Trait emotional intelligence, trauma and personality organization: Analysis of urban clinical patients
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Prevalence of mental disorders among depressed coronary patients with and without Type D personality. Results of the multi-center SPIRR-CAD trial
Treatment of antisocial personality disorder: Development of a practice focused framework
Cooperation with characters: How a partner's personality disorder decreases cooperation in two economic games
Narcissistic personality disorder: relations with distress and functional impairment
Investigating Correlations Between Defence Mechanisms and Pathological Personality Characteristics
Does self-consciousness of appearance influence postoperative satisfaction in rhinoplasty?
Associations Between Personality Disorder Characteristics, Psychological Symptoms, and Sexual Functioning in Young Women
Depression and impulsiveness among soldiers who died by suicide: A psychological autopsy study
Personality organization and its association with clinical and functional features in borderline personality disorder
Insomnia and hypersomnia in major depressive episode: Prevalence, sociodemographic characteristics and psychiatric comorbidity in a population-based study
Psychopathy and entertainment preferences: Clarifying the role of abnormal and normal personality in music and movie interests
Childhood adversities, bonding, and personality in social anxiety disorder with alcohol use disorder
Efficacy of metacognitive training for patients with borderline personality disorder: Preliminary results
Association of comorbid personality disorders with clinical characteristics and outcome in a randomized controlled trial comparing two psychotherapies for early-onset persistent depressive disorder
New evidence shows self-esteem moderates the relationship between narcissism and selfies
Forensic psychiatric treatment evaluation: The clinical evaluation of treatment progress with repeated forensic routine outcome monitoring measures
Personality biomarkers of pathological gambling: A machine learning study
Avoidant personality disorder and social phobia: Does mindreading make the difference?
Major and minor life events, personality and psychopathology in children with tourette syndrome
Cognitive distortions in anorexia nervosa and borderline personality disorder
Facebook addiction among Polish undergraduate students: Validity of measurement and relationship with personality and well-being
Pathological jealousy and pathological love: Apples to apples or apples to oranges?
The subjective experience of subjects diagnosed with celiac disease in adulthood

Hubris syndrome in the relationship between School-Heads and Board-Chairs in private commercial secondary schools in Botswana: Implications for school leadership
Clinically significant personality traits in individuals at high risk of developing psychosis
Homogenous scales of narcissism: Using the psychological entitlement scale, interpersonal exploitativeness scale, and narcissistic grandiosity scale to study narcissism
Unmasking the association between psychopathic traits and adaptive functioning in children
Personality traits in recent-onset-of-psychosis patients compared to a control sample by gender
Dysfunctional personality disorder beliefs and lifetime suicide attempts among psychiatrically hospitalized military personnel
Description and prediction of time-to-attainment of excellent recovery for borderline patients followed prospectively for 20 years
The relation between media multitasking, intensity of use, and well-being in a sample of ethnically diverse emerging adults
Evaluating the role of functional impairment in personality psychopathology
Premature psychotherapy termination in an outpatient treatment program for personality disorders: a survival analysis
How is childhood emotional abuse related to major depression in adulthood? The role of personality and emotion acceptance
Borderline personality disorder in men: A literature review and illustrative case vignettes
A psycho-ethical approach to personality disorders: The role of volitionality
Vulnerable narcissism is associated with severity of depressive symptoms in dysthymic patients
Development of a Five-Factor Model charisma compound and its relations to career outcomes
Interpersonal problems across levels of the psychopathology hierarchy
Predicting perpetration of intimate partner cyberstalking: Gender and the Dark Tetrad
CEO humility, narcissism and firm innovation: A paradox perspective on CEO traits
The relationship between addictive use of social media, narcissism, and self-esteem: Findings from a large national survey
Students, sex, and psychopathy: Borderline and psychopathy personality traits are differently related to women and men's use of sexual coercion, partner poaching, and promiscuity
Physical aggressiveness and gray matter deficits in ventromedial prefrontal cortex
The influence of depression and personality on social networking
Evaluation of attempted older adults suicides admitted to a University Hospital Emergency Department: Izmir study
To see in a mirror dimly. The looking glass self is self-shaming in borderline personality disorder
Is therapist evaluation of Social Anxiety/Avoidance traits associated with patient-reported attachment style?
Dating violence compared to other types of violence: similar offenders but different victims
A comprehensive model of predictors of persistence and recurrence in adults with major depression: Results from a national 3-year prospective study
Narcissistic Personality Disorder and suicidal behavior in mood disorders
Evoking emotional states in personality disordered offenders: An experimental pilot study of experiential drama therapy techniques
The structure of personality disorders within a depressed sample: Implications for personalizing treatment
Predictors of early dropout in treatment for gambling disorder: The role of personality disorders and clinical syndromes
Psychometric evaluation of a Farsi translation of the Big Three Perfectionism Scale
Problematic internet use, psychopathology, personality, defense and coping
Pathological narcissism and maladaptive self-regulatory behaviours in a nationally representative sample of Canadian men
Personality traits and psychotic symptoms in recent onset of psychosis patients
Implicit vs. explicit dimensions of guilt and dominance in criminal psychopathy
Narcissism, gender, and evolutionary theory: The role of private and public self-absorption
Does reflective functioning mediate the relationship between attachment and personality?
Personality disorders and somatization in functional and organic movement disorders
Association between physiological oscillations in self-esteem, narcissism and internet addiction: A cross-sectional study
Delineating the joint hierarchical structure of clinical and personality disorders in an outpatient psychiatric sample
The relationship between childhood sexual abuse and mental health outcomes among males: Results from a nationally representative United States sample
Subtypes in borderline patients based on reactive and regulative temperament
Naturalistic follow-up of subjects affected with anorexia nervosa 8 years after multimodal treatment: Personality and psychopathology changes and predictors of outcome
A combined marker of early non-improvement and the occurrence of melancholic features improve the treatment prediction in patients with Major Depressive Disorders
The association between personality disorders with alcohol use and misuse: A population-based twin study
Clarifying associations between psychopathy facets and personality disorders among offenders
Shame in patients with narcissistic personality disorder
When grandiosity and vulnerability collide: Implicit and explicit self-esteem in patients with narcissistic personality disorder
Gray matter abnormalities in patients with narcissistic personality disorder