Facebook as a second screen: An influence on sport consumer satisfaction and behavioral intention
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The Perceived Stress Reactivity Scale for adolescent athletes
The relationship between concussion and alcohol consumption among university athletes
Subconcussive head impacts in sport: A systematic review of the evidence
Professional challenges in elite sports medicine and science: Composite vignettes of practitioner emotional labor
Investigating the mediating role of positive and negative mastery imagery ability
Non-metric multidimensional performance indicator scaling reveals seasonal and team dissimilarity within the National Rugby League

The relation of physical self-perceptions of competence, goal orientation, and optimism with students' performance calibration in physical education
Associations between personality, sports participation and athletic success. A comparison of Big Five in sporting and non-sporting adults
Implicit Association Test for Aggressiveness: Further evidence of validity and resistance to desirable responding
Does exercise identity moderate affective and cognitive reactions to feedback on physical fitness?
Depression in Danish and Swedish elite football players and its relation to perfectionism and anxiety
Attribution-based motivation treatment efficacy in high-stress student athletes: A moderated-mediation analysis of cognitive, affective, and achievement processes
Motivational profiles and burnout in elite athletes: A person-centered approach
For a better campus sporting experience: Scale development and validation of the collegiate sportscape scale
The effects of gender, personal trauma history and memory continuity on the believability of child sexual abuse disclosure among psychologists
Can creative role models prime creativity in soccer players?
Do the effects of nonverbal behaviour on team outcome confidence in team sports depend on the availability of additional performance information?
Expertise-Level-Dependent Functionally Plastic Changes During Motor Imagery in Basketball Players
Sports fan experience: Electronic word-of-mouth in ephemeral social media
Effects of situational costs and benefits on projected doping likelihood
Development of moral disengagement and self-regulatory efficacy assessments relevant to doping in sport and exercise
Are sport tourists of an environmental mindset to drive the green? The case of golfers
The role, benefits and selection of sport psychology consultants: Perceptions of youth-sport coaches and parents
Juggling motherhood and sport: A qualitative study of the negotiation of competitive recreational athlete mother identities
Starting to enjoy nature in Mediterranean mountains: Crowding perception and satisfaction
Emotion profiles and their motivational antecedents among adolescent athletes in intensive training settings
Using a mixed method audit to inform organizational stress management interventions in sport
Times have changed: Parent perspectives on children's free play and sport
Motivational processes in the coach-athlete relationship: A multi-cultural self-determination approach
An evaluation of the effects of mindfulness training from the perspectives of wheelchair basketball players
The use of mimicry to improve evaluation of unsought beverages
Exploring choking experiences in elite sport: The role of self-presentation
The Values Associated with the Sport: Analysis and Evaluation of Sportspersonship
Assessing acceptance in mindfulness with direct-worded items: The development and initial validation of the Athlete Mindfulness Questionnaire
On the bike and in the cubicle: The role of passion and regulatory focus in cycling and work satisfaction
The analysis of bridging constructs with hierarchical clustering methods: An application to identity
Understanding injuries in sports: Self-reported injury and perceived risk of injury among adolescents
Passion and pride in professional sports: Investigating the role of workplace emotion
Factors contributing to the quality of the transition out of elite sports in Swiss, Danish, and Polish athletes
The light quartet: Positive personality traits and approaches to coping in sport coaches
Motivational Factors and Effects Associated with Physical-sport Practice in Undergraduate Students
Youth sports and physical activity: The relationship between perceptions of childhood sport experience and adult exercise behavior
People with disabilities and sport: An exploration of topic inclusion in sport management
Contemporary qualitative research methods in sport management
Crossing boundaries: The perceived impact of disabled fitness instructors in the gym
Is there a link between previous exposure to sport injury psychology education and UK sport injury rehabilitation professionals' attitudes and behaviour towards sport psychology?
Intersecting identities of elite female boxers: Stories of cultural difference and marginalization in sport
Mother runners in the blogosphere: A discursive psychological analysis of online recreational athlete identities
Subgroups and cliques in sport: A longitudinal case study of a rugby union team
Testing the triple-match principle among Dutch elite athletes: A day-level study on sport demands, detachment and recovery
Athletes and parents coping with deselection in competitive youth sport: A communal coping perspective
Well-being self-efficacy and complier average causal effect estimation: A substantive-methodological synergy
Under the big top: An exploratory analysis of psychological factors influencing circus performers
Coping rarely takes place in a social vacuum: Exploring antecedents and outcomes of dyadic coping in coach-athlete relationships
The effects of goal priming on cortisol responses in an ego-involving climate
Análise dos grupos de pesquisa em psicologia do esporte e do exercÃcio no Brasil
Predicting student success in an undergraduate Sport Management program from performance in general education courses
Sport team emotion: Conceptualization, scale development and validation
The availability of wearable-device-based physical data for the measurement of construction workers' psychological status on site: From the perspective of safety management
Perfectionistic strivings, perfectionistic concerns, and reactions to poor personal performances among intercollegiate athletes
A game-to-game investigation of the relation between need-supportive and need-thwarting coaching and moral behavior in soccer
Development and initial validation of the Life Skills Scale for Sport
A gap in the sport management curriculum: An analysis of sexual harassment and sexual assault education in the United States
Nonlinear assessment of motor variability during practice and competition for individuals with different motivational orientations
Effects of a cognitive-behavioral intervention on field hockey players appraisals of organizational stressors
The meaning of complementary, alternative and traditional medicine among the Indonesian psychology community: a pilot study
Defining elite athletes: Issues in the study of expert performance in sport psychology
The influence of the Chinese sport system and Chinese cultural characteristics on Olympic sport psychology services
A perspective on consultancy teams and technology in applied sport psychology
Centralizing culture in cultural sport psychology research: The potential of narrative inquiry and discursive psychology