Trait emotional intelligence, trauma and personality organization: Analysis of urban clinical patients
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Semantic coherence in psychometric schizotypy: An investigation using Latent Semantic Analysis
Neurocognitive correlates of treatment response in children with Tourette's Disorder
Sense and sensibility: The role of cognitive and emotional intelligence in negotiation
Neurodevelopmental outcome in prenatally diagnosed isolated agenesis of the corpus callosum
Interference and problem size effect in multiplication fact solving: Individual differences in brain activations and arithmetic performance
Executive functioning in a racially diverse sample of children who are overweight and at risk for eating disorders
Facet Benchmarking: Advanced application of a new instrument refinement method
Association of white matter diffusion characteristics and cognitive deficits in temporal lobe epilepsy
The clinical utility of a 30-minute neuropsychological assessment battery in inpatient stroke rehabilitation
Dimensions of psychopathy in relation to proactive and reactive aggression: Does intelligence matter?
Stability of intelligence from infancy through adolescence: An autoregressive latent variable model
Backward and forward serial recall across modalities: An individual differences perspective
Assessment of cognitive performance among Mexican children and adolescents afflicted by simple to complex congenital heart diseases. Preliminary study
Psychometrics of social cognitive measures for psychosis treatment research
Callous-unemotional traits and brain structure: Sex-specific effects in anterior insula of typically-developing youths
Executive functioning (fully) and processing speed (mostly) mediate intelligence deficits in children born very preterm
A comprehensive method for the measurement of everyday creativity
Relational reasoning and divergent thinking: An examination of the threshold hypothesis with quantile regression
Some people are attracted sexually to intelligence: A psychometric evaluation of sapiosexuality
On the relationship between spatial suppression, speed of information processing, and psychometric intelligence
Does the level of emotional intelligence affect the degree of success in nursing studies?
The structure of intuitive abilities and their relationships with intelligence and Openness to Experience
Is general intelligence responsible for differences in individual reliability in personality measures?
Computerized response inhibition training for children with trichotillomania
Nursing students' emotional intelligence, coping styles and learning satisfaction in clinically simulated palliative care scenarios: An observational study
Factors influencing the severity of behavioral phenotype in autism spectrum disorders: Implications for research
Associations between cognitive functioning, mood symptoms and coping styles in older age bipolar disorder
Haptic two-dimensional shape identification in children, adolescents, and young adults
Emotional intelligence among nursing students: Findings from a cross-sectional study
Are validated patient-reported outcomes used on children in pediatric otolaryngology? A systematic review
Emotional intelligence and health students' well-being: A two-wave study with students of medicine, physiotherapy and nursing
Efficacy of metacognitive training for patients with borderline personality disorder: Preliminary results
Atypical cortical entrainment to speech in the right hemisphere underpins phonemic deficits in dyslexia
Unmasking the association between psychopathic traits and adaptive functioning in children
Semantic-Map-Based Assistant for Creative Text Generation
Gender Differences in the Relationships Between Big Five Personality Traits and Intelligence
Psychometric characteristics of the MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery in a large pooled cohort of stable schizophrenia patients
Internal consistency and concurrent validity of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment in individuals with major depressive disorder
What happens if the same curriculum is taught in five instead of six years? A quasi-experimental investigation of the effect of schooling on intelligence
Structural encoding processes contribute to individual differences in face and object cognition: Inferences from psychometric test performance and event-related brain potentials
Ruminating on the nature of intelligence: Personality predicts implicit theories and educational persistence
Faster native vowel discrimination learning in musicians is mediated by an optimization of mnemonic functions
Belief-bias reasoning in non-clinical delusion-prone individuals
Dyslexia risk gene relates to representation of sound in the auditory brainstem
Quantifying Barriers to Improvement of Treatment Satisfaction in Men With Erectile Dysfunction: Use of Person-Item Maps
Mapping and predicting literacy and reasoning skills from early to later primary school
Emotional stability, conscientiousness, and self-reported hypertension in adulthood
Beyond the intellect: Complexity and learning trajectories in Raven's Progressive Matrices depend on self-regulatory processes and conative dispositions
Which cognitive abilities underlie computational thinking? Criterion validity of the Computational Thinking Test
Comparing brain activations associated with working memory and fluid intelligence
General intelligence in friendship selection: A study of preadolescent best friend dyads
On the relationship of emotional abilities and prosocial behavior
Decomposing the functional relationship between speed of information processing in the Hick paradigm and mental ability: A fixed-links modeling approach
Brain volume and intelligence: The moderating role of intelligence measurement quality
The worst performance rule with elderly in abnormal cognitive decline
Increased rates of intermittent rhythmic delta and theta activity in the electroencephalographies of adult patients with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
Predicting real-world outcomes: Critical thinking ability is a better predictor of life decisions than intelligence
A longitudinal study on the stability of self-estimated intelligence and its relationship to personality traits
Cognitive Disabilities and Long-term Outcomes in Children with Epilepsy: A Tangled Tail
Towards reporting standards for neuropsychological study results: A proposal to minimize communication errors with standardized qualitative descriptors for normalized test scores
Internal shifting impairments in response to emotional information in dysphoric adolescents
Estimating the dimensionality of intelligence like data using Exploratory Graph Analysis
Psychometric costs of retaking driving-related cognitive ability tests
Academic tracking is related to gains in students' intelligence over four years: Evidence from a propensity score matching study
Forced-choice pre-employment personality assessment: Construct validity and resistance to faking

The influence of creative mindsets on achievement goals, enjoyment, creative self-efficacy and performance among business students
Individual differences in working memory capacity explain the relationship between general discrimination ability and psychometric intelligence
Temporal and non-temporal sensory discrimination and their predictions of capacity- and speed-related aspects of psychometric intelligence
The influence of temporal resolution power and working memory capacity on psychometric intelligence