Synthesizing building physics with social psychology: An interdisciplinary framework for context and occupant behavior in office buildings
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Child maltreatment and adult depressive symptoms: Roles of self-compassion and gratitude
Updating the Textbook: A Novel Approach to Training Graduate Students in Evidence-Based Youth Practices
The indirect effect of self-concealment on distress through psychological inflexibility in Asian American, Black American, and White American college students
Culture and choice: Toward integrating cultural sociology with the judgment and decision-making sciences
A comparative study of corporate user-generated media behavior: Cross-cultural B2B context
Gender differences in two motivational pathways to political conservatism
Reconsidering interiorization: Self moving across language spacetimes
Development, validation and cultural-adaptation of the knowledge about psychosis questionnaire for African-Caribbean people in the UK
Stigma associated with autism among college students in Japan and the United States: An online training study
The role of psychology in sociotechnical transitions literature: A review and discussion in relation to consumption and technology acceptance
The quiet virtues of sadness: A selective theoretical and interpretative appreciation of its potential contribution to wellbeing
The modernity/coloniality of being: Hegemonic psychology as intercultural relations
Chinese traditional perceptions of the calendar year: Implications of Jieqi for contemporary product development and sustainability
Designing and implementing a test for measuring cultural dimensions in primary school
The Psychology of Intergroup Conflict: A Review of Theories and Measures
An ecological community becoming: Language learning as first-order experiencing with place and mobile technologies
Understanding the temporary appropriation in relationship to social sustainability
Psychological health challenges of the hill-tracts region for climate change in Bangladesh

Modeling social norms increasingly influences costly sharing in middle childhood
National context and teacher characteristics: Exploring the critical non-cognitive attributes of novice teachers in four countries
Face and identity in interaction: A focus on Tunisian Arabic
Chinese graduate students paraphrasing in English and Chinese contexts
Investigating sense of place as a cultural ecosystem service in different landscapes through the lens of language
Personality traits in the Serbian language: Structure and procedural effects
Who creates the bandwagon? The dynamics of fear of isolation, opinion congruency and anonymity-preference on social media in the 2017 South Korean presidential election
Creative and critical thinking: Independent or overlapping components?
Investigating the antecedents of African fast food customers' loyalty: A self-congruity perspective
What can bodies do? En/gendering body-space choreographies of stillness, movement and flow in post-16 pedagogic encounters
Partner preferences in the context of concurrency: What Himba want in formal and informal partners
Using a mixed method audit to inform organizational stress management interventions in sport
Human-building interaction at work: Findings from an interdisciplinary cross-country survey in Italy
Vocational interests and career indecision in Switzerland and Burkina Faso: Cross-cultural similarities and differences
Becoming an employed mother: Conceptualising adult identity development through semiotic cultural lens
Juggling motherhood and sport: A qualitative study of the negotiation of competitive recreational athlete mother identities
Intersecting identities of elite female boxers: Stories of cultural difference and marginalization in sport
Narrative: An ontology, epistemology and methodology for pro-environmental psychology research
Global investigation of return autocorrelation and its determinants
The meaning of complementary, alternative and traditional medicine among the Indonesian psychology community: a pilot study
What about nudges in the process industry? Exploring a new safety management tool
Making sense of tourist shopping research: A critical review
Cross-cultural dimensions influence on business internationalization by soft computing technique
Mother runners in the blogosphere: A discursive psychological analysis of online recreational athlete identities
The persistent sampling bias in developmental psychology: A call to action
Environmental concern has a weaker association with pro-environmental behavior in some societies than others: A cross-cultural psychology perspective
Red, blue and purple states of mind: Segmenting the political marketplace
Variations in judgments of intentional action and moral evaluation across eight cultures
Commentary: New Currents in Science: The Challenge of Quality, examining the discrepancies and incongruities between Japanese techno-scientific policy and the citizens science movement in post-3/11 Japan
The influence of CEO overconfidence on ownership choice in foreign market entry decisions
The self-defined experience of secular foster-care services for ultra-religious women in Israel: Using phenomenology to create cultural sensitive services
Swearing as a response to pain: A cross-cultural comparison of British and Japanese participants
Mate preferences and choices for facial and body hair in heterosexual women and homosexual men: influence of sex, population, homogamy, and imprinting-like effect
Developmental trajectories of the Self in children during the transition from preschool to elementary school
Entrepreneurial openness: Concept development and measure validation
Studying persons in context: Taking social psychological reality seriously
Middle responding: An unobtrusive measure of national cognitive ability and personality
Are individualistic societies less equal? Evidence from the parasite stress theory of values
Anti-Roma attitudes as expressions of dominant social norms in Eastern Europe
Mapping the luxury research landscape: A bibliometric citation analysis
Cross-national research and international business: An interdisciplinary path
Cultural sensitivity or cultural stereotyping? Positive and negative effects of a cultural psychology class
Cross-cultural generalizability of the Personality and Role Identity Structural Model (PRISM): Implications for trait and cultural psychology
Cross-observer agreement and self-concept consistency across cultures: Integrating trait and cultural psychology perspectives
Paradigms in the study of creativity: Introducing the perspective of cultural psychology
Prediction and cross-situational consistency of daily behavior across cultures: Testing trait and cultural psychology perspectives ☆
Culture, method, and the content of self-concepts: Testing trait, individual–self-primacy, and cultural psychology perspectives ☆