Mate competition in Pakistan: Mate value, mate retention, and competitor derogation
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Mating strategy flexibility in the laboratory: Preferences for long- and short-term mating change in response to evolutionarily relevant variables
Formidability assessment mechanisms: Examining their speed and automaticity
Evolution of mate guarding under the risk of intrasexual aggression in a mite with alternative mating tactics
The role of extragroup encounters in a Neotropical, cooperative breeding primate, the common marmoset: a field playback experiment
Spatial genetic structure and recruitment dynamics of burbot (Lota lota) in Eastern Lake Michigan and Michigan tributaries
High temperatures disrupt Artemia franciscana mating patterns and impact sexual selection intensity
Femaleâfemale aggression functions in mate defence in an Asian agamid lizard
Social costs are an underappreciated force for honest signalling in animal aggregations
Fighting cichlids: Dynamic of intrasexual aggression in dyadic agonistic encounters
A longitudinal analysis of salivary testosterone concentrations and competitiveness in elite and non-elite women athletes
Does male preference play a role in maintaining female limited polymorphism in a Batesian mimetic butterfly?
Experimental evolution with an insect model reveals that male homosexual behaviour occurs due to inaccurate mate choice
While males fight, females choose: male phenotypic quality informs female mate choice in mammals
Interactions between observer and stimuli fertility status: Endocrine and perceptual responses to intrasexual vocal fertility cues
Competitive reputation manipulation: Women strategically transmit social information about romantic rivals
Context dependence of female reproductive competition in wild chacma baboons
Intrasexual competition mediates the relationship between men's testosterone and mate retention behavior
Early life conditions, reproductive and sexuality-related life history outcomes among human males: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Women's evaluations of other women's natural body odor depend on target's fertility status
Female mating preferences for outbred versus inbred males are conditional upon the female's own inbreeding status
Discrimination of male black-capped chickadee songs: relationship between acoustic preference and performance accuracy
Is sociopolitical egalitarianism related to bodily and facial formidability in men?
The transition to independence: sex differences in social and behavioural development of wild bottlenose dolphins
Are physiological and behavioral immune responses negatively correlated? Evidence from hormone-linked differences in men's face preferences
Early social isolation impairs development, mate choice and grouping behaviour of predatory mites
Men's preferences for women's breast size and shape in four cultures
It's complicated: the association between songbird extrapair paternity and within-song complexity
Gallery and acoustic traits related to female body size mediate male mate choice in a bark beetle
Disruptive selection on plumage coloration across genetically determined morphs

Oxytocin administration during early pair formation delays communal nursing in female house mice
Cue-based estimates of reproductive value explain women's body attractiveness
Thermal constraints on microhabitat selection and mating opportunities
Intra- and interindividual differences in the costs and benefits of intergroup aggression in female vervet monkeys
Sexual dimorphism of facial width-to-height ratio in human skulls and faces: A meta-analytical approach
Influence of dietary nutrient balance on aggression and signalling in male field crickets
Climatic, social and reproductive influences on behavioural thermoregulation in a female-dominated lemur
Mapping the luxury research landscape: A bibliometric citation analysis
Genes, environments and their interaction: song and mate choice in canaries
Relatedness predicts male mating success in a pond-breeding amphibian
Before and after: Personality pathology, childhood conditions, and life history outcomes
Phylogenetic signals in scale shape in Caucasian rock lizards (Darevskia species)
High intrasexual competition is related to inflated height reports in male junior soccer players
Instagram and college women's body image: Investigating the roles of appearance-related comparisons and intrasexual competition
Intrasexual competitiveness and personality traits: A study in Uruguay
Women's acceptance of cosmetic surgery across the menstrual cycle
The role of ultraviolet coloration in intrasexual interactions in a colonial fish
Aggression in young men high in threat potential increases after hearing low-pitched male voices: two tests of the retaliation-cost model
Tattooed men: Healthy bad boys and good-looking competitors
Difference in arrival date at the breeding site between former pair members predicts divorce in blue tits
Social interactions in different environments impacts and motivates reproductive displays in college students
Vocal characteristics of presidential candidates can predict the outcome of actual elections
Formidable females and the power trajectories of socially integrated male vervet monkeys
High estradiol and low progesterone are associated with high assertiveness in women
Mate availability affects the trade-off between producing one or multiple annual clutches
Male resource defence during intergroup aggression among tufted capuchin monkeys
Social security: are socially connected individuals less vigilant?
Flamboyant sexual signals: multiple messages for multiple receivers
Individual and demographic consequences of mass eviction in cooperative banded mongooses
Geographical variation in male territory defence strategies in an avian ring species
Body-esteem of pupils who attended single-sex versus mixed-sex schools: A cross-sectional study of intrasexual competition and peer victimization
Intrasexual competition among women: Vocal femininity affects perceptions of attractiveness and flirtatiousness
Hormonal contraceptive use lowers female intrasexual competition in pair-bonded women
Intrasexual competition among males: Competitive towards men, prosocial towards women
Intrasexual competition and eating restriction in heterosexual and homosexual individuals ☆
Female intrasexual competition and reputational effects on attractiveness among the Tsimane of Bolivia
Sensational interests as a form of intrasexual competition
The importance of mate attraction for intrasexual competition in men and women