How social support influences university students' academic achievement and emotional exhaustion: The mediating role of self-esteem
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Handedness and religious beliefs: Testing the two possible accounts of authoritarianism and belief updating
Effects of constructing, critiquing, and revising arguments within university classrooms
Detecting advance fee fraud emails using self-referential pronouns: A preliminary analysis
Is the Incipient Community of Senegalese Emigrants to Spain in Favor of the Donation of Related Renal Live?
Joy, guilt and disappointment: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experiences of women transferred from midwifery led to consultant led care
Perfectionism, coping, and burnout among intercollegiate varsity athletes: A person-oriented investigation of group differences and mediation
Use of complementary and alternative medicine in patients with multiple sclerosis in Germany
Self-efficacy vs. action orientation: Comparing and contrasting two determinants of goal setting and goal striving
Exploring cross-lagged associations between spiritual struggles and risk for suicidal behavior in a community sample of military veterans
Psychosocial factors affecting attitude toward organ donation in Santiago of Cuba
The becoming of methadone in Kenya: How an intervention's implementation constitutes recovery potential
Inductive reasoning and doubt in obsessive compulsive disorder
Critical care nurses' knowledge of, adherence to, and barriers toward institution-specific ventilator bundle
Are Senegalese immigrants residents in Spain in favor of organ donation?
Genetic analysis of impulsive personality traits: Examination of a priori candidates and genome-wide variation
The role of ability beliefs and agentic vs. communal career goals in adolescents' first educational choice. What explains the degree of gender-balance?
Self-promotion hypothesis: The impact of self-esteem on selfâother discrepancies in decision making under risk
Measuring and explaining organizational effectiveness of school districts: Evidence from a robust and conditional Benefit-of-the-Doubt approach
Sensory over-responsivity in trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder)
Attitude of Havana (Cuba) citizens toward organ donation. Multivariate analysis of the psychosocial factors affecting attitude
Maternal support following childhood sexual abuse: Relationships to child-reported
Associations Between Personality Disorder Characteristics, Psychological Symptoms, and Sexual Functioning in Young Women
Representing the cognitive construal of Chinese first-person singular reference in discourse
Self-reported influenza vaccination rates and attitudes towards vaccination among health care workers: results of a survey in a German university hospital
I'll get there because I'm great, or am I? Narcissistic vulnerability moderates the narcissistic grandiosity â goal persistence relationship
Corrosion protective performance of amino trimethylene phosphonic acid-metal complex layers fabricated on the cold-rolled steel substrate via one-step assembly
The relationship between cognitions and symptoms in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Facing the unknown crimes of older generations: Emotional and cognitive reactions of young Italian students reading an historical text on the colonial invasion of Ethiopia

Do Correlates of Pain-Related Stoicism and Cautiousness Differ in Younger and Older People With Advanced Cancer?
The relationship between semantic access and introspective awareness
Does exercise identity moderate affective and cognitive reactions to feedback on physical fitness?
The impact of perfectionism on situational judgment among Chinese civil flying cadets: The roles of safety motivation and self-efficacy
Exploring choking experiences in elite sport: The role of self-presentation
Causal role for inverse reasoning on obsessive-compulsive symptoms: Preliminary evidence from a cognitive bias modification for interpretation bias study
Are perfectionistic concerns an antecedent of or a consequence of binge eating, or both? A short-term four-wave longitudinal study of undergraduate women
Are perfectionism cognitions and cognitive emotion regulation strategies mediators between perfectionism and psychological distress?
Inverse reasoning processes in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Cognitive load and self-regulation: Attempts to build a bridge
Individuals with high obsessive-compulsive tendencies or undermined confidence rely more on external proxies to access their internal states
Maintaining doubt to keep problems open for exploration: An analysis of law students' collaborative work with case assignments
An expectancy theory approach: What motivates and differentiates German house owners in the context of energy efficient refurbishment measures?
Clarifying the perfectionism-procrastination relationship using a 7-day, 14-occasion daily diary study
The intergenerational transmission of perfectionism: Fathers' other-oriented perfectionism and daughters' perceived psychological control uniquely predict daughters' self-critical and personal standards perfectionism
Self-doubt: Uncertainty as a motivating factor on effort in an exercise endurance task
A longitudinal investigation of the relation between nonsuicidal self-injury and spirituality/religiosity
Psychometric Evaluation of the Pain Attitudes Questionnaire-Revised for People With Advanced Cancer
When God's (not) needed: Spotlight on how belief in divine control influences goal commitment
Psychological distress, self esteem and emotional dependency of married individuals as predictors of marital adjustment
Choice deferral, indecisiveness and preference for flexibility
Distrust of the senses and its association with obsessive-compulsive symptoms
The feasibility research of thorium breeding using fluoride salt as a fast reactor coolant
Maternal support following childhood sexual abuse: Links to parent-reported childrenâs outcomes
The Left Classicist and His Covert Conservatism: Tracing the Ideological and Political Views of Daniil Kharms
Patient-perceived acceptability and behaviour change benefits of inhaler reminders and adherence feedback: A qualitative study
The limbo of motherhood: Women's experiences of major challenges to cope with the first pregnancy
Callous-unemotional traits and the five factor model in adolescents
The role of sustainability in profiling voluntary simplifiers
Neutral and presumptive doubt perspectives of professional skepticism and auditor job outcomes
Psychometric evaluation of a Farsi translation of the Big Three Perfectionism Scale
Wanted: Self-doubting employees—Managers scoring positively on impostorism favor insecure employees in task delegation ☆
Storying away self-doubt: Can narratives dispel threats to the self?
Unforgiving Confucian culture: A breeding ground for high academic achievement, test anxiety and self-doubt?
Judgmental self-doubt: beliefs about one’s judgmental prowess