Medically unexplained physical symptoms in patients attending a medical outpatient clinic in a tertiary hospital in North India
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Childhood maltreatment is associated with attachment insecurities, dissociation and alexithymia in bipolar disorder
Assessment of sleep quality in bipolar euthymic patients
Early maladaptive schemas in depression and somatization disorder
Resilience linked to personality dimensions, alexithymia and affective symptoms in motor functional neurological disorders
Prevalence of functional (psychogenic) parkinsonism in two Swiss movement disorders clinics and review of the literature
Increased coherence-based regional homogeneity in resting-state patients with first-episode, drug-naive somatization disorder
Readmission in psychiatry inpatients within a year of discharge: The role of symptoms at discharge and post-discharge care in a Brazilian sample
Association of comorbid personality disorders with clinical characteristics and outcome in a randomized controlled trial comparing two psychotherapies for early-onset persistent depressive disorder
Incident mental disorders in the aftermath of traumatic events: A prospective-longitudinal community study
Fear of hypoglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes: The role of interoceptive accuracy and prior episodes of hypoglycemia

Predicting suicidal ideation in primary care: An approach to identify easily assessable key variables
Knowledge and Attitude of Family Member of Mentally Ill Patient Regarding Restraint, 2016
Correlates of a general psychopathology factor in a clinical sample of childhood sexual abuse survivors
Sexual Functioning After Childhood Abuse: The Influence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Trauma Exposure
Implicit attentional bias for facial emotion in dissociative seizures: Additional evidence
Oxidative stress in patients with refractory temporal lobe epilepsy and mesial temporal sclerosis: Possible association with major depressive disorder?
The most promising advances in our understanding and treatment of functional (psychogenic) movement disorders
Screening for panic-related anxiety in emergency department patients with cardiopulmonary complaints: A comparison of two self-report instruments
Cognitive distortions in anorexia nervosa and borderline personality disorder
Functional neurological symptom disorder (conversion disorder): A role for microglial-based plasticity mechanisms?
Evaluation of a text-message-based maintenance intervention for Major Depressive Disorder after inpatient cognitive behavioral therapy
Predictors of having a first child taken into care at birth: A population-based retrospective cohort study
Alexithymia, not fibromyalgia, predicts the attribution of pain to anger-related facial expressions
Retrospective memory for symptoms in patients with medically unexplained symptoms
Disintegration: A reconceptualization of psychosis proneness as a personality trait separate from the Big Five
Subjective anger and overt aggression in psychiatric outpatients
Downwards Vertical Attention Bias in Conversion Disorder vs Controls: A Pilot Study
Frequency and characteristics of suicide attempts in dissociative identity disorders: A 12-month follow-up study in psychiatric outpatients in Switzerland
Health outcomes and costs for injured young people hospitalised with and without chronic health conditions
Secondary psychological outcomes in a controlled trial of Emotional Freedom Techniques and cognitive behaviour therapy in the treatment of food cravings
Predictors of early dropout in treatment for gambling disorder: The role of personality disorders and clinical syndromes
Hospital-treated mental and behavioral disorders and risk of Alzheimer's disease: A nationwide nested case-control study
Risk of psychiatric disorders in offspring of parents with a history of homelessness during childhood and adolescence in Denmark: a nationwide, register-based, cohort study
Comorbid diagnoses for youth at clinical high risk of psychosis
Negative affect as mediator between emotion regulation and medically unexplained symptoms
Prediction of incidence and stability of alcohol use disorders by latent internalizing psychopathology risk profiles in adolescence and young adulthood
Insecure attachment style and cumulative traumatic life events in patients with somatoform pain disorder: A cross-sectional study
Investigation of a suspected outbreak of lipoatrophia semicircularis in children
Is there a specific psychiatric background or personality profile in functional dystonia?
Health care utilization in outpatients with somatoform disorders: Descriptives, interdiagnostic differences, and potential mediating factors
Delineating the joint hierarchical structure of clinical and personality disorders in an outpatient psychiatric sample
Differences in psychological and somatic symptom cluster score profiles between subjects with Idiopathic environmental intolerance, major depression and schizophrenia
Effects of subclinical depression, anxiety and somatization on brain structure in healthy subjects
Somatization among persons with Turkish origin: Results of the pretest of the German National Cohort Study
Psychological characteristics of dissociation in general population
Investigación de una sospecha de brote de lipoatrofia semicircular en niños
Decreased prefrontal brain activation during verbal fluency task in patients with somatoform pain disorder: An exploratory multi-channel near-infrared spectroscopy study
Interoception and gender: What aspects should we pay attention to?
Autonomic imbalance is associated with reduced facial recognition in somatoform disorders
What Do Physicians Think of Somatoform Disorders?
Overlap, Comorbidity, and Stability of Somatoform Disorders and the Use of Current Versus Lifetime Criteria
Characteristics of oligosymptomatic versus polysymptomatic presentations of somatoform disorders in patients with suspected allergies
Psychological and interactional characteristics of patients with somatoform disorders: Validation of the Somatic Symptoms Experiences Questionnaire (SSEQ) in a clinical psychosomatic population
The implicit health-related self-concept in somatoform disorders
Searching for existential security: A prospective qualitative study on the influence of mindfulness therapy on experienced stress and coping strategies among patients with somatoform disorders
Somatoform Disorders and Trauma in Medically-Admitted Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults: Prevalence Rates and Psychosocial Characteristics
Struggling in an emotional avoidance culture: A qualitative study of stress as a predisposing factor for somatoform disorders
Longing for existential recognition: A qualitative study of everyday concerns for people with somatoform disorders
Assessment of psychological aspects of somatoform disorders: A study on the German version of the Health Attitude Survey (HAS)
Health Care Use by Patients with Somatoform Disorders: A Register-Based Follow-Up Study⁎
Construct validity and descriptive validity of somatoform disorders in light of proposed changes for the DSM-5
Development and validation of the 48-item Symptom Questionnaire (SQ-48) in patients with depressive, anxiety and somatoform disorders
Relationship between neural activity and immunity in patients with undifferentiated somatoform disorder
Somatoform disorders and causal attributions in patients with suspected allergies: Do somatic causal attributions matter? ☆
Serotonin-related gene pathways associated with undifferentiated somatoform disorder
Commonalities and differences between the diagnostic groups: Current somatoform disorders, anxiety and/or depression, and musculoskeletal disorders ☆
Causal symptom attributions in somatoform disorder and chronic pain
An Investigation of Temperamental Traits in Patients With Somatoform Disorder: Do They Belong in the Affective Spectrum?
Self-protective organization in children with conversion and somatoform disorders