The role of Personality Traits and Intelligence in Academic Achievement of Russian High School Students
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
School effects on non-verbal intelligence and nutritional status in rural Zambia ☆
The structure of intuitive abilities and their relationships with intelligence and Openness to Experience
Differences in verbal and nonverbal IQ test scores in children with autism spectrum disorder
Comparison of Spontaneously Elicited Language Patterns in Specific Language Impairment and High-Functioning Autism
Comparing working memory in bilingual and monolingual Hispanic/Latino preschoolers with disruptive behavior disorders
Early enhanced processing and delayed habituation to deviance sounds in autism spectrum disorder
Intramural sports' participation produce self-efficacy in hospitality leaders
Individual differences in basic arithmetic skills in children with and without developmental language disorder: Role of home numeracy experiences
Are you flirting with me? Autistic traits, theory of mind, and inappropriate courtship
What role does self-efficacy play in developing cultural intelligence from social media usage?
Cognitive mechanisms for worry in early adolescence: Re-examining the role of high verbal intelligence
Sense and sensibility: The role of cognitive and emotional intelligence in negotiation
Adults with Specific Language Impairment fail to consolidate speech sounds during sleep
Original ArticlesGrowth of symbolic number knowledge accelerates after children understand cardinality
Reduced sensitivity to context in language comprehension: A characteristic of Autism Spectrum Disorders or of poor structural language ability?
Brain responses to auditory oddball task in children with benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes: Quantitative analysis and correlation with neuropsychological assessment scores
Marketer requests for positive post-purchase satisfaction evaluations: Consumer depth interview findings
Differential environmental influences on the development of cognitive abilities during childhood
Auditory temporal perceptual learning and transfer in Chinese-speaking children with developmental dyslexia

The interaction of Matrix Reasoning and Social Motivation as predictors of Separation anxiety in boys with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Executive functioning (fully) and processing speed (mostly) mediate intelligence deficits in children born very preterm
Low level exposure to manganese from drinking water and cognition in school-age children
Unique and shared areas of cognitive function in children with intractable frontal or temporal lobe epilepsy
Evaluating subjective cognitive impairment in the adult epilepsy clinic: Effects of depression, number of antiepileptic medications, and seizure frequency
Fostering elementary school children's public speaking skills: A randomized controlled trial
Differentiated instruction in primary mathematics: Effects of teacher professional development on student achievement
Are validated patient-reported outcomes used on children in pediatric otolaryngology? A systematic review
Factors influencing the severity of behavioral phenotype in autism spectrum disorders: Implications for research
Prediction of English and Spanish kindergarten mathematics from English and Spanish cognitive and linguistic abilities in Hispanic dual language learners
Childrenâs early understanding of number predicts their later problem-solving sophistication in addition
Relationships between early literacy and nonlinguistic rhythmic processes in kindergarteners
Changes in water manganese levels and longitudinal assessment of intellectual function in children exposed through drinking water
Fluid intelligence and gross structural properties of the cerebral cortex in middle-aged and older adults: A multi-occasion longitudinal study
Strabismus and mental disorders among Israeli adolescents
Sequential congruency effects reveal differences in disengagement of attention for monolingual and bilingual young adults
The relation between approximate number system and early arithmetic: The mediation role of numerical knowledge
Socioeconomic status amplifies the achievement gap throughout compulsory education independent of intelligence
Long-term outcome of a cohort of adults with autism and intellectual disability: A pilot prospective study
Original ArticlesNeurodevelopmental Profiles of Children with Congenital Heart Disease at School Age
The structure of working memory in young children and its relation to intelligence
Cognitive Disabilities and Long-term Outcomes in Children with Epilepsy: A Tangled Tail
Adolescent maturation of the relationship between cortical gyrification and cognitive ability
Watch the language! Language and linguistic-cognitive abilities in children with nocturnal epileptiform activity
Relationships of bullying involvement with intelligence, attention, and executive function in children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Verbal ability drives the link between intelligence and ideology in two American community samples
Multidimensionality of morphological awareness and text comprehension among young Chinese readers in a multilingual context
The importance of parental verbal and embodied mentalizing in shaping parental experiences of stress and coparenting
White matter structural connectivity and episodic memory in early childhood
In any way, shape, or form? Toddlersâ understanding of shapes
Revisiting the association between music lessons and intelligence: Training effects or music aptitude?
Bivariate developmental relations between calculations and word problems: A latent change approach
Executive function predicts school readiness in autistic and typical preschool children
Theory of mind and language development in Japanese children with hearing loss
Persistent uncrossed corticospinal connections in patients with intractable focal epilepsy
Comparison of intelligence quotients of first- and second-generation deaf children with cochlear implants
Auditory brainstem responses to stop consonants predict literacy
Covariation between reading and arithmetic skills from Grade 1 to Grade 7
The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Perioperative Nursing and Leadership: Developing Skills for Improved Performance
A little early risk goes a long bad way: Adverse childhood experiences and life-course offending in the Cambridge study
Common and Distinctive Patterns of Cognitive Dysfunction in Children With Benign Epilepsy Syndromes
Development of lexical tone awareness in Chinese children with and without dyslexia
Cognitive Function in Patients With Prostate Cancer Receiving Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone Analogues: A Prospective, Observational, Multicenter Study
Who to Refer for Speech Therapy at 4 Years of Age Versus Who to âWatch and Waitâ?
Neuropsychological performance in neurofibromatosis type 1
Nonverbal cues of deception in audiovisual crisis communication
Experimental investigation of cognitive and affective empathy in borderline personality disorder: Effects of ambiguity in multimodal social information processing
The Multidimensional Card Selection Task: A new way to measure concurrent cognitive flexibility in preschoolers
Original ArticlesLong-Term Stability of Language Performance in Very Preterm, Moderate-Late Preterm, and Term Children
Gender Characteristics of Intelligence and Academic Achievement of Younger Schoolchildren
Cognitive and academic outcomes in long-term survivors of infantile-onset Pompe disease: A longitudinal follow-up