Bidirectional Associations Between Adolescents' Sexual Behaviors and Psychological Well-Being
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Sexual coercion perpetrated by women: Testing an etiological model
Sex and orientation identity matter in the substance use behaviors of sexual minority adolescents in the United States
Using path analysis to examine the relationship between sexual abuse in childhood and diabetes in adulthood in a sample of US adults
The Midwifery services framework: What is it, and why is it needed?
Determining the roles of father absence and age at menarche in female psychosocial acceleration
High temperatures disrupt Artemia franciscana mating patterns and impact sexual selection intensity
Adolescent Sexual Risk Taking: The Distribution of Youth Behaviors and Perceived Peer Attitudes Across Neighborhood Contexts
Daily Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms in Couples Coping With Vulvodynia: Associations With Women's Pain, Women's Sexual Function, and Both Partners' Sexual Distress
Expression of sex hormone receptors in the brain of male and female newly hatched chicks
Associations Between Personality Disorder Characteristics, Psychological Symptoms, and Sexual Functioning in Young Women
Sexual Inhibition is a Vulnerability Factor for Orgasm Problems in Women
Early postnatal treatment with clomipramine induces female sexual behavior and estrous cycle impairment
Microbiome Influences Prenatal and Adult Microglia in a Sex-Specific Manner
Experiences of Vaginal, Oral, and Anal Sex From Adolescence to Early Adulthood in Populations With Physical Disabilities
Specific-age group sex estimation of infants through geometric morphometrics analysis of pubis and ischium
Delimitation of the embryonic thermosensitive period for sex determination using an embryo growth model reveals a potential bias for sex ratio prediction in turtles
Dismantling the justice silos: Flowcharting the role and expertise of forensic science, forensic medicine and allied health in adult sexual assault investigations
To fight or mate? Hormonal control of sex recognition, male sexual behavior and aggression in the gecko lizard
Identifying populations most susceptible to get benefit from broadening the scope for prevention of cervical cancer: Example from Uruguay
Fast, furious and enduring: Sensitive versus critical periods in sexual differentiation of the brain
Fruit flies may face a nutrient-dependent life-history trade-off between secondary sexual trait quality, survival and developmental rate
Diminished fronto-limbic functional connectivity in child sexual offenders
Social dominance affects the development of sexual behaviour but not semen output in yearling bucks
Development and sexual dimorphism of the sonic system in three deep-sea neobythitine fishes and comparisons between upper mid and lower continental slope
Clinical needs assessment for sexual health among cancer patients receiving pelvic radiation: Implications for development of a radiation oncology sexual health clinic
The development and validation of a new postpartum sexual function and dyspareunia assessment tool: The Carol Scale
Development of a coping intervention to improve traumatic stress and HIV care engagement among South African women with sexual trauma histories
Transcriptional profiling validates involvement of extracellular matrix and proteinases genes in mouse gonad development
Sexual Functioning After Childhood Abuse: The Influence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Trauma Exposure
Sexual coercion in adolescence: From non-consensual sexuality to sexuality under constraint
Female sexual coercion examined from a developmental criminology perspective
Assessment of vulvar discomfort with sexual activity among women in the United States
Development and Initial Validation of the Beliefs About Sexual Functioning Scale: A Gender Invariant Measure
Full-length normalization subtractive hybridization analysis provides new insights into sexual precocity and ovarian development of red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii
Mexican Adolescents' Self-Reports of Parental Monitoring and Sexual Communication for Prevention of Sexual Risk Behavior
Sexual intercourse, romantic relationship inauthenticity, and adolescent mental health
Longitudinal pathways from unconventional personal attributes in the late 20s to cannabis use prior to sexual intercourse in the late 30s
Expanding Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Through Nursing Education
Cognitive-Affective Dimensions of Female Orgasm: The Role of Automatic Thoughts and Affect During Sexual Activity
Neural correlates of subliminally presented visual sexual stimuli

Higher growth rate and gene expression in male zebra finch embryos are independent of manipulation of maternal steroids in the eggs
Sexual functioning and experiences in young people affected by mental health disorders
Potential contribution of progesterone receptors to the development of sexual behavior in male and female mice
Childhood Sexual Abuse and Early Timing of Puberty
Nonsuicidal Self-Injury and Suicidality Among Sexual Minority Youth: Risk Factors and Protective Connectedness Factors
The proliferation of sexual health: Diverse social problems and the legitimation of sexuality
Juvenile rough-and-tumble play predicts adult sexual behaviour in American mink
Sexual orientation and medical history among Iranian people with Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome and Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Improving the Sexual Health of Young People With Mobility Impairments: Challenges and Recommendations
An exploration of the judgement of sexual situations by adolescents with autism spectrum disorders versus typically developing adolescents
Genomics of sex hormone receptor signaling in hepatic sexual dimorphism
Associations between the dominance status and sexual development, skin lesions or feeding behaviour of intact male pigs
Peer sexual cybervictimization in adolescents: Development and validation of a scale
Sexual Health Competencies for Undergraduate Medical Education in North America
The function of appendage patterning genes in mandible development of the sexually dimorphic stag beetle
Sexting as the mirror on the wall: Body-esteem attribution, media models, and objectified-body consciousness
Sexual Health, Mental Health, and Beliefs About Cancer Treatments Among Women Attending a Gynecologic Oncology Clinic
Biphasic aspect of sexually dimorphic ontogenetic trajectory of gyrification in the ferret cerebral cortex
Development and Refinement of a Targeted Sexual Risk Reduction Intervention for Women With a History of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Waterpipe tobacco smoking among sexual minorities in the United States: Evidence from the National Adult Tobacco Survey (2012-2014)
The invisibility of adolescent sexual development in foster care: Seriously addressing sexually transmitted infections and access to services
Neonatal lipopolysaccharide exposure impairs sexual development and reproductive success in the Wistar rat
Socio-cultural influences on young people's sexual development