A novel adaptive fault detection methodology for complex system using deep belief networks and multiple models: A case study on cryogenic propellant loading system
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Partner preferences in the context of concurrency: What Himba want in formal and informal partners
Citizen-centered big data analysis-driven governance intelligence framework for smart cities
Delta-gamma coupling as a potential neurophysiological mechanism of fluid intelligence
Characteristics of bias-based harassment incidents reported by a national sample of U.S. adolescents
Information processing by networks of quantum decision makers
Strategic workforce planning in healthcare: A multi-methodology approach
The protective effects of high-education levels on cognition in different stages of multiple sclerosis
Self-reported medication use validated through record linkage to national prescribing data
A technology delivery system for characterizing the supply side of technology emergence: Illustrated for Big Data & Analytics
Neurocognitive functioning and quality of life in patients with and without deficit syndrome of schizophrenia
The future and social impact of Big Data Analytics in Supply Chain Management: Results from a Delphi study
The association between childhood educational attainment and adult mental health and status: A thirty-year longitudinal follow up study
Cognitive ability influences on written expression: Evidence for developmental and sex-based differences in school-age children
The extended ramp model: A biomimetic model of behaviour arbitration for lightweight cognitive architectures
Why neurotic individuals are less prosocial? A multiple mediation analysis regarding related mechanisms
Language function in childhood idiopathic epilepsy syndromes
Data quality and governance in a UK social housing initiative: Implications for smart sustainable cities
The association between cardio-respiratory fitness and cognition in schizophrenia
Pattern of executive functioning in adolescents with epilepsy: A multimethod measurement approach
An efficient multi-unit production planning strategy based on continuous variables
Strengthening social emotional learning with student, teacher, and schoolwide assessments
Signatures of multiple processes contributing to fluid reasoning performance
Does general intelligence moderate the association between inflammation and psychological distress?
General, crystallized and fluid intelligence are not associated with functional global network efficiency: A replication study with the human connectome project 1200 data set
A tale of two general factors of personality in relation to intelligence and validity measures
Intelligent agents for feature modelling in computer aided design
Examining factors associated with elevated Lie Scale responding on the Child Abuse Potential Inventory
Whole brain connectomic architecture to develop general artificial intelligence
Effects of lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury co-exposure on children's intelligence quotient in an industrialized area of southern China
Dyslexia as a multi-deficit disorder: Working memory and auditory temporal processing
The strong link between fluid intelligence and working memory cannot be explained away by strategy use
Schizophrenia moderates the relationship between white matter integrity and cognition
Spontaneous focusing on quantitative relations as a predictor of rational number and algebra knowledge
Nuclear energy systemâs behavior and decision making using machine learning
The impact of undergraduate clinical teaching models on the perceptions of work-readiness among new graduate nurses: A cross sectional study
Common and Distinctive Patterns of Cognitive Dysfunction in Children With Benign Epilepsy Syndromes
Artificial Intelligence approach for Classifying Molecular Dataset using Density based technique with appropriate Euclidean Distance measure

Advancing coordinated cyber-investigations and tool interoperability using a community developed specification language
Adaptive traffic signal control based on bio-neural network
General object recognition is specific: Evidence from novel and familiar objects
Multiple UAV distributed close formation control based on in-flight leadership hierarchies of pigeon flocks
Noisy speech emotion recognition using sample reconstruction and multiple-kernel learning
Diversity dynamics: The experience of male Robert Wood Johnson Foundation nurse faculty scholars
A multi-relational term scheme for first story detection
Ensemble machine learning: An untapped modeling paradigm for petroleum reservoir characterization
Mathematics anxiety and working memory: Longitudinal associations with mathematical performance in Chinese children
Multiple Intelligences and Curriculum Implementation: Progress, Trends and Opportunities
Featured Based Pattern Analysis using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Multiple Featured Dataset
Reassessing the relationship between general intelligence and self-control in childhood
Effects of the Perspectives that Influenced on the Human Mental Stance in the Multiple-to-Multiple Human-Agent Interaction
Intelligence and neuroticism in relation to depression and psychological distress: Evidence from two large population cohorts
Incompetents, criminals, or spies: Macroeconomic analysis of routing anomalies
Free Will and Turing Test with Multiple Agents: An Example of Chatbot Design
The influence of emotional intelligence, cognitive test anxiety, and coping strategies on undergraduate academic performance
Effect of congenital heart disease on 4-year neurodevelopment within multiple-gestation births
Cognitive reserve and cognitive performance of patients with focal frontal lesions
Hippocampal subfields' volumes are more relevant to fluid intelligence than verbal working memory
Swarm intelligence inspired classifiers for facial recognition
An associative engines based approach supporting collaborative analytics in the Internet of cultural things
Prediction of post-operative survival expectancy in thoracic lung cancer surgery with soft computing
Intelligent Screening for Diagnostic and Treatment of Cancer Diseases
Estimating the effect of emotional intelligence in wellbeing among priests
Confirmatory factor analysis of Project Spectrum activities. A second-order g factor or multiple intelligences?
Identifying young gifted children and cultivating problem solving abilities and multiple intelligences
Musical aptitude and multiple intelligences among Chinese gifted students in Hong Kong: Do self-perceptions predict abilities?
Beyond g: Putting multiple intelligences theory to the test
Male hubris and female humility? A crosscultural study of ratings of self, parental, and sibling multiple intelligence in America, Britain, and Japan
Self-estimates of intelligence: culture and gender difference in self and other estimates of both general (g) and multiple intelligences