Agreeableness and the self-regulation of negative affect: Findings involving the neuroticism/somatic distress relationship
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The association between neuroticism and the serotonin transporter polymorphism depends on structural differences between personality measures
The association of depression and neuroticism with pain reports: A comparison of momentary and recalled pain assessment
The role of neuroticism and perceived school-related stress in somatic symptoms among students in Norwegian junior high schools
The association between neuroticism and self-reported common somatic symptoms in a population cohort
Neuroticism, daily hassles, and depressive symptoms: An examination of moderating and mediating effects
Neuroticism and affective priming: Evidence for a neuroticism-linked negative schema
Extroversion, neuroticism and self-concept: their impact on internet users in India
The perceived similarity of other individuals: The contaminating effects of familiarity and neuroticism
The relationship of neuroticism and urgency to negative consequences of alcohol use in women with bulimic symptoms
Reciprocal relations among job demands, job control, and social support are moderated by neuroticism: A cross-lagged analysis
The influence of neuroticism on concurrent symptom reporting: A multilevel modelling approach
Mediating effects of rumination and worry on the links between neuroticism, anxiety and depression
A closer look at the relationships among trait procrastination, neuroticism, and conscientiousness
Depressive symptoms as a function of sex-role, rumination, and neuroticism

Panic and phobic anxiety: Associations among neuroticism, physiological hyperarousal, anxiety sensitivity, and three phobias
Is the relationship between intelligence and trait Neuroticism mediated by test anxiety?
Neuroticism and introversion: A risky combination for disordered eating among a non-clinical sample of undergraduate women
Neuroticism moderates the effect of maximum smoking level on lifetime panic disorder: A test using an epidemiologically defined national sample of smokers
Unique and interactive effects of neuroticism and effortful control on psychopathological symptoms in non-clinical adolescents
QT interval duration in apparently healthy men is associated with depression-related personality trait neuroticism
The causal effects of extraversion on positive affect and neuroticism on negative affect: Manipulating state extraversion and state neuroticism in an experimental approach
Observers spontaneously use Intelligence, Extraversion, Neuroticism and Psychoticism when evaluating personality
Saccadic eye movements, schizotypy, and the role of neuroticism

Association of serotonin transporter gene polymorphism with nicotine dependence: no evidence for an interaction with trait neuroticism
Relationships between neuroticism, attentional control, and anxiety disorders symptoms in non-clinical children
Social indicators as indexes of neuroticism and extraversion
The effect of selectors’ neuroticism on job application outcomes
Are there sex differences in the association between the 5HTT gene and neuroticism? A meta-analysis
Neuroticism: moderator or mediator in the relation between locus of control and depression?
The effects of neuroticism and extraversion on self-assessed health and health-relevant cognition
Neuroticism, preattentive and attentional biases towards threat, and anxiety before and after a severe stressor: a prospective study
Is the Neuroticism Scale of the Eysenck Personality Inventory contaminated by response bias?
Neuroticism predicts resting frontal EEG asymmetry variability
Neuroticism and self-criticism associated with posttraumatic stress disorder in a nationally representative sample
Cynical hostility and the psychosocial vulnerability model of disease risk: confounding effects of neuroticism (negative affectivity) bias
Effects of neuroticism and workload history on performance
The relationship between neuroticism, pre-traumatic stress, and post-traumatic stress: a prospective study
Selective attention to stressful distracters: effects of neuroticism and gender
The vulnerability status of neuroticism: over-reporting or genuine complaints?
Self-handicapping and the Five Factor Model of personality: mediation between Neuroticism and Conscientiousness
Extraversion and neuroticism, partially independent dimensions?
The role of neuroticism in startle reactions to fearful and disgusting stimuli
Seasonal mood change and neuroticism: The same construct?
Neuroticism and the facilitation of the automatic orienting of attention
Extraversion, neuroticism and brain function: A pet study of personality
Optimism and neuroticism as predictors of coping and adaptation in older women
Hemispheric asymmetries in stutterers: Disorder severity and neuroticism?
Neuroticism, alexithymia and medically unexplained symptoms
Sensitivity to disgust as an indicator of neuroticism: A psychobiological approach

Neuroticism and mental health outcomes for long-term unemployed youth attending occupational skills training programs
Locus of control, neuroticism, and stressors: Combined influences on reported physical illness
Effects of exam stress on mood, cortisol, and immune functioning: Influences of neuroticism and smoker-non-smoker status