Seat belt and child restraint use in a developing country metropolitan city
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Why do boys and girls make different educational choices? The influence of expected earnings and test scores
Engendering cosmopolitanism: Gendered narratives of instability and agency
Climate change and gender equality in developing states
Intra-household allocation of educational expenses: Gender discrimination and investing in the future
Impact of culture, behavior and gender on green purchase intention
Joint Farming Ventures in Ireland: Gender identities of the self and the social
Perceptions, intentions and behavioral norms that affect pre-license driving among Arab youth in Israel
Establishing normative data for the Functional Dexterity Test in typically developing children aged 3-5 years
For a few dollars more: Towards a translocal mobilities of labour activism in Cambodia
Promoting concern about gender bias with evidence-based confrontation
How consumers' need for uniqueness, self-monitoring, and social identity affect their choices when luxury brands visually shout versus whisper
Is womenâs empowerment associated with political knowledge and opinions? Evidence from rural Mali
Vocational interests and career indecision in Switzerland and Burkina Faso: Cross-cultural similarities and differences
Preschoolersâ group bias in punishing selfishness in the Ultimatum Game
More Leisure or Higher Pay? A Mixed-methods Study on Reducing Working Time in Austria
Changing peoples attitudes and beliefs toward driving through floodwaters: Evaluation of a video infographic
The interplay between planned and autonomous adaptation in response to climate change: Insights from rural Ethiopia
The porous state: Female mayors performing the state in Yucatecan Maya municipalities
Breaking down the monolith: Understanding flu vaccine uptake among African Americans

The association between multidimensional feminine norms, binge drinking and alcohol-related problems among young adult college women
Analysis of the environmental behavior of farmers for non-point source pollution control and management in a water source protection area in China
Dynamics of gender justice, conflict and social cohesion: Analysing educational reforms in Pakistan
Potential for transformation? Two teacher training programs examined through a critical pedagogy framework
Pretreatment Cognition in Patients Diagnosed With Pediatric Brain Tumors
Multidimensional and fluctuating experiences of loneliness from childhood to young adulthood in Northern Finland
How gender norms are reinforced through violence against adolescent girls in two conflict-affected populations
Fate, morals and rational calculations: Freezing eggs for non-medical reasons in Turkey
Safety, trust, and disclosure: A qualitative examination of violence against refugee adolescents in Kiziba Camp, Rwanda
Water conservation awareness and practices in households receiving improved water supply: A gender-based analysis
Evaluation of anterior and overall tooth size ratios by Bolton's analysis in North Eastern Indian population
The Arab American experience with diabetes: Perceptions, myths and implications for culturally-specific interventions
Gender Differences in Climate Change Adaptation Strategies and Participation in Group-based Approaches: An Intra-household Analysis From Rural Kenya
A comparative study of quality of life and marital satisfaction in patients with depression and their spouses
Longitudinal associations between the use of sexually explicit material and adolescents' attitudes and behaviors: A narrative review of studies
Caregiver parenting and gender attitudes: Associations with violence against adolescent girls in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo
Ideological dilemmas in accounts of primary caregiving fathers in Australian news media
Environmentally friendly behaviour and green purchase in Austria and Lithuania
Shared agency: The dominant spouseâs impact on education expenditure
Interpreting Narratives Within a Cross-National Interdisciplinary Study: A Case Study of a Collaborative Process
Quality of life following road traffic injury: A systematic literature review
The decision-making processes of duty-free shop users using a goal directed behavior model: The moderating effect of gender
Manly to the core: Measuring men's implicit masculine self-concept via the Semantic Misattribution Procedure
Attitudes of dental professional staff and auxiliaries in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, toward disclosure of medical errors
Gender perspective on the factors predicting recycling behavior: Implications from the theory of planned behavior
Masculinities and femininities of drinking in Finland, Italy and Sweden: Doing, modifying and unlinking gender in relation to different drinking places
Healthy by Design: Using a Gender Focus to Influence Complete Streets Policy
Recently I was in a fatal incident: Personal narratives and social identities
Gender, place and mental health recovery in disasters: Addressing issues of equality and difference
Marching to a Different Drummer: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Young Adolescents Who Challenge Gender Norms
Rewriting age to overcome misaligned age and gender norms in later life
Inequitable Gender Norms From Early Adolescence to Young Adulthood in Uganda: Tool Validation and Differences Across Age Groups
Concussion reporting, sex, and conformity to traditional gender norms in young adults
The moderating roles of gender and social norms on the relationship between protection motivation and risky online behavior among in-service teachers
Learning to Be Gendered: Gender Socialization in Early Adolescence Among Urban Poor in Delhi, India, and Shanghai, China
Female labour force participation and suicide rates in the world
New Findings on Child Marriage in Sub-Saharan Africa
Drinking game participation, gender performance and normalization of intoxication among Nigerian university students
Perceived harm as a mediator of the relationship between social norms and marijuana use and related consequences among American Indian youth
Evaluating dementia home care practices: The reification of care norms
Personality traits within a pediatric surgery fellowship applicant pool
On the historical roots of women's empowerment across Italian provinces: religion or family culture?
Improving correctional healthcare providers' ability to care for transgender patients: Development and evaluation of a theory-driven cultural and clinical competence intervention
The female tourist experience in Egypt as an Islamic destination
The housing pathways of single older non-home owning women in a rural region of Australia
Healthy me: A gender-specific program to address body image concerns and risk factors among preadolescents
Water worries: An intersectional feminist political ecology of tourism and water in Labuan Bajo, Indonesia
The gender of opponents: Explaining gender differences in performance and risk-taking?
Behavioral coordination as an individual best-response to punishing role models
Judgments of gender norm violations in children from the United States and Korea
A methodology for building culture and gender norms into intervention: An example from Mumbai, India
Role of gender norms and group identification on hypothetical and experimental pain tolerance