On the Beauty of Green Expo Architecture and Sustainable Development-Taking “China Pavilion” As An Example
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Correlation between leaf size and hydraulic architecture in five compound-leaved tree species of a temperate forest in NE China
Artificial neural network model for ozone concentration estimation and Monte Carlo analysis
The methodology of standard building selection for residential buildings in hot summer and cold winter zone of China based on architectural typology
Thinking temporally when thinking relationally: Temporality in relational place-making
Learning urban resilience from a social-economic-ecological system perspective: A case study of Beijing from 1978 to 2015
The architecture of a fault-tolerant modular neurocomputer based on modular number projections
Degradation laws of hysteretic behaviour for historical timber buildings based on pseudo-static tests
Knowledge base operator support system for nuclear power plant fault diagnosis
Extending growing period is limited to offsetting negative effects of climate changes on maize yield in the North China Plain

Classification and sedimentary characteristics of lacustrine hyperpycnal channels: Triassic outcrops in the south Ordos Basin, central China
Building-information-modeling enabled life cycle assessment, a case study on carbon footprint accounting for a residential building in China
Authenticity and loyalty at heritage sites: The moderation effect of postmodern authenticity
Working in underground spaces: Architectural parameters, perceptions and thermal comfort measurements
Simulation on the impacts of the street tree pattern on built summer thermal comfort in cold region of China
Performance study of a dual-function roof solar collector for Chinese traditional buildings application
Thermal design, analysis and comparison on three concepts of space solar power satellite
Evaluation of starch-based flocculants for the flocculation of dissolved organic matter from textile dyeing secondary wastewater
Evaluation of the starch-based flocculants on flocculation of hairwork wastewater

Aligning domestic policies with international coordination in a post-Paris global climate regime: A case for China
Role of atrium geometry in building energy consumption: The case of a fully air-conditioned enclosed atrium in cold climates, China
Research on Passive Energy - saving Renovation of the Roof of Traditional Residences
Discovering residential electricity consumption patterns through smart-meter data mining: A case study from China
Improved multi-objective model and analysis of the coordinated operation of a hydro-wind-photovoltaic system
Mahonia fossils from the Oligocene of South China: Taxonomic and biogeographic implications
The Cambrian-Ordovician boundary in the Tarim Basin, NW China: Geochemistry and geophysics data anomalies
Multi-level monitoring of subtle urban changes for the megacities of China using high-resolution multi-view satellite imagery
Multi-step wind speed forecasting based on a hybrid forecasting architecture and an improved bat algorithm
Reversible data hiding for rightful ownership assertion of images in encrypted domain over cloud
Landscape metrics for three-dimensional urban building pattern recognition
Protective effects of hepatocyte-specific glycyrrhetic derivatives against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in mice
Evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Supercollage since Late Neoproterozoic revised again
Comprehensive Quality Evaluation System for Manufacturing Enterprises of Large Piston Compressors
Modified genetic algorithm-based feature selection combined with pre-trained deep neural network for demand forecasting in outpatient department
Suitability Analyses between Exercise Patterns of Morning Exercise and Green Space Characteristics: A Case Study of Zhaolin Park, China
Performance-based analysis of large steel truss roof structure in fire
Obstructive sleep apnea exaggerates cognitive dysfunction in stroke patients
Short-term forecasting of passenger demand under on-demand ride services: A spatio-temporal deep learning approach
Numerical simulation of a hidden fault at different stages of evolution in a carbon dioxide-enhanced saline water recovery site

Reactivity-based industrial volatile organic compounds emission inventory and its implications for ozone control strategies in China
Identifying the Architectural Texture of the Former British Concession of Hankou
The Architecture of Nation-building in Africa as a Development Aid Project: Designing the capital cities of Kinshasa (Congo) and Dodoma (Tanzania) in the post-independence years
Intangible capital in Chinese regional economies: Measurement and analysis
The research of gray space design of architecture based on green stormwater infrastructure application
Relationship between Human Thermal Comfort and Indoor Thermal Environment Parameters in Various Climatic Regions of China
Hierarchical deep neural network for multivariate regression
Lower Cretaceous lacustrine successions, North Yellow Sea Basin, eastern China: Rift basin sequence stratigraphy and stacking patterns in response to magmatic activity
Fully Exploring Traditional Chinese Culture and Promoting Organic Development of Green City
Sequence stratigraphy and depositional architecture of the Pearl River Delta system, northern South China Sea: An interactive response to sea level, tectonics and paleoceanography
Architecture and quantitative assessment of channeled clastic deposits, Shihezi sandstone (Lower Permian), Ordos Basin, China
Sequence architecture and depositional evolution of the Late Miocene to quaternary northeastern shelf margin of the South China Sea
Study on colored pattern pigments of a royal Taoist temple beside the Forbidden City (Beijing, China)
The imitation of the road surface temperature variation characteristics subjected to periodical ambient conditions
Public Agencies Engagement on Heritage Building in Bandung Shopping Street: Intervening the Visible ☆
Spectacular Macau: Visioning futures for a World Heritage City
A new approach, based on the inverse problem and variation method, for solving building energy and environment problems: Preliminary study and illustrative examples
Shanghai an Important Growth Pole of China's and for The Planet ☆
Performance demonstration and simulation of thermochromic double glazing in building applications
A ‘reality of return’: The case of the Sarawakian-Chinese visiting China
Effects of Thermophysical Properties of Wall Materials on Energy Performance in an Active Building ☆
“Where to draw the line?” That is a land use planning question for the land surveyor and the town planner
Discussion of the performance improvement of thermochromic smart glazing applied in passive buildings
A new solution for underground thermal imbalance of ground-coupled heat pump systems in cold regions: Heat compensation unit with thermosyphon
Performance demonstration and evaluation of the synergetic application of vanadium dioxide glazing and phase change material in passive buildings
The energy saving index and the performance evaluation of thermochromic windows in passive buildings
The performance evaluation of shape-stabilized phase change materials in building applications using energy saving index
A pragmatic approach to church construction in Northern China at the time of Christian inculturation: The handbook “Le missionnaire constructeur”, 1926
Key protection techniques adopted and analysis of influence on adjacent buildings due to the Bund Tunnel construction
Smart or not? A theoretical discussion on the smart regulation capacity of vanadium dioxide glazing
Complementary analytical methods in identifying gilding and painting techniques of ancient clay-based polychromic sculptures
The demonstration and simulation of the application performance of the vanadium dioxide single glazing
Analysis on Steel Bridge Pavement Structure Performance ☆