Investigating the mediating effect of Uber's sexual harassment case on its brand: Does it matter?
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Violence against doctors, a serious concern for healthcare organizations to ponder about
Field tests of multiple sensory cues in sex recognition and harassment of a colour polymorphic damselfly
Incidence, Type, Related Factors, and Effect of Workplace Violence on Mental Health Nurses: A Cross-sectional Survey
Stigma of sexual violence and womenâs decision to work
Recent Intimate Partner Violence and Housing Instability Among Women Veterans
Power and empowerment: How Asian solo female travellers perceive and negotiate risks
Stigma as a barrier to health care utilization among female sex workers and men who have sex with men in Burkina Faso
Sexual Violence on Campus: Differences Across Gender and Sexual Minority Status
Bullying victimization experiences among middle and high school adolescents: Traditional bullying, discriminatory harassment, and cybervictimization
Sexual coercion perpetrated by women: Testing an etiological model
Evidence for a relationship between child maltreatment and absenteeism among high-school students in Sweden
When structural violences create a context that facilitates sexual assault and intimate partner violence against street-involved young women
Negotiating home base: Narratives of psychological well-being among female military members
Female perpetrated sexual offences reported to a London sexual assault referral centre
Characteristics of bias-based harassment incidents reported by a national sample of U.S. adolescents
Sex of sexual partners and disordered weight control behaviors in a nationally representative sample of South Korean adolescents
Examining the utility of a train-the-trainer model for dissemination of sexual violence prevention in schools
Sexual violence against children in South Africa: a nationally representative cross-sectional study of prevalence and correlates
Incidence and risk factors of workplace violence against nurses in a Chinese top-level teaching hospital: A cross-sectional study
Severe interpersonal violence against children in sport: Associated mental health problems and quality of life in adulthood
High temperatures disrupt Artemia franciscana mating patterns and impact sexual selection intensity
Medical student perceptions of a mistreatment program during the surgery clerkship
Experiences of sexual harassment are associated with the sexual behavior of 14- to 18-year-old adolescents
Criminalisation and prostitution of migrant women in Turkey: A case study of Ugandan women
The need for detailed gender-specific occupational safety analysis
Correlates of school dropout and absenteeism among adolescent girls from marginalized community in north Karnataka, south India
Domestic Sex Trafficking of Minors: Medical Student and Physician Awareness
Application of two under-researched typologies in crisis communication: Ethics of justice vs. care and public relations vs. legal strategies
The Effect of Gender on Resident Autonomy in the Operating room

Effect of personal characteristics, victimization types, and family- and school-related factors on psychological distress in adolescents with intellectual disabilities
Intelligence Is Associated With Voluntary Disclosure in Child Sexual Abuse Victims
Preventing and correcting workplace harassment: Guidelines for employers
Policing unruly women: The state and sexual violence during the Northern Irish Troubles
The association between elevated blood lead levels and violent behavior during late adolescence: The South African Birth to Twenty Plus cohort
Profiling perpetrators of interpersonal violence against children in sport based on a victim survey
What patients think about psychogenic nonepileptic seizures in Buenos Aires, Argentina: A qualitative approach
The importance of teacher support: Differential impacts by gender and sexuality
Electronic displays of aggression in teen dating relationships: Does the social ecology matter?
Cyberbullying: Topics, strategies, and sex differences
Intimate Partner Violence Screening in the Veterans Health Administration: Demographic and Military Service Characteristics
A gap in the sport management curriculum: An analysis of sexual harassment and sexual assault education in the United States
Advances in the understanding of same-sex and opposite-sex sexual harassment
The female tourist experience in Egypt as an Islamic destination
Differential effects of childhood trauma subtypes on fatigue and physical functioning in chronic fatigue syndrome
Impact of military trauma exposures on posttraumatic stress and depression in female veterans
Bullying and Sexual Discrimination in the Greek Health Care System
Social Stress and Substance Use Disparities by Sexual Orientation Among High School Students
Lifetime prevalence and incidence of sexual victimization of adolescents in institutional care
Peer sexual cybervictimization in adolescents: Development and validation of a scale
Perceived distress tolerance accounts for the covariance between discrimination experiences and anxiety symptoms among sexual minority adults
Workplace violence against nurses: A cross-sectional study
Theoretical analysis of cyber-interpersonal violence victimization and offending using cyber-routine activities theory
A cluster-randomized trial of a middle school gender violence prevention program: Design, rationale, and sample characteristics
The association between male-biased sex ratio and indicators of stress in red-spotted newts
How Can Spatial Design Promote Inclusivity, Gender Equality and Overall Sustainability in Costa Rica's Urban Mobility System?
¿Mito o realidad? Influencia de la ideología en la percepción social del acoso sexual
Sexual harassment in Jewish and Arab public schools in Israel☆
Womenâs occupational health and safety management: An issue for corporate social responsibility
A threatening exchange: Gender and life history strategy predict perceptions and reasoning about sexual harassment
Leveraging social influence to address overweight and obesity using agent-based models: The role of adolescent social networks
Smoking behaviors and intentions among adolescents in rural China: The application of the Theory of Planned Behavior and the role of social influence
Here’s my location, for your information: The impact of trust, benefits, and social influence on location sharing application use among Indonesian university students
Social influences on children's development of relational thinking during small-group discussions
Awareness of social influence on food intake. An analysis of two experimental studies
Managers versus co-workers as referents: Comparing social influence effects on within- and outside-subsidiary knowledge sharing