwidth-based revenue maximization
Debriefing Virtual Simulation Using an Online Conferencing Platform: Lessons Learned
The world is not flat: Examining the interactive multidimensionality of culture and virtuality in teams
Virtual Element approximation of 2D magnetostatic problems
Virtual Reality and Simulation in Neurosurgical Training
Virtual fieldtrips and climate change education for tourism students
An initial validation of the Virtual Environment Grocery Store
Reconsidering the voice effect when learning from a virtual human
Challenging the Coproduction of Virtual Water and Palestinian Agriculture
Management control and trust in virtual settings: A case study of a virtual new product development team
When does virtuality help or hinder teams? Core team characteristics as contingency factors
Leadership in virtual teams: A multilevel perspective
Models of integration of virtualization in education: Virtualization technology and possibilities of its use in education
Statistical properties of user activity fluctuations in virtual worlds
Predictive operator modeling for virtual prototyping of hydraulic excavators
Communication in virtual teams: a conceptual framework and research agenda
The important but neglected legal context of virtual teams: Research implications and opportunities