Masculinity might be more toxic than we think: The influence of gender roles on trait emotional manipulation
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Pituitary gland shrinkage in bipolar disorder: The role of gender
Intergenerational transmission of harsh discipline: The moderating role of parenting stress and parent gender
Measures of gender role attitudes under revision: The example of the German General Social Survey
Does trade liberalization narrow the gender wage gap? The role of sectoral mobility
The influence of participant role, gender, and age in elementary and high-school children's moral justifications of cyberbullying behaviors
Potential role of gender specific effect of leptin receptor deficiency in an extended consanguineous family with severe early-onset obesity
Where are the women? An examination of research on women and leadership in public relations
The role of learning analytics in networking for business and leisure: A study of culture and gender differences in social platform users
The role of ability beliefs and agentic vs. communal career goals in adolescents' first educational choice. What explains the degree of gender-balance?
Customer evaluations of service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors: Agentic and communal differences
Understanding change in violence-related attitudes for adolescents in relationship education
Gender, expert advice, and judicial gatekeeping in the United States
The interaction of gender and cannabis in early phase psychosis
Dynamics of gender justice, conflict and social cohesion: Analysing educational reforms in Pakistan
An advisor like me? Advisor gender and post-graduate careers in science
Individual and peer effects in retirement savings investment choices
From patriarchal socialism to grassroots capitalism: The role of female entrepreneurs in the transition of North Korea
Intestinal microbiota, metabolome and gender dimorphism in autism spectrum disorders
Personality characteristics of male and female executives: Distinct pathways to success?
The Influence of Race and Gender on Nursing Care Decisions: A Pain Management Intervention
Stressful life events and depressive symptoms in mothers and fathers of young children
The impact of students' gender-role orientation on competence development in mathematics and reading in secondary school
Gender and its rising role in modern Indian innovation and entrepreneurship
The lights are on but no (men) are home. The effect of traditional gender roles on perceptions of energy in Kenya
Association between childhood maltreatment and non-medical prescription opioid use among Chinese senior high school students: The moderating role of gender
Opioid use and stigma: The role of gender, language and precipitating events
Peer victimization and suicidal ideation: The role of gender and depression in a school-based sample
Driver anger in France: The relationships between sex, gender roles, trait and state driving anger and appraisals made while driving
Revisiting gendered assumptions of practitioner power: An exploratory study examining the role of social media expertise
Associations of gender role attitudes with fertility intentions: A Japanese population-based study on single men and women of reproductive ages
The role of a music therapist exploring gender and power with young people: Articulating an emerging anti-oppressive practice
Structural stability, quantitative change: A latent class analysis approach towards gender role attitudes in Germany
Distinctive role of opinion leaders in the social networks of school adolescents: an investigation of e-cigarette use
The role of parents and best friends in children's pro-environmentalism: Differences according to age and gender
Gender inequality in Russia's rural informal economy
Temporal change to self-rated health in the Swiss population from 1997 to 2012: the roles of age, gender, and education
Neighbourhood socioeconomic inequality and gender differences in body mass index: The role of unhealthy behaviours
The association between gender role stereotypes, resistance training motivation, and participation
Public Policies, Nursing Role and Health Programs Against Gender Violence. Comparative Study Spain - Brazil
Sleep problems in the first year of elementary school: The role of sleep hygiene, gender and socioeconomic status
Why men and women continue to use social networking sites: The role of gender differences
Exploring the associations between intimate partner violence victimization during pregnancy and delayed entry into prenatal care: Evidence from a population-based study in Bangladesh
Gender and Subspecialty of Urology Faculty in Department-based Leadership Roles
Women's gender roles affect their visual interest in different infant facial expressions
Gender differences in honesty: The role of social value orientation
The stratifying role of job level for sickness absence and the moderating role of gender and occupational gender composition
The role of gender in building organisational commitment in India's services sourcing industry
Role of cholinergic receptors in memory retrieval depends on gender and age of memory
Portfolio performance across genders and generations: The role of financial innovation
The role of gender in the provision of public goods through tax compliance
The relationship between the emotional intelligence of entrepreneurs and the new venture creation: The role of age, gender and motive
Bike-traveling as a growing phenomenon: Role of attributes, value, satisfaction, desire, and gender in developing loyalty
The moderating roles of gender and social norms on the relationship between protection motivation and risky online behavior among in-service teachers
Parental mediation, cyberbullying, and cybertrolling: The role of gender
The Role of Gender and Physical Performance on Injuries: An Army Study
Advanced theory of mind in adolescence: Do age, gender and friendship style play a role?
Mental health of sub-saharan african migrants: The gendered role of migration paths and transnational ties
Brain behavioral systems, self-control and problematic mobile phone use: The moderating role of gender and history of use
The role of gender and product consumption in the mental representation of industrial and craft beers: An exploratory study with Mexican consumers
Empathy toward animals and people: The role of gender and length of service in a sample of Italian veterinarians

Gender-role attitudes and parental work decisions after childbirth: A longitudinal dyadic perspective with dual-earner couples
Influence of radio spokesperson gender and vocal pitch on advertising effectiveness: The role of listener gender
Gender and Policy Roles in Farm Household Diversification in Zambia
Gender differences in eating behavior and eating pathology: The mediating role of rumination
Gender role and eating attitudes in adolescents from two different socio-cultural contexts: Traditional vs. non-traditional
The gender wage gap and the role of reservation wages: New evidence for unemployed workers
Values associated with luxury brand consumption and the role of gender
Narcissism, gender, and evolutionary theory: The role of private and public self-absorption
The gender gap in college major: Revisiting the role of pre-college factors